View Full Version : My e-mail to sulake.

24-07-2007, 10:42 AM
Hello, I'm sending this e-mail I have just written to Sulake, but first I need your opinions on it, and what I have perhaps missed out that you would like to see included in it.

Hello Sulake.

Before you discard of this e-mail, I would like to make it clear that if you do, I will send numerous e-mails until I get a reply to my satisfaction, thus, flooding your inbox with the identical e-mail I am writing to you at the moment.

I think that it is about time that you took your paying customers' comments into due consideration rather than sending them an unorthodox reply from an automated reply system. I can reveal that I am one of your paying customers, and I do believe that my opinions should be taken into account, as I speak sense, on behalf of myself, and other users of Habbo Hotel internationally...

First of all, the Hotel's management, I have one word: Hopeless. As much as I am friendly with the Hotel Manager of Habbo Hotel UK, I don't think he is living up to the satisfaction of Habbo Hotel users, it seems that all competitions being hosted on Habbo Hotel are to do with Popularity, and if they are not, you would have to have furniture to enter them anyway, which is satisfactory on your part, I understand that you are a business revenue and must make profit from selling online furniture that does not exist in real form. Fair enough, but do you think it's fair to hold users back from entering competitions who perhaps cannot afford to pay for the benefits of furniture, those less fortunate Habbos that cannot afford Pixelated clothes? And find their joy in Habbo Hotel? Perhaps those who are being bullied and find a warmth and friendliness inside?

Let me ask you a question, How do you think that makes them feel? Useless? Pushed aside? Yes, both, on the contrary, I think you should overlook this situation seriously, because millions of your users are non-paying, and look to Habbo as peers, and what responsibilities are you setting to them? None, you are giving them the impression that they are not wanted by pushing them aside with competitions that only paying members can benefit from. Your company, would be nothing without these members, along with the paying members.

The next issue I would like to rise to your attention is the lack of interest being injected into the hotel after Callie's departure. You may get a lot of these e-mails, and you may see this as just another one of rambling, but it's not, I'm going to state fact, and I will hope you realise what a mistake you made by removing her from the Hotel premises.

When Callie was online, and running the hotel, at peak times the users online was roughly 12,000-13,000 users every day, this is because she put interest into the hotel, she made you want to get home from School and join in the next event she was planning, so perhaps she made some mistakes, but don't we all? And should her job be sacrificed for that when she was doing it so well? Think about all of the events Justine done, and how much money you gained from it, I could almost garauntee that this number is less today, than it was then. It is to my understanding that Callie suggested that a Gay Pride week would take place within the Hotel, but it was not deemed acceptable by you. Now, may I ask why this was not acceptable? Why are Gay teenagers not acceptable? I have a number of Gay/Bisexual friends online and offline, and I am sure you would be a lot more appreciated if you actually took their ideas into concept.

A lot of people have brought up this issue to you, and I couldn't agree more, Habbo is full of teenagers, not toddlers, we can understand firing/errors/breakages in the server, and the last thing we need is Sulake and Habbo treating us like seven year olds by telling us Helkat spilled coffee on the system and a giant cookie came and hit it with a hammer. It's the sort of thing you would hear on The Tweenies, this is Habbo Hotel, we went to school, we are not in nursery nor do we sit at our computers playing with our toes and giggling at your somewhat frustrating jokes.

Next, Hipocracy, Habbo and Sulake are the biggest for Hipocracy ever, first of all you are saying that you can't give out your MSN messenger, then you are advertising it on SG, which is only going to encourage people to give it out, and then they are banned, for something of your fault, the same principles go for the UK publishing advertisement of AOL. You set an example to young people who play your hotels, and if you are aware of this, then you should face all consequences that come your way, (I.e: people giving out their e-mail address'). Then you ban people for swearing, all though you have chosen to allow them to swear on the Hotel, do you think that's acceptable? Do you really think that's going to give you respect? There's a lot of hidden facts that have been behind closed doors for a while, that are beginning to be put forward in this e-mail.

