View Full Version : Help me please...

24-08-2007, 02:36 PM
K, so im bored and i made a new account!

He's called *Omg Im Late* name reason i remember when my gf said that lmao!

Anyway ideas please? i mean for what the account can be

What should i get att,str,mage,range 2? take into account im never going to be member on it well not this month anyway, Lol yeah well leave your comments and ill get back to you lmao.

24-08-2007, 02:38 PM
Could be a pure lvl 3 skiller

24-08-2007, 02:44 PM
I like to pk :P

24-08-2007, 02:59 PM
Here's a guide to making a f2p pure, might help.

24-08-2007, 03:20 PM
Hey thanks for the guide i no about where to train but i want advice on what the account can be...

25-08-2007, 04:08 AM
Well if ur gonna use meele atleast 40 att and maybe 60+ str best if u had 80+ tho

If ur gonna range then like ATLEAST 40 but id say maybe 70+

and for magic atleast 59 so u can fire blast but id say atleast 70+

If ur gonna pk alone i suggest u become like a tank or w/e

Get like 80 Range and like rly high defence

25-08-2007, 09:09 AM
Well if ur gonna use meele atleast 40 att and maybe 60+ str best if u had 80+ tho

If ur gonna range then like ATLEAST 40 but id say maybe 70+

and for magic atleast 59 so u can fire blast but id say atleast 70+

If ur gonna pk alone i suggest u become like a tank or w/e

Get like 80 Range and like rly high defence

You have been the most Help Thanks +rep

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