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24-08-2007, 05:29 PM

has more news
and winners

and reveals winners of that badge

When Blissa (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Blissa) met SUPERchips (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/superchips)
[Editor's note: Some fact's may have been altered for entertainment purposes]

Want the latest tip-off's of the latest stories of the latest adventure's to enter the Habbo navigator? Well you're in luck, because I'm here to help you work your way through dense jungle, Romantique furnished boudoirs and wannabe-limousine’s, not that you'll find any Limo's in these rooms! (Well, it's unlikely to say the least!). First, let me tell you my interpretation of the Professor Valere story...

Professor Valere was a jolly man; at 104 years old he would still run about the living room of his 18th century mansion pretending to be Mohammed Ali (He had the voice to a perfection!) He loved to invent things. Once (or so rumour tells) he invented a range of Habbo Romantique furniture that was passed down generation to generation and eventually to Helkat, who despite her grief of losing her beloved Professor, released the furniture into the Catalogue so all Habbos could enjoy the beautiful inventions of Valere's 104 years on Habbo. The last four of which he was chasing down the Post Office about his Telegram from the Queen being lost in the post... “It's an outrage!” He protested, "A scandal!"

On Tuesday 21st July, I was lucky enough to grab an interview with the master of Adventure Story creation SUPERchips! I asked him about his rooms and other various things, like murder, and chips-- Well I had to make conversation somehow didn't I?

Blissa: Hey Superchips, can I call you chips?
Superchips: Hi. Sure thing! :D
Blissa: Would you like ketchup with that? Bad joke.
Superchips: Hahaha! It was.. Okay. :D
Blissa: Why thank you! So, tell me a bit about your Adventure.
Superchips: Ok! Well, it is co-owned by Shurf (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Shurf), and inside there are many puzzles, traps, and many different routes. Also, a tone of fun, and clues along the way! And at the end, there's a BIG twist.

Blissa: A big twist? :o Could you give me a hint on what it could be?
Superchips: Sure! It involves a murder... Ohhh!
Blissa: Oh not another murder! All these murders suddenly happening on Habbo!
Superchips: I know :( Really sad *tear*
Blissa: *Shares the sorrowful moment*
So, do you have any speculation into what actually happened to our beloved Professor Valere?
Superchips: Hard to say.. Heck, he could have actually been murdered, or even, just the age of 104! Let's just hope for the best shall we?

Blissa: Indeed! On a final note, what do you think of the new Romantique furniture he left behind? What is your favourite piece of it and why?
Superchips: Ohh... I love the Romantique! I would personally say that the Emerald Piano is the best :D Well, for one, you can play a tune! And it's a very original idea as well..
Blissa: Thanks for this interview Chips, it was super! Speaking of Chips... It's made me rather hungry...

A big thank you to Superchips for sharing not only the interview, but also a newspaper wrapped 40p bag of chips. Scrumptious! Unfortunately it is now my time to leave you... It may be a good idea to investigate further into the 'Grandfather Effect' and how did Professor Valere build his house in 1759? And, what relevance does the Grandfather clock have to the story?
Friday's Culture Section - Pg 5. (http://www.habbo.co.uk/community/habbo_debate/)

MrCone (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/MrCone)'s HelKat update - Pg 10 (http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Frontpage/MrCone_dailyhabbo.png).


The Daily Round Up..

Habbo's clocked on to ValKat's Code!

Today various Habbo's were proved right in their theories that the Romantique Clock, also known as the Grandfather's Clock, is intrinsically linked to HelKat's family secret. There have even been suggestions that HelKat has been able to time travel since acquiring one, UK Habbo Jammy06 (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Jammy06) claims; "This morning I was walking across the Chippendale Hall, on route to another day of failing to conquer stepping stones, when I heard a frantic scream from the back room. A part of me, to be honest with you, wanted to run away, but another, was hungry with curiosity. But, before I had even opened the ornately decorated, wooden doors, a flash blinded me, sending me to the floor with a thud.
HelKat, appeared, standing over me and told me to never mention this to anyone..
Some people tell me the story must remain a secret, but others say I must tell the Habbo Investigators and help out on this adventure."

(http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/adventure_story/romantiquefurni.html)Tricky time travel - Astist's impression of HelKat watches herself experience deja vu. (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/adventure_story/romantiquefurni.html)

Habbo's Prepare to Time Warp

Research by TopManTim (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/TopManTim), additional story by Hel.Tudor-PoleKat

Following on from Bibliophobia (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Bibliophobia)'s article the other day - I have reason to believe the Romantique "Grandfather's" clock is a time machine, why else would the Prof not give it to HelKat?

Following the annoucement of this shocking theory, HelKat went to her Great Grandfather's Estate to look for the clock herself. Having found the item, with the help of your Adventure Stories, she has been able to send a shipment over for sale. Daring Habbos may find the above theory to be true, if they are brave enough to risk making further investigations or experiments.

==================================Daily Reviews

HelKat missing, with her kettle too!
by Rivalry (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Rivalry) After exploring some of the latest adventure stories to hit the nav floor I came across an excellent new story! The "Romantique Adventure" owned by Kild (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Kild): HelKat has been captured! Who would do such a thing? When did it happen? What was HelKat's last known whereabouts? All these questions need to be answered, which means your help is needed! Poor HelKat, wherever she is, needs her kettle! The quest itself is confusing yet good with its twists and choices! Choose one way will it lead you to victory or to the end? With a carrot rating of 4/5 you'd be mad to miss it! You can visit the Romantique Adventure story by searching Kild now! - This Adventure Story has also been rated 4 out of 5 meows by Katseer (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Katseer)

:Retro-King: (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/:Retro-King:)'s Shocking Predictions!

