View Full Version : PS3 or 360

06-08-2007, 05:51 PM
Hey im Getting a PS3 or 360 But Which One Should i get?

PS3 - $499
+60 gig
+60$ game
+free online
+great games

Xbox 360 $350
-20 gig
-Gold Supscription Pricey

06-08-2007, 05:56 PM
Personally I'd say 360, at the moment the PS3 is way to expensive for the few decent games it has exclusive, which in my opinion are Motorstorm and Resistance, online on PS3 maybe free but it's badly done, xbox live you really get what you pay for, and at the moment PS3's true potential isn't really being shown, only in Motorstorm and Resistance, I'd either get a 360 now and wait a few years for game developers to get to grips with what they can do with the PS3, like I'm doing or get a PS3 now, either that or 360 and a Wii for about the same price as a PS3 and have amazing online and just general fun

06-08-2007, 05:57 PM
Easy choice, get a 360. Although PS3 has freee online play it is harder to use and even harder to find your friends. Remember that the PS3 won't get Halo 3 too.

06-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Yes but the 360 won't get warhawk will it.. or final fantasy and it's hightly unlikely it will get MGS4...

06-08-2007, 06:00 PM
Yes but the 360 won't get warhawk will it.. or final fantasy and it's hightly unlikely it will get MGS4...

Actually I'm pretty sure 360 is getting Final Fantasy 13

06-08-2007, 06:01 PM
I'd get a ps3 personally.
Bioshock is microsoft exclusive :]

06-08-2007, 06:09 PM
Yes but the 360 won't get warhawk will it.. or final fantasy and it's hightly unlikely it will get MGS4...

So? All those games combined don't come close to matching Halo.

06-08-2007, 06:13 PM
Gears of war is massive for the 360 :]
Halo 1 , 2 , 3 all Microsoft exclusive
Sony has lost many of its exclusives :]

06-08-2007, 06:51 PM


06-08-2007, 07:13 PM
Everyone I think he is looking for real reasons not a list of games he can't get on one of the consoles

06-08-2007, 07:17 PM
Xbox Live is worth the £40
MSPoints can get you lots of stuff
Microsoft is stealing more and more exclusives as the year passes
Customisation for the nation - faceplates starting from £4.99
Live Vision - the live vision camera, released waaay before the PSEye
Though it might not have built in Wi-Fi, it's great with a wired connection.

06-08-2007, 07:30 PM
Xbox 360,
Xbox Live is great, next gen console, Great graphics and very good.


07-08-2007, 04:21 AM
Xbox Live is worth the £40
MSPoints can get you lots of stuff
Microsoft is stealing more and more exclusives as the year passes
Customisation for the nation - faceplates starting from £4.99
Live Vision - the live vision camera, released waaay before the PSEye
Though it might not have built in Wi-Fi, it's great with a wired connection.

Good Points But That 60 Gig Harddrive Is Amazing

I Understand xboxlive is amazing but ps3 is getting this network game think its actually kind of like habbo but u look real * i saw it in my game informer* but I Kinda Am Leaning More Towards the 360 I Mean The ps3 exclusives arent that good i Want Bioshock Halo 3 Ranbow Six Vega (360) Version) And GTA4 but Isnt PS3 Capable of playing ps2 Games Cuz i Have Like 50 ps2 GAmes (i never had Normal xbox) and Another thing is all my family has 360 (cousins)

07-08-2007, 06:10 AM
Good Points But That 60 Gig Harddrive Is Amazing

I Understand xboxlive is amazing but ps3 is getting this network game think its actually kind of like habbo but u look real * i saw it in my game informer* but I Kinda Am Leaning More Towards the 360 I Mean The ps3 exclusives arent that good i Want Bioshock Halo 3 Ranbow Six Vega (360) Version) And GTA4 but Isnt PS3 Capable of playing ps2 Games Cuz i Have Like 50 ps2 GAmes (i never had Normal xbox) and Another thing is all my family has 360 (cousins)

It doesn't matter how big the hard drive is unless there are some good games you want to save on it lol. You can play PS2 games on the PS3 but surely you still have a PS2 you can play them on?

07-08-2007, 06:35 AM
more good points xD

07-08-2007, 08:14 AM
The PS3 network servers are improving. When i first got my PS3 i was like :S SLOOOOW. BUt you can deffo see a big change in the speed of things.

And that "Thing like habbo" is called Home :)

07-08-2007, 08:47 AM
Xbox 360 because:

1. Playstation copied them wih the online network

2. Were cheaper

3. We got more stuff

4. We got better graphics.

07-08-2007, 09:04 AM
360 because i have one and im biased

07-08-2007, 09:06 AM
Xbox 360 because:

1. Playstation copied them wih the online network

2. Were cheaper

3. We got more stuff

4. We got better graphics.

Ps2.. had netowrk play before original xbbox kthnxbi

You have to pay for online play:rolleyes:

Ps3 has only just recently come out...