The next thing I would like to raise is the security Habbo offer, I think this is not satisfactory, a username and password for such a high-rising company is not deemed acceptable in my books, if people pay so much money, they should have their idea's listened to, to be able to keep them safer when playing the Hotel. If Sulake installed an IP Recognition on their system, then this would resolve a lot of problems, hacking would no longer be possible and Habbo X's would not be able to let other people into their accounts, nor would Habbo Staff or anybody else for that matter. Now you are probably thinking 'What? Some people have more than 1 PC in their house!' Yes, they probably do, and this may be hard to resolve, but you could if you wanted to set up some sort of system for people to choose the IP's in their local area connection for their Habbo Hotel account to work on, alternatively, they could go through a set-up process a little like port forwarding on the Habbo homepage after they have logged into their account on the set IP for their account, again, I will tell you how many problems this would resolve.

To conclude this e-mail, Habbo Retro's, this is entirely your own fault for allowing these to leak into the internet download's area, and there is no possible way that you could stop them, other than to close your own Hotel's DCR's, and you are sueing people for an error of your own? for allowing your server to be leaked? If you really want to stop these, then I suggest you work with me and take my advice, if you created your own false server.exe and published it on Retro forums such as Hw-hotel and RageZONE, then you could retrieve the people's IP's who have been downloading it, however, this is illegal, because you would be retrieving their personal details without their permission and they would bare the right to sue you, so how could you resolve this? It's simple, how many people read the terms and conditions? How many people just tick agree? Alot, if you put something such as; 'Your IP will be logged on entrance to this program' then there is nothing they can do, as they have agree'd for you to be able to do this.

If you have got this far, then I thank you for reading this and making it aware in your mind of the things you are doing wrong, and how you can resolve them. I also suggest you take a look at this particular forum and start taking in the ideas of other Habbos like me who want to see change for the better on their Hotel, they want to feel like they're part of the changing, and how can they if you wont listen to their ideas?


Thankyou, and I look forward to your reply.

24-07-2007, 11:07 AM
why copy me :\

24-07-2007, 11:10 AM
Copying you, or getting your opinions also listened to?

24-07-2007, 11:16 AM
why copy me :\

how can you copy opinions -.-

24-07-2007, 11:21 AM
Jesus that is beautiful

24-07-2007, 11:23 AM
i know it is supposed to be a complaint letter but i think you came across to harsh

24-07-2007, 11:26 AM

Oh and tell them.. when we report scammers they should actually DO soemthıng ıf we have proof ınstead of just saying SOZ I CANRT GET UR FURNIZ BACK LOLLL!!!!!!!!!1111111

24-07-2007, 11:27 AM
Only problem I see in it is that you typo'd guarantee lolol
But other then that.. I think it's great. It points out pretty much every mistake they've made.. lol

24-07-2007, 11:40 AM
Its strange that i put a email to sulake about mostly all those things what shes put.

24-07-2007, 11:46 AM
That's because everyone is complaining about the same thing.. :rolleyes:

24-07-2007, 11:53 AM
Naomi strikes again... An MP much?

24-07-2007, 12:00 PM
Thanks for the support everyone, and lol Ryan!

24-07-2007, 12:02 PM
your use of the word unorthodox doesn't really make sense there.

24-07-2007, 12:14 PM
The misuse of apostrphes in the last paragraph makes the letter look unprofessional.
Still, there are many good opinions in there.

24-07-2007, 12:17 PM
Thanks for pointing out the errors guys, I've fixed them in the Wordpad now.

24-07-2007, 12:21 PM
Entpesise the bit about the hotel manager as well the hotel sucks without callie and LW is a bit dull and boring , alot of 'customers' left the hotel after she left :(

24-07-2007, 12:32 PM
There is lots of bad grammar in there, but the content is quite good. I'm going to write a nice long one tonight, might post it so I get a real reply. I would have suggested Habbo making a fake retro and then using it to find retro users, but they wouldn't be able to use the evidence as the people could just plead entrapment.