I believe that HelKats grandfather could time travel using the Romantique Clock. This is evident because:
- He warns of the "Grandfather Effect" - when you go back in time and wipe yourself out of existence
- The clock was not released with the Romantique range
- HelKat's grandad writes "1759 - a good year" and his house was built that year, was he there?
- the note says to see a grandmother who died 10 years previously, impossible without time travel
- The clock is a "Grandfather Clock", the "grandfather effect" - coincidence?

This may also involve pixies which enable time travel, as there are pixies on the Romantique pages.
Daily Habbo
Theatre Badge
For All!

Today we discovered that the Murder Mystery badge we unveiled yesterday will be awarded to all Habbos involved in Play writing teams. Badges will be received next week. The winning team, Blissa (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Blissa), Kaotix12 (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Kaotix12), Conkers. (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Conkers.) and Alting (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Alting) will all receive a rare item in addition to their badge.


Bonnie Blonde Shoots To The Top! report by EnglishTourist (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/EnglishTourist)

Successful singer Bonnie Blonde has shot to the #1 spot yet again after releasing her new single "Bye Bye Scammer" from the upcoming album "Brown Plasto Dump”. Bonnie told The Daily Habbo exclusively "I could not believe the amount of support I had from Anti-Scammer groups and the public. Together we can beat out scammers from society”
Bonnie, who knocked the song "Parasol" off the charts after 10 weeks explained "I've always wanted to give out the message that scammers are no good and I hope this new song promotes that"

Brown Plasto Dump is released 32nd Julember.
Time Travel is the latest Trend?
by cows (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/cows)
I've heard that there's a new adventure coming that adds time travel into the mix! It is owned by my brother Bibliophobia (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Bibliophobia) and his friends TopManTim (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/TopManTim) and Scorpio (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/Scorpio), I interviewed Bilbiophobia:

C: Is it true that your adventure has time travel elements?
B: Yes, but only when you get to a certain point - its a rather good climax.
C: So how will habbo's get there heads around this?
B: Well its quite easy and there's a rather sneaky clue in the first room.
C: Oooh, like WHAT!?
B: Aw, come on - you'd think i'd tell you that.
C: It'd be a great scoop!
B: I'm not upping your pay rise - you'll have to wait till the adventure opens in a few days. But here's a screenshot of the first room to whet your appetites:
http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Frontpage/B_s_adventure_room_thumb.png (http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/Frontpage/B_s_adventureroom.png)
Get your very own piece of history!

Romantique furni available now (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/adventure_story/romantiquefurni.html)
including for a limited time, Grandfather's Clock - A Clock you'll want to watch

24-08-2007, 05:36 PM

24-08-2007, 05:39 PM
Cool find.

24-08-2007, 05:41 PM
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lol

My Bonnie Blonde thing was posted :D

24-08-2007, 05:44 PM
People may say I have won a lot but Blissa just wins everything. All the things I can remember that Blissa has won: Funky Friday writer x2, Playwright comp, Green tea elementals badge, appearance on Pixel Maze, Front Page article (add if you find more) :). She is kind of decent on Habbo but Habbo/Sulake really should consider other entries of less known Habbo's to win things. I am convinced they have a winners list in which winners of a big comp are picked again and again, and yes, I think that has happened to me.

24-08-2007, 05:46 PM
So what, retroking copied ma article.

Oh he is SO not winning that badge.

24-08-2007, 05:49 PM
theres another badge for Kaotix there well done ;D

24-08-2007, 05:49 PM
I guess I'm just lucky Dan. Most of the things I have won are either to do with writing, or design, two things which I do regularly in my spare time. I do appreciate winning things though, It's not just like "Oh, lol.. Another one to add to my collection!". But thanks for the kind comment about me being decent! :) One thing I really don't understand, is that all people who entered their scripts for the Murder Mystery competition receive a badge? I quote:

Today we discovered that the Murder Mystery badge we unveiled yesterday will be awarded to all Habbos involved in Play writing teams. Badges will be received next week.

24-08-2007, 05:50 PM
theres another badge for Kaotix there ;D

Lol :P Luck I guess.

One thing I really don't understand, is that all people who entered their scripts for the Murder Mystery competition receive a badge? I quote:

Yeah all entries get it I think, but we get the unreleased rare. So it makes up for having about 30 of the badges around. :)

24-08-2007, 06:02 PM
I just sent mine in for tomarrows edition :)

24-08-2007, 06:06 PM

Just email player support with a link to the post


24-08-2007, 06:06 PM
i sent the promo for my adventure in

24-08-2007, 06:11 PM
I just sent mine in for tomarrows edition :)

Sorry, It's The Weekend.. Sulake Don't Work Then! Also, Bank Holiday.. So It Will Get In On Tuesday At The Eariest. :P By The Way, Good Luck!

24-08-2007, 06:22 PM
aww, i didnt get in the frontpage thing :[
always next time i suppose <3
Ash they didnt wanna hear about your upcoming stardom!

24-08-2007, 06:36 PM
Thanks, Blissa. I do understand and appreciate your comments :) I was just making my point about how quite a lot of the time it is the same people who win things- me being one of them. I didn't mean to make it sound bad that you win all these things, because the articles etc that you have entered have all been very good :P

24-08-2007, 06:39 PM
blisssa wins cos she has a talent at writing

notice all comps she won has writing involved

24-08-2007, 06:43 PM
aww, i didnt get in the frontpage thing :[
always next time i suppose <3
Ash they didnt wanna hear about your upcoming stardom!

Omg I know Geo, their loss eh. lool :rolleyes:

24-08-2007, 06:44 PM
blisssa wins cos she has a talent at writing

notice all comps she won has writing involved

I kind of said that in my reply to her....

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