View Full Version : Herb merchanting..

05-08-2007, 03:40 PM
Right, im gna begin to herb merchant
but first of all, i wanna set out ma bank in the appropriate way
There are 15 herbs in RS
But i was thinking
Do i need to include torstol?
Do i need to include rogues purse?>
Do i need to include Dwarf weed

Overall, what herbs should I have in my bank
Till now i have 11 diff types of unids

My bank woild be set out like this:
2 of the same type of unid in a row and a half, then ill fill up that half row with junk
Then, in order, ill do 2 of the same type of herb which is the
same type of herb as the first unid in the first row, and ill do it in corressponding order? that a good idea?
But what types of herbs shuld I include? lol

Oh and what sort of stuff shuld i use to fill in the row so that it wont look ugly http://www.runescape.com/img/blk.gif

05-08-2007, 03:49 PM
hmm first of all, when ur buying unids, theres no need for u to include rogues pursue or torstol, torstol is rare and rogues pursue doesnt count as a herb. Dwarf weed is one of the most MAIN herbs just to let you know. here is how my herb part of my bank is:

2 Gaums---2 guam unids---2 marrentils---2 marr unids

go like that from lowest lvl herb to highest lvl herb. and remember snapdragons sell for 9k ea ;)

Edit: Btw if you have any unids that need identifying, just ask ;)

Jackie Jack™
05-08-2007, 04:26 PM
hmm first of all, when ur buying unids, theres no need for u to include rogues pursue or torstol, torstol is rare and rogues pursue doesnt count as a herb. Dwarf weed is one of the most MAIN herbs just to let you know. here is how my herb part of my bank is:

2 Gaums---2 guam unids---2 marrentils---2 marr unids

go like that from lowest lvl herb to highest lvl herb. and remember snapdragons sell for 9k ea ;)

Edit: Btw if you have any unids that need identifying, just ask ;)
:P I only gots all unids Ranarr+ :P but meh
Ye keep dwarf weed youll get alot of them ;P

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