On bbc news the xbobx360 and ps3 were played by 5 people and all voted ps3 had better graphics...

And also.. what is all this "we" stuff?

07-08-2007, 09:16 AM
I swear this thread will become an argument between 360 and PS3 fans like they always do *grin* But until then, I guess an 360 even though I'm taking mine to GAME today to exchange it. :)

07-08-2007, 09:28 AM
Ps2.. had netowrk play before original xbbox kthnxbi

PS2 network was out before the original xbox was even released?

On bbc news the xbobx360 and ps3 were played by 5 people and all voted ps3 had better graphics...

PS3 has terrible graphics at the moment, they look way to fuzzy, and that's only 5 people, they could all be sony fanboys

07-08-2007, 09:29 AM
360 because i have one and im biased

I very much agree.

07-08-2007, 10:48 AM

I would recommend getting a Xbox 360, I got a PS3 about 2 weeks back and I returned it (It was a replacement for my Xbox) because I preferred my Xbox. The xbox has lots of great points but so does the PS3:

Xbox :

- Xbox Live is great
- Lots more games than the PS3
- Much better controller
- 120GB HDD coming (and the Elite on the 24th of Aug)

PS3 :

- Good Graphics when using HDMI (However, They are sharper but are less detailed)
- Better DVD Playback than the Xbox
- Blue-Ray built in

But I prefer the xbox as its a great platform, and Sony need to get into gear if they want to reclaim a large market share. The PS Network is no where near as good as the Xbox (but Resistance is brilliant with 40 people playing.

If you are getting an Xbox 360, You are probably better waiting on an Elite!

PS : Dreamcast was the first console to have Network Play and it was great, It even had an internet browser!

.:; Johno

07-08-2007, 12:21 PM
PS3 has terrible graphics at the moment, they look way to fuzzy, and that's only 5 people, they could all be sony fanboys

OH sorry. I didn't mean to anger the xbox fanboys:rolleyes:

07-08-2007, 12:24 PM
OH sorry. I didn't mean to anger the xbox fanboys:rolleyes:
Neil isn't a Xbox fanboy. He's just waiting for PS3 to get a bit better (developers actually use the blu-ray

07-08-2007, 12:25 PM
OH sorry. I didn't mean to anger the xbox fanboys:rolleyes:

It's fact actually, I think it was gamespot, they did comparisons of some of the games PS3 and 360 both have and all the PS3 versions were fuzzy and it looks like it was much lower detail

07-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Im an xbox 360 fan boy! and I'm god dam proud of it

07-08-2007, 10:54 PM
Personally. I Would Get The PS3

I Have Never Rated Xbox But Thats My Own Preference

Just Go With Whatever You Feel You Would Enjoy Most

We Cant Tell You What Too Buy :)

07-08-2007, 11:03 PM
PS2 network was out before the original xbox was even released?

PS3 has terrible graphics at the moment, they look way to fuzzy, and that's only 5 people, they could all be sony fanboys

I think saying PS3 graphics are terrible is a tad incorrect, they are just the same as 360 really - And having played on a 360, and owning a PS3 myself...I know.

09-08-2007, 01:38 PM
I think saying PS3 graphics are terrible is a tad incorrect, they are just the same as 360 really - And having played on a 360, and owning a PS3 myself...I know.

I agree totally, i've played on many 360's before and I own a PS3, the graphics are very close in comparison but PS3 just beats it in my opinion.

09-08-2007, 02:48 PM
For about 6 months I slandered the 360 to all my friends!
But then I saw how cheap it was compared to the PS3 and how lovely Gears of war looked. So when the deal on gamestation popped up , i took them up on it and bought a 360.
I must say its the best buy of my life so far. Don't get me wrong , the PS3 Is still a magnificent machine but tbh i was converted from a PS3 fanboy to a 360 fanboy :]
Also the 360 controller may be bigger than the PS3 , but its a hell of alot comfier!
I used a PS3 controller a few weeks ago and i couldn't get my hands comfortable on it :[
Also Sony has lost so many of its exclusives to 360 , few months ago i read in play that this wonderfull game called "Bioshock" was "PS3 Exclusive". Today im looking at it on exclusive to microsoft :]
Also it lost Devil may cry to 360 and Assassins creed!

09-08-2007, 02:57 PM
exclusive to 360??

Im sure i saw in game for it on ps3, bioshock that is.

09-08-2007, 03:00 PM
exclusive to 360??

Im sure i saw in game for it on ps3, bioshock that is.
on wikipedia it says for pc & xbox 360.

09-08-2007, 03:02 PM
exclusive to 360??

Im sure i saw in game for it on ps3, bioshock that is.
Not on their website or any others that ive seen.

09-08-2007, 03:05 PM
exclusive to 360??

Im sure i saw in game for it on ps3, bioshock that is.

Can i just but in PS3 bummer.

Xbox 360:

Hold more memory

4 controls (other 2 have got to be wireless)

I dont know if the PS3 has this, but the Xbox 360, has got a thing at the beginning Media, system, xbox (i think), Xbox live, Xbox live marketplace.