24-07-2007, 12:42 PM
Not too long.. :P
Would be good if they actually did something after getting the email.

One more grammatical error i've not seen mentioned, Where it says 'Justine done', it should be did :)

24-07-2007, 01:05 PM
That is the most poorly written email I have read in a while; then again, I have come to expect that from you, Naomi.

In case anyone is wondering, she copies all her news articles straight from BBC to avoid showcashing her embarassing hold of the english language.

Habbo will not be fooled by your faulty use of certain words in effort to make yourself appear as important, powerful or intelligent. I'm sure that with your past interactions with them, they have realized how to deal with you.

I'm not impressed.

24-07-2007, 01:26 PM
I don't do things to impress you Visa, sorry to disappoint you, but you are the most two faced person I think I have ever came across, you opened an appeal with Paypal after I bought you credits for paypal. You really are somewhat of a pathetic nature, aren't you? To be quite honest with you, I don't think anyone is really bothered what I do? You might think they are, you might even think that I am... But seriously, I'm not.

I said it to you last night, and I'll say it again, if you want to correct things, go and join the Geeksquad, you're clearly a geek, and please stop following me around like a lost sheep, it's beginning to become very frustrating. One moment you're sending me presents saying "I love you Naomi, you're my favourite friend" and the next you're throwing insults at me, I have to say, you're not going to get very far in life with an attitude like that.

And to be honest with you Jase, nobody steals from me, they think they do, but I always get them back in the long run; And, you are calling me a liar, have you taken a look in the mirror lately? You say I'm not from Florida, lie. You say I wasn't fostered, another lie. You make assumptions based on opinion, not fact, that's why I have never, and probably will never fully like you as what I could call a friend. My embarassing hold of the English language? So what language am I talking, Jase? If you want to try and steal what I paid for, then go ahead, but believe me you will be sorry if you do, because I will make you sorry, backstabbers get nowhere with me, and when they do backstab me, I backstab them twice as hard and believe me when I say this, they will suffer.

24-07-2007, 01:40 PM
That is the most poorly written email I have read in a while; then again, I have come to expect that from you, Naomi.

In case anyone is wondering, she copies all her news articles straight from BBC to avoid showcashing her embarassing hold of the english language.

Habbo will not be fooled by your faulty use of certain words in effort to make yourself appear as important, powerful or intelligent. I'm sure that with your past interactions with them, they have realized how to deal with you.

I'm not impressed.
Coming from someone who kept some Habbos' private and personal details I think you should shut up.

24-07-2007, 01:47 PM
That is the most poorly written email I have read in a while; then again, I have come to expect that from you, Naomi.

In case anyone is wondering, she copies all her news articles straight from BBC to avoid showcashing her embarassing hold of the english language.

Habbo will not be fooled by your faulty use of certain words in effort to make yourself appear as important, powerful or intelligent. I'm sure that with your past interactions with them, they have realized how to deal with you.

I'm not impressed.

i lol'd

To the thing about copying news articles, does it matter? She's trying to tell people what's going on, and does it matter if she's not perfect with the english language? Seems your not either 'showcashing'. To me, it seemed to be alright other than one or two mistakes that had been picked up on.

To the second comment, She's not trying to make herself appear as being important, powerful and intelligent. She's just trying to put different views across to Habbo to how they can improve it.

24-07-2007, 02:12 PM
You've put some interesting points across. And you're style of writing is good, but I only have a small number of things to say.

1. REMEMBER, you're dealing with a large company who must get thousands upon thousands of emails per week, thus they don't have time to reply to them all, would you rather get an automatic reply? Or maybe a reply from a real person, which could take a long time. I know it's annoying, but you try working at the head of a big company.

