View Full Version : My sisters party. [+9 REP]

31-07-2007, 01:48 PM
Okay, my parents left for PEI on sunday. My sister (16) is in charge of me and my brother (my brother is 15). My mom said that she could only have girl friends over, no guy friends. She said that was okay. But my sister asked me and my brother if we would tell my parents if she had like 15 of her friends over and they were drinking. Boys included. I said yes, but now that I look back on it I'm not sure. Its happening tonight, and tommorrow our cleaning ladies are coming so we're going to need to clean up. Also, my parents re-did our main room to watch tv / living room, they spent close to 10,000 on it with all the bose speakers, 56" TV, nice sofas, etc. and my parents won't let us watch TV in there unless we ask. Thats why they made us a teen room/games room. Its awesome, but I'm afraid that my sister and her friends are going to go into my parents room and possibly screw something up. Its really expensive, and I really don't want her to take the blame for it, and I don't want my parents to be really mad. Also, my mom said that she would have one of her friends (Meridith) to come check on us occasionally. So far she hasn't come, but I'm not sure what we're going to do if she does. If she just shows up and sees beer and my sister with tuns of friends over, she won't be happy...

I don't really mind most of the guys that are coming over, theyre not the type that ruins the house or anything, but if they do my friend matt is coming over along with another friend Holden who are both like 6"4 and around 220 pounds each. I know I'm sounding really childish, but I really don't like people coming into my house and ******* it up.

Also is it illegal to be on the roof of a school while there is no school, at night time?

ty and +rep for any good answers.

31-07-2007, 01:52 PM
I'd just recommend that if she was to have a party, that it be toned down a little. A party of 15 can easily turn into a party of 30+ (bad past experiences) and then the result will be less than pretty. Just ask her that if she is to have a party, keep out of the room she's not supposed to be in and only invite 5 of her closest friends.

I believe being on a school roof at any time is illegal, though you wouldn't really be charged for it.

31-07-2007, 02:31 PM
Put it in a perspective. If the party does become some aweful nightmare, who's going to get the blame?

Now I've been to numerous parties before. If you can get your sister to have it near outside then nothing bad should happen. And anyway... people dont go out of their way to ruin someones house, especially when its a party figure. Before my mate had a party at his (which went well), he took of all the doork**** to the rooms in which he didn't want people to go in... saved him a bit of hassle.

If you just lock up everything you're paranoid about being destroyed/stolen then the party will be less stressful on you... hell, you might even have fun! Whenever I have a bunch of people over at my house drinking im usually more paranoid about them touching my stuff than having a good time. Chances are your sister will feel the same way, she doesn't want it to get out of hand too.

Also, yes. It is illegal to do that... odds are you won't get caught though.

31-07-2007, 03:13 PM
At the end of the day it is up to you what YOU want to do. Sure she could have her party.. and you could not tell your parents... or you could tell when they got back, OR the best option I think is to explain all this to your sister and how your worried and see what she says.

I had a party at mine last year when my parents went away. They found out and wont trust me again I have to stay at my grans this week at the age of 18!(as they are away) which completely has ruined my whole weekend coming up...

If think your parents will find out its not worth it... trust me!

31-07-2007, 04:06 PM
it her fault if she know hse anit aloud in there i would of said to keep it down a bit and just go eround in that cool games room and that :D

31-07-2007, 04:09 PM
I say party hardy. Take part in it

31-07-2007, 04:10 PM
just like lock up that room or something?? its worth just buying another door and putting a lock on it for the night if its going to save like 10 grand-worth of stuff

31-07-2007, 05:41 PM

err... just join in the party? srsly, it's fun.

31-07-2007, 07:06 PM
If i was you i would be arranging for all my mates to come around to the party as well. Worry about the consequences when you are being sick in the morning.

Your parents sound way to strict! Having to ask to go in a ceartin room!

31-07-2007, 10:28 PM
I ivited about 10-15 people round mine when my parents were away, about 30 came, didn't mind except the morocans who left quickly thanks to some persuasion :D But my house got utterly wrecked :rolleyes:

31-07-2007, 11:20 PM
Let her make her own decisions and if something goes wrong your parents will just realise she isn't mature and sensible enough to be left in charge, you shouldn't get in any trouble as she is the one in charge after all.

01-08-2007, 01:13 AM
I had a huge party about a month or so ago, it was effing nuts.

BTW i effing love PEI!

01-08-2007, 01:29 AM
I'm going to sound like a goody-goody but I think your sister should listen to your mom. Cause if something happens, you take the blame too. I think you should just do what's right because if something gets messed up, not only is your sister going to be blamed, so are you because you didn't try & stop your sister or anything. That's how I see it. I'm not the type of person to have parties when my parents go away. & normally when they do go away, I go to my cousins who live like across the street. So, yeah.

01-08-2007, 04:00 PM
ahh, it happened last night and it was awesome. I talked to my sister about it and she agreed. it was so funny watching them trying to play twister drunk, then one guy was like "OMG left foot on the ceiling!" and they were all trying to kick the ceileing *****

01-08-2007, 11:48 PM

I would just join in and have a good time :D

But seriously, if you don't want it to happen just call your parents, and have you sister hate you for ages. :)

01-08-2007, 11:53 PM
DOESN'T ANYONE WATCH THE NEWS (those from england)!!!

ABout the girl who had a party of a couple of friends, and they told other people and it was advertised on myspace with her address etc, and in the end their house got totally messed up!!

Glad it didn't go that far though! :P

02-08-2007, 12:00 AM
DOESN'T ANYONE WATCH THE NEWS (those from england)!!!

ABout the girl who had a party of a couple of friends, and they told other people and it was advertised on myspace with her address etc, and in the end their house got totally messed up!!

I was at that party in Durham. :)
It was mental.. although I left when the police came, just before things got really bad.

As long as only a few of your sister's FRIENDS come over, it shouldn't be a problem, but things start going wrong when strangers turn up, who have heard about the party through gossip etc.

02-08-2007, 12:07 AM

err... just join in the party? srsly, it's fun.
rich?! he sounds loaded bruv.
we dnt have this kind of class in birmz innit. cleaning ladies? pshh!

02-08-2007, 12:38 AM
Home Insurance aint' for nothing!

02-08-2007, 10:09 AM
rich?! he sounds loaded bruv.
we dnt have this kind of class in birmz innit. cleaning ladies? pshh!

dear old pauline cleans my 'ouse once every so often from the goodness of her heart, and when the lollypop lady job isnt bringing enough in. bless 'er soul.

08-08-2007, 08:25 AM
Well if she wants the party, its her fault. You can try to advice her to keep it down a little, make sure they all behave, etc.

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