According to my friends PS3 get overheated mostly.

And plus the 360 is cheaper and more simple to use.

09-08-2007, 03:11 PM
My ps3 has never overheated. Sony told me when they got it back that dust had built up inside causing it to clog up...

DOn't Xbobx 360s break all the time?

09-08-2007, 03:19 PM
My ps3 has never overheated. Sony told me when they got it back that dust had built up inside causing it to clog up...

DOn't Xbobx 360s break all the time?

Three years warrenty from purchase on the most common 360 fault "red lights of death" and is calling it an "xbobx" really worth it, you're the only one that looks like a fool everytime you say it you know

09-08-2007, 03:23 PM
I get the 3 lights of death like every week , its usually a power failure on my behalf , i had them today because i hadn't plugged it in properly but power was running through :]

And i've had my xbox on for like 6 hours straight and it hasn't overheated , and to be honest if you're playing for more than 6 hours you need to look at your social life.
I know i do :D

09-08-2007, 03:36 PM
My ps3 has never overheated. Sony told me when they got it back that dust had built up inside causing it to clog up...

DOn't Xbobx 360s break all the time?

Just face it dude, Xbox 360 is better than the PS3

Oh ye, Microsoft have only released 2 consoles and Sony have released 3 consoles ALWAYS tyring to be better than the Xbox 360. But shamely, there not getting anywhere.

09-08-2007, 06:33 PM
I've never had a console failure

Maybe because I have 5 fans blowing non-stop in my room

It strangely gets too hot in Leeds :S

09-08-2007, 06:52 PM
Uh w/e.. I'ma gunna get a 360 anyways me thinks xo

thne i can be like mwauuuaaahhh

09-08-2007, 08:09 PM
Just face it dude, Xbox 360 is better than the PS3

Oh ye, Microsoft have only released 2 consoles and Sony have released 3 consoles ALWAYS tyring to be better than the Xbox 360. But shamely, there not getting anywhere.

Actually they have released 4 (unless you count the Playstation as a seperate console to the PSOne which was designed to be semi-portable in which case they have 5)

11-08-2007, 06:33 AM
MattyBoy you are biggest xbox fan boy i know how does 20gig hold more then 60gig, how does it have better graphics and theres a lot more your saying that is false how about you get some information in your head eediot.

11-08-2007, 08:08 AM
MattyBoy you are biggest xbox fan boy i know how does 20gig hold more then 60gig, how does it have better graphics and theres a lot more your saying that is false how about you get some information in your head eediot.
360 Elite - 120gb hard drive

11-08-2007, 10:13 AM
MattyBoy you are biggest xbox fan boy i know how does 20gig hold more then 60gig, how does it have better graphics and theres a lot more your saying that is false how about you get some information in your head eediot.

At the moment he is right, compared to the xbox 360 the PS3s graphics are not actually that good, in a few years developers will get used to the hardware and will expand on what they do but at the moment the 360 is on top

11-08-2007, 10:42 AM
XBOX 360 is good, But PS3 is great, PS3 has games that XBOX wont get, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto. And they are great games. And i heard that PS3 was getting HALO 3. And to all the people that are saying "PS3 is too expensive" buy it from the black amrket it's cheaper :)

11-08-2007, 10:48 AM
XBOX 360 is good, But PS3 is great, PS3 has games that XBOX wont get, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto. And they are great games. And i heard that PS3 was getting HALO 3. And to all the people that are saying "PS3 is too expensive" buy it from the black amrket it's cheaper :)

OMG lol, are you just guessing there? Everyone knows that GTA IV is coming for the 360 and there is no way that Microsoft would give halo to playstation.

11-08-2007, 10:53 AM
XBOX 360 is good, But PS3 is great, PS3 has games that XBOX wont get, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto. And they are great games. And i heard that PS3 was getting HALO 3. And to all the people that are saying "PS3 is too expensive" buy it from the black amrket it's cheaper :)
1 - Rumour that MGS4 Is going to 360. Even if it doesn't 360 still has games which are as good if not better.
2 - GTA Has been announced for 360 for months and it has EXCLUSIVE content for download JUST on the 360
3 - Hell will freeze over before Microsoft sell Halo to Sony.
4 - Buying on a black market is a bad idea , who do you return it to when it breaks?


11-08-2007, 11:55 PM
Dont think Halo will go on PS3, but even if it did, I wouldn't buy, I think its awful and I dont see the appeal in at at all.

12-08-2007, 12:25 AM

Im just pretty much repeating what everyone else has said but whatever!

1) MGS4 may be coming to the Xbox 360
2) GTA IV has been announced for the Xbox, and remember about the episodes too!
3) Halo wont be going to the Playstation anytime soon

Also we have some great exclusives like :

- Bioshock
- Forza Motorsport 2
- Shadowrun
- Crackdown

So please remeber, Games wise, Xbox owns the PS3 (This may change, but its correct at the moment)

.:; Johno

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