View Full Version : SSBB Pokemon Trainer new Character

13-08-2007, 11:37 AM

No way! The Pokémon Trainer has finally arrived. And it looks like he doesn’t do his fighting directly.

Instead, he uses the three Pokémon with him – Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard – to do the fighting for him.



The Pokémon Trainer watches from the background.

He needs to use his three Pokémon to fight. So the only ones who fight directly are the Pokémon.

I guess you could say using this character is like playing three for the price of one!

And the Pokémon Trainer uses a special move called Pokémon Change to switch between them.


They swap out in a set order: Squirtle→Ivysaur→Charizard

They all share the same damage meter, so they don’t recover from damage during Pokémon Change. But they also have another stat, which you might call stamina.

If you keep fighting with the same Pokémon, or if you change them out too often, it’s not so good for the Pokémon.

If you want to be a good Pokémon Trainer, you’ll need to learn these kinds of ins and outs.

from: http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/index.html
I think this is a very unexpected character. Sounds quite good being able to use the pokemon for fighting, just to bad its limited to the 3 but still good =]what do you think?

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