View Full Version : Starting Off?

12-08-2007, 07:49 PM
Hey Everyone!

Ok, so I have never even tried to begin making a site, only thought about it, however I am set on making a Ciara fansite, hosted by Fanfilled but the problem lies in how do I design, upload and manage my site?

Can you all try and help me by telling me where to start, what programs to use, what sites to visit and any other things I need to know about. I have browsed the tutorial pages on HabboxForum and coulnt not make sense of it unfortuantly

So please can people help?

12-08-2007, 08:29 PM
Well it depends if you have money behide you or not, if not they your going to have to do near enough everything to get the site off the ground your self, if you have the money then you can just pay people to design, code and do other things what are involved in a site.

If you have no past XP with graphics design then your best bet would be to hire some one to buy a layout if you have the money but look around first becaue it will cost you more to hire some one for the job then it would to buy an already made layout, if you don't have money then theres some okay templates you could use for you site lying around the web and theres a few good ones people have posted on this forum.

The coding is the same if you have no past XP buy the coding with your layout or hire some one to code it for you, but you could get it done free by people looking to fill there portfolio but if you have downloaded a free layout the chances are that it will be coded already.

Right so now you have a coded layout you will need some content this is pritty easy when your making a site on somthing you like and enjoy because you tend to know a bit about it and theres not much ells to say so I'll leave that for now.

Now you have a basic site you will need to upload it to your host, if your host does't provide software like Cpanel you will need an FTP, you can download one for free so just google it and you should find one.

Now your site is live you will need to start getting it's name known but as we are just talking about how to start off I wont go into that.

I hope that help you a bit, sorry if you got lost in the middle of it all.

12-08-2007, 08:32 PM
Well it depends if you have money behide you or not, if not they your going to have to do near enough everything to get the site off the ground your self, if you have the money then you can just pay people to design, code and do other things what are involved in a site.

If you have not past XP with graphics design then your best bet would be to hire some one to buy a layout if you have the money but look around first becaue it will cost you more to hire some one for the job then it would to buy an already made layout, if you don't have money then theres some okay templates you could use for you site lying around the web and theres a few good ones people have posted on this forum.

The coding is the same if you have no past XP buy the coding with your layout or hire some one to code it for you, but you could get it done free by people looking to fill there portfolio but if you have downloaded a free layout the chances are that it will be coded already.

Right so now you have a coded layout you will need some content this is pritty easy when your making a site on somthing you like and enjoy because you tend to know a bit about it and theres not much ells to say so I'll leave that for now.

Now you have a basic site you will need to upload it to your host, if your host does't provide software like Cpanel you will need an FTP, you can download one for free so just google it and you should find one.

Now your site is live you will need to start getting it's name known but as we are just talking about how to start off I wont go into that.

I hope that help you a bit, sorry if you got lost in the middle of it all.

Err yeh what he said.:P

12-08-2007, 08:58 PM
Hmm sounds simple hehe.
I have graphics to put on a layout im just wondering what size i should design it on?

Thanks for the tips +rep

12-08-2007, 09:37 PM
Hmm sounds simple hehe.
I have graphics to put on a layout im just wondering what size i should design it on?

Thanks for the tips +rep

I normally do:

1024 x 900 or so

13-08-2007, 09:24 AM
Thanks Lib

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