View Full Version : This mission is so *Removed* annoying.

10-08-2007, 02:18 AM
Oan GTA San Andreas, The mission Vertical Bird,

it's so anoying i mean i can get on the ship kill evryone on it easy, i can control the heli ok, it's just hitting the god damn boat's and the army trying to blow you up in their heli's anyone got any tips for me pls.

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10-08-2007, 10:58 AM
That's an easy mission, on Xbox you hold 'X' and it locks on to the nearest target, then when it goes red FIRE!. I'm not sure what it would be on PS2, try square.

10-08-2007, 03:22 PM
ty, and im playing it on xbox :D

10-08-2007, 11:24 PM
i find that one of the easyist,

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