View Full Version : Im back for while ;]

29-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Yes.. back again. Summer time and willing to go back onto Habbo since my exams are over, for now. Gonnahave to do the Runescae to Habbo trading thing again. Ooo---errr...;]

Can any-one inform me in any major changes since the beggining of the year?? ;] As I admit, I dont like reading ;]

Any old friends here?? ;[ Always ready to make new ones. ;] Also!!! Whats with the throne being 40 HCS!!! Lol.. so expensive. :S Merhh ;];]

Well yeah... And any tips any-one wants to give me..?


31-07-2007, 08:29 AM
We are at V14 atm. FI has V15.

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