2. Email is pointless, if you want to get your point accross and you live in the UK, or whatever hotel you're talking about, you should send the message in the post, that way your message cannot be ignored so easily, sending it recorded delivery would work too, as you'd get confermation that the message had arrived at its location.

3. Try to take some of the words out, the message itself seems very long winded, and could do with some cutting here and there.

24-07-2007, 02:20 PM
2. Email is pointless, if you want to get your point accross and you live in the UK, or whatever hotel you're talking about, you should send the message in the post, that way your message cannot be ignored so easily, sending it recorded delivery would work too, as you'd get confermation that the message had arrived at its location.
If Callie was still there:

24-07-2007, 03:01 PM
If Callie was still there:
That stopped being funny ages ago.

Secondly, It is my choice whether or not I choose to keep records of peoples personal information. I was forced to close the rooms because of MOD intervention but that doesn't mean I don't still have any.

24-07-2007, 03:06 PM
It'd apart from your first paragraph... also I don't think they ever do anything with eithe gay/bi or straight they prob don't care what you are. You said about the gay pride thing but they don't do anything about straight so it doesn't really matter lol, I didn't read it all but lol

24-07-2007, 05:47 PM
nice, letter, but i bet they wont listen, they never do.

24-07-2007, 10:25 PM
Secondly, It is my choice whether or not I choose to keep records of peoples personal information. I was forced to close the rooms because of MOD intervention but that doesn't mean I don't still have any.
You do realise that keeping personal information of people when you have gained unauthorised access to it is illegal?

24-07-2007, 11:16 PM

Edited by Elkaa (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post inappropriately.

29-07-2007, 05:31 PM
I completly agree :D

30-07-2007, 02:51 AM
thus, flooding your inbox with the identical e-mail I am writing to you at the moment.

Have you never heard of a spam filter before...

I'm sorry but this is completely ridiculous. Sites receive emails like this all the time, people demanding this and that. The entire email is as clear as what it is, a email from a child with a chip on their shoulder.

If Sulake installed an IP Recognition on their system

It's called logs. TCP/IP is one big logging protocol at the end of the day, as without your IP being passed back and forth the protocol becomes redundant. How do people by pass this though, well just like they do now. Dynamic IPs, proxies, VPNs, tunneling and so on and so forth. Do you really think they don't have this already in place.

then I suggest you work with me and take my advice

:rolleyes: It's not like they're a multi-million euro corporation who hires people FAR superior in intelligence in this particular area of expertise.

for allowing your server to be leaked?

I truly believe you should try grasp the concept of Shockwave and the file structure behind the hotel client before jumping to such conclusions. Publicly accessible DCRs are required as......you wouldn't be able to access them. Do you know what that means? You wouldn't be able to access them....whilst playing on Habbo.

I can just imagine now, your email being passed around as they all have a quick laugh, think "what a ***" and throw it in the garbage.

Good night!

30-07-2007, 07:51 AM
Spam and you'll get in even more trouble. Sulake has enough crap on their shoulders as is.

30-07-2007, 11:58 AM
I can just imagine now, your email being passed around as they all have a quick laugh, think "what a ***" and throw it in the garbage.
Which is basically what I said Callie would do if she was still there.
Maybe the current staff will do the same?

30-07-2007, 01:46 PM
Although you are abnned, you might see this should you ever be un-banned.

Aswell as others that have been pointed out, I spotetd these typos:

...was doing it so well? Think about all of the events Justine done, and how much money you gained from it, I could almost garauntee that this number is less today, than it was then. It...

I like the overall email but it's hard to see them taking much notice of it :rolleyes:. Good luck with getting it through anyway :).

09-08-2007, 01:38 PM
Nice email, ive sent many similar, you have no chance of a reply, though.

