View Full Version : [Request] PYCAN JOBS

29-08-2007, 10:03 AM
Hey, Pycan jobs are now open.

Please see http://www.pycangroup.com (http://www.pycangroup.com/) for more details.

Thank you.

the wombats
29-08-2007, 10:06 AM
Oh, I might go apply. What job though, hmmm....

29-08-2007, 10:52 AM
Applied for Network Manager Job.

Edit: Form Won't submit.
So PM'ed you the application.

29-08-2007, 11:09 AM
Edit: Form Won't submit.
Lol free mice pls?

Yeh form wouldn't submit for me... so i cba lol

29-08-2007, 11:34 AM
Applied for Network Manager Job.

Edit: Form Won't submit.
So PM'ed you the application.

Yeh form wouldn't submit for me... so i cba lol

Works now :)

29-08-2007, 12:03 PM
Doesnt do anything when I submit. Dont know if it went through, so I have PM'ed you.

29-08-2007, 12:35 PM
Doesnt do anything when I submit. Dont know if it went through, so I have PM'ed you.

Ok my hosts server is crashing.

Therefor it won't submit. Please send me then apps via PM or [email protected] (email).

I'll try and get this sorted asap.


Pycan Group Jobs & Careers
Welcome to the Job and Careers part of Pycan. Here is your chance to work under the Pycan brand. Below is an online application form you must fill and submit if you require a certain job position. Below is a list of positions available and the job Description and requirements.

Job vacancies:
Pycan Forum Moderator (PFM)
Pycan Network Manager (PNM)
Pycan Animation & Graphic Designers (PAGD)Pycan Forum Moderator (PFM)
Job Description: Your job is to moderate PycanForum.com This means making sure members stick to the forum rules and conditions. Also making sure correct and appropriate threads and posts are created in there correct forums. You will be working in a small team of other moderators and have 3 assigned forums. You have the power to infract and warn users. Too many may lead to a ban to that specific user.
Requirements: You must be at least 14 years of age with VBulletin experience within moderation and MOD CP within the VBulletin. You must type correct English in formal context. You must be able to moderate 3 hours per 2 days and post regularly.
Pay: There is no payment for this job. It is done through your desire.Pycan Network Manager (PNM)
Job Description: Your job is to manage Pycan Network (Pycan.net) and get the website up and running. It is your own decision to make Pycan Network into what you want it to be as long as Pycan do not already provide it. Pycan will provide hosting space and most of other things you may need (Excluding templates and designs).
Requirements: You must be at least 16 years of age with website managing experience. You must be able to write content, have some knowledge in HTML and PHP. You also must be a team leader and use the correct manner of English language in text. You must be able to make big decisions and hire your own staff for Pycan Network (Pycan.net).
Pay: You will only receive income from what you have created your self, such as donations. As time goes on you will receive a basic wage (Monthly) for your work.Pycan Animation & Graphic Designers (PAGD)
Job Description: Your job is to create or upgrade Pycan logo's and create adverts too. You will also need to create banners that can be placed on other website's. You also may be asked to create images for Pycan Forum or any other Pycan related website.
Requirements: You must have specialist graphics software or animation software such as Macromedia and/or Photoshop. You are also required to accept any work you produce for Pycan is copyrighted to us. We will always give you credit for your work.
Pay: There is no payment for this job. It is done through your desire. However you will be credited.Application Form
Your Name:

Your Email:

Your Age:

Job Title:
Pycan Forum Moderator | Pycan Network Manager | Pycan Animation & Graphic Designers

Why should we choose you:

Experiences: (Animation & Graphic Designers please show examples of your work)

Anything else we should know:

Send me the above VIA pm or email - [email protected]

29-08-2007, 05:52 PM

We have had 43 applications sent in. Keep them coming!

Also, the online application form should now be working. It was a minor incident with my hosts server.

the wombats
29-08-2007, 06:00 PM
Ok, I'm going to apply for FM.

30-08-2007, 12:41 AM
Ok, I'm going to apply for FM.

Job apps close tomorrow. Over 30 applications on 1 position...

I need graphic designers!

30-08-2007, 08:21 AM
I dont think you will get many/any gfx designers as people know they can easily do this for pay and not many know how to animate.

30-08-2007, 08:26 AM
Dammit, im too young >.<

31-08-2007, 06:25 PM
I dont think you will get many/any gfx designers as people know they can easily do this for pay and not many know how to animate.

You are right. We only had 1 application. We are looking into a wage for each graphic and animation.

Dammit, im too young >.<

:P How old are you?


Applications close tonight - 00:00 GMT. Any applications sent after that will not be read and will be deleted.

We have over 40 applicants for 1 job position. And we only advertised jobs on here and the PycanGroup website.

Please sign up to the forum anyways, http://www.pycanforum.com.

31-08-2007, 06:32 PM
Good luck to everyone who applied I suppose :)

31-08-2007, 06:36 PM
Good luck to everyone who applied I suppose :)

I'll announce the new staff on the Pycan Group press room page at around 3am.

31-08-2007, 06:40 PM
Sounds good :)

31-08-2007, 08:07 PM
If you add a bit of pay I would do it ;)

31-08-2007, 08:15 PM
Danny, you got a new MSN? If so PM it to me. babe. ((Not offtopic, regarding job position))

02-09-2007, 01:09 AM
Danny, you got a new MSN? If so PM it to me. babe. ((Not offtopic, regarding job position))

I'll PM you it.

For those who applied please read the press room:

02-09-2007, 08:33 AM

Me Sunny, And "Lewis Deacon" Who ever you are. Are through to the final 3

02-09-2007, 11:46 AM
:o Good luck :P

02-09-2007, 12:09 PM
I'm sorry for all those who didn't make it... some of you will receive a job position within Pycan on another but lower level within the next phew days.

02-09-2007, 07:04 PM
According to your site we should get a reply in 18 hours after 2am.

That means the people listed on the site should have received an email now.

I for 1 haven't

the wombats
02-09-2007, 07:31 PM
According to your site we should get a reply in 18 hours after 2am.

That means the people listed on the site should have received an email now.

I for 1 haven't

That's an estimated time, Danny may of been too busy to send out the email.

02-09-2007, 09:10 PM
According to your site we should get a reply in 18 hours after 2am.

That means the people listed on the site should have received an email now.

I for 1 haven't

or perhpas there was a typo when you filled out your email and he has sent it but its gone to someone else.

02-09-2007, 09:30 PM
Emails where sent to everybody 3-4 hours ago. (to those 3)

EDIT: I'll re-send them and post the new manager on the website.

02-09-2007, 09:36 PM
Emails where sent to everybody 3-4 hours ago. (to those 3)

EDIT: I'll re-send them and post the new manager on the website.

I never received one and still haven't

Where abouts you posting it on the site and when

02-09-2007, 10:08 PM
I never received one and still haven't

Where abouts you posting it on the site and when

http://www.pycangroup.com > Press Room

Announced :)

Emails re-sent.

02-09-2007, 10:10 PM
"They will be more jobs open very shortly."


Not sure on the pycan group layout but harsh. ;o

02-09-2007, 10:12 PM
"They will be more jobs open very shortly."


Not sure on the pycan group layout but harsh. ;o

Haha thank you. I put "there" in the first place... thought it was wrong so I edited :P

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