View Full Version : [Tom-][Free][MMing][Tom-]

30-07-2007, 10:10 AM
Thats right i dont normally buy or sell pins anymore much apart from the old 1 or 2 here and now

or buy/sell acconuts

But i want to get more trusted on here.

So i thought i would mm for free

I will only do pin trades not account trades due to if they get haxed back it might get blamed on me.

this is how we do it we can do this.

Player 1 - PIN BUYER
Player 2 - PIN SELLER

Player 1 - PIN BUYER
Player 2 - PIN SELLER

1) Player 1 gives me the money for the pin
2) Player 2 gives me the Pin
3) Player 1 gives me his account username and password and then I apply Pin to him
4) If Pin works then I give money to Player 2

you must change your password first to somthing easy and change it straight after also you stay on the logged on the acconut while i apply pin if you do not stay on the acconut i refuse to do it.

2) i now do habbo to rs and rs to habbo this is how it works.

player 1 - seller of habbo
player 2 - buyer of habbo

1) player 1 - gives me the habbo furni
2) player 2 - gives me the runescape money
3) once i recived both i shall give the habbo furni to player 2 and the rs money to player 1
4) everyone is happy =]

I am in #habbox-chat alot and my name in there is tom-- contact me if you wish for me to mm

Before you start gonig hes got 200 post i can get a lot of people to vouch i sell pins on here and just donig this to get more trust.

30-07-2007, 11:12 AM

30-07-2007, 01:07 PM
Copyed My Thread..

30-07-2007, 01:21 PM
thanks jordan

and also yer i did i saw it and ages ago i started it like a few months ago but it died so i thought i use ti again.

30-07-2007, 01:22 PM
hmm ok lol

31-07-2007, 04:39 PM
im still up for mming

can prove im trusted

got vidoes of me donig deals

btw all trades are recored.

31-07-2007, 04:47 PM
Actually everyone here copied my thread because I was first to make this idea on Habbox.

31-07-2007, 04:51 PM
No need to argue people.

Im sure if i need a middleman il use one of you three :D

31-07-2007, 04:55 PM
thanks karl :D

and also i saw on sythe and posted one ages ago so i thougth ill make on habbox

and im just going get more trust i alread sold over 5 pins and got 3 more to sell and got videos just getting trust then people with trust me.

10-08-2007, 09:37 AM
got more trust on sythe.org now and starting to MM there still open here tho :D

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