The best action to take is to make a petition, make Habbo's sign it, and present that to Habbo, promoting change for the better. Also, what about making a group that opposes famous/wealthy Habbo favoured contests, then spam the guestbook like hell and reach the front page with your most popular group? With this position, Habbo's could be made to boycott numerous things about the hotel, in order to force the powers above to sort it. All in all, great email. :]

09-08-2007, 03:08 PM
Get a life

09-08-2007, 03:55 PM
I think you've wasted your time writing it and you're wasting even more time sending it. The letter is written like a child, if I were working for Habbo and I'd have this come through I'd delete it immediately than waste my time reading it.
Your ideas are far too radical and it's as if you believe Habbo to be run by a group of apes. Your tone within the message is far too harsh and, as someone else said, you've wasted a lot of the message on talking nonsense and the rest is just useless jabber. you're using words that you obviously don't understand which isn't going to give a very good image, also the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes is terrible.

09-08-2007, 04:38 PM
why did callie get fired?

Virgin Mary
09-08-2007, 05:00 PM
They'll just put you on junk mail. You can't effectively "spam" their inbox.

10-08-2007, 07:37 AM
I'm sorry but I laughed at the helkat telling us about the milk and cookie, Now ill read it :)

Okay, I've just read the letter, welldone for taking time to write this.

The first thing is if habbo set in a IP thing for all habbos, then most habbos would be complaining because as soon as you unplug the router if anyone has one like myself then it changes the IP so it would be really annoying, BUT WELLDONE I LOVE IT! SEND IT !! SEND IT !! You know what im gonna send this aswell and i think nearly everyone on this habboxforum should aswell, as the only way you got on this forum is from habbo and stop trying to act big by going ''dont play habbo so dont care''

And how dare people curse this women

10-08-2007, 08:00 AM
Well...It reads as if it was written by a teen, and pretty much nowt will happen.

10-08-2007, 08:24 AM
Only problem I see in it is that you typo'd guarantee lolol
But other then that.. I think it's great. It points out pretty much every mistake they've made.. lol
and hypocrisy ;)

10-08-2007, 09:56 AM
Great ideas there and also, very professional however, what if people have a dynamic IP? Which is the one that changes everytime they log on, I believe and like with me. I use many PCs like my grandfathers, my laptop, my auntie's etc. etc.

so it'd be hard for the IP thing

but yes, nice idea. :)

Good luck!

10-08-2007, 10:44 AM
The IP was a rather bad idea which won't go down to well, when you said 'extra security' you could of just suggested things like secret questions etc. It's called simplicity. The IP thing will just never work...

Retro's... I think that's up to them, it's just to late to close them down now, and if Habbo do IP Ban them what are they going to do? Use a proxy and make another retro. They can sue a retro, but while they're suing, 100s more retro's will of been created. It's a impossible battle for Sulake now, all they need to do now is be more secure with future versions and make sure Habbo Hotel rises above it and make sure Habbo is better than the retro's. You didn't need to touch on that, and Sulake should just forget about Retro's... they're nothing like the real thing and probably are losing only a very small proportion of visitor's to retros...

Petitions and boycotts? They just don't work, there's been lots in the past and you can never prove your petition is a genuine one. Boycotts, 1000s upon 1000s visit Habbo every week, you won't be able to communicate with all of them, and if all the Habbo's boycotted, Habbo would just release the dino egg, and everyone would stock up on 1000s of credits and that'd be over in a jiffy, but it'd never get to that stage anyway...

I salute you for standing up against Sulake like many others, and myself... but no one has ever succeeded and I think the new bottom line is....
If your not happy with Habbo Hotel anymore, don't use it anymore, cause it ain't changing!

I agree with you in bits, especially with the bit about Helkat and the childness... and them contridicting themselves with MSN and a few other matters I forgot.

Well done on trying, but just don't expect anything to come out of it. In my opinion you didn't touch on the most important matters... I think you could of touched more on swearing, the eXpert programme, lazy Moderators, decrease in visitors, and the absolutely diabolical FOMO campaign.

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