View Full Version : [Bobba] Habbo, Scamming its own users?

16-05-2005, 05:12 PM
I am beginning to think that over the years a good majority of people who have claimed to have been hacked or keylogged have actually been the victims of Sulake corporations elaborate scheme to extort money from children. I know a good majority of you might think its a crazy suggestion but it fits in well with the operations of corporations in todays civilized society. When a large company decides to add on a 0.10 cent / 0.10 pence fee to its fees when they have a large number of customers, that amount can add up to a significant increase in revenue or stock of a companys overall net worth. What I am suggesting here is that Sulake corporation has been removing items of furniture from users accounts with the notion that alot of these kids hunger for furni remains even when the furni is gone. This more probably than not involves the user then spending more credits to re-obtain the items they once posessed. Look at it this way, I think Sulake would protect the scammers before they protect the users that are being scammed, the scammers arent the ones purchasing anything from sulake they are taking away furniture from users who have previously purchased credits and these users are more likely to spend more money than the user who has never previously spent anything. I know Habbox is a Habbo Fan site and this thread will probably not be widely accepted but I would like to say that if Habbo hotel was a reputable and respected company we would get answers to our emails and phone calls. Feel free to post any comments you might have.

16-05-2005, 05:17 PM
thats an interesting thought, and i suppose it could be true....

16-05-2005, 05:39 PM
Good thought.Sukale doesn;t really care about us.Just our money.But theres big businesses for ya.

16-05-2005, 06:08 PM
I am currently searching all over the internet and using as many resources as I have to get to the bottom of it. If I dont receive any valid responses from them I am going to start making my story and the stories of others more publicly available in the media and as many other sources that I could utilize until all points are heard.

16-05-2005, 06:11 PM
I anit got a story.Execpt when my bro lost his furni.But he thinks that might be cause he deleted his room.

16-05-2005, 06:14 PM
Ah, nice view.
It might be true, after all, Habbo is all about earning money for themselves.

Habbo is an addiction.

16-05-2005, 06:18 PM
Yep addictive. Poor habbo's will also buy furni because of comps like the seven wonders.Without furni a habbo feels unimportant.

16-05-2005, 06:26 PM
We must all admit that the concept for the game was a very good one, just like you say Rasmus, a Habbo feels unimportant without furni. All of us started as poor habbo's and the natural jealousy all "Humans" feel when they dont have what other people do takes over our sub-conscious. Habbo is a game where subliminal messages are everywhere and thats what causes the greed and turns everyday regular kids into furni hungry scamming machines who are constantly deriving new ways to scam others. Just like the way the police force requires criminals in order to keep their jobs I believe Habbo views the criminals in their game in the same aspect of thinking, the more scammers that exist in the network the more money that is suquentially generated for the corportation. It would not suprise me at all if alot of these "Scammers" are actually operating under the control of Sulake. And yes, Habbo is an addiction and thats why when alot of people get scammed they feel a strong desire to reobtain there posessions. Plain and simple Habbo is dangerous for kids and creating many evil people that wouldnt normally go to these measures over a simple game. Also pay close attention to what happens in these casinos, there are some users at the age of 12 that frequently go into casinos and bet away every single one of their rares, hmmmm let me take a wild guess and say that the kid that lost them all will probably grab his parents credit card order up some credits and then head right back to that casino.

16-05-2005, 06:49 PM
I agree.And being a poor habbo myself :D I'm kind and dontated some of my stuff.But thats ok cause someone donated them to be lol :P.Anyway thats one thing I like about coke if it closes you wont have lost money.When habbo closes you will.Which is why habbo credits SHOULD be free.

16-05-2005, 06:54 PM
BY scamming there users they would make less money, thats the whole reason habbo has hobbers etc, they dont have to, as its realy your responciblty to look after stuff, but tehjy do to try and make people feel safe enogh to bother buying creditss.

If people get scamed, they will most likly complain, give bad info, and ithe rleave habbo or stop buying furni.
If there not scamed they will be jessols of those even richer and will conatinue to by stuff.
So they have no need to scam there own uses and would be stupid if they were "/

Habbo is payed for, mainly buy the income from credit purchasing, if habbo didnt charge for credits, it would ether require supsciption fees, or flood you with ad's to pay its server bill,s plus people cant run somthing like habbo, and have other jobs so they do need to make an income, if they didntn habbo would just shut down "?

16-05-2005, 06:58 PM
Thats something to think about...

16-05-2005, 07:08 PM
Mentor, your looking at this exactly the way they expect you to see it. Of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but when you look at it from the corporate standpoint you can clearly see that when a user gets scammed it is more beneficial to habbo than damaging. Sulake claims to have over 200 employess worldwide, if this is true then why are we not able to receive any responses from them? They have a ghost like customer service department, I bet if I were to send an email to their advertising department suggesting that I am interested in paying them for an advertisement on their homepage I would probably get a rapid response from them. Do we all tend to forget that Hobbas are unpaid individuals who provide voluntary work for sulake? And when people get scammed they dont usually leave habbo, havent u noticed that there are tons of people saying "Ive been scammed plz don8". Sure I would agree that most of these users are looking for sympathy and make ficticious allegations of being scammed but the high percentage does show that people will remain on habbo after being scammed.

16-05-2005, 08:46 PM
you may not also be aware of teh mod team, or payed staff, or the fact that alot of work goes in to setting up the habbo systems, and the scammer reporting systems.

They do advertise on teh front page, bu tnot very much, it would end up like fake town without the credits, aka ever bit of furni u click pops up as an advertismnt, sytesm like habbo are not cheep to maintain.

The fact they say plz donate, rather than rebuying tsill shows there not getting any exstra stuff.

Plus if they dont get scamed, they may pay the money in anyway for more stuff, if they get scamed, they ether dissapear, stop buying credits, or spend money they would have spent anyway. as well comaplining, voidng any agin, plus the bad repution it would give would cause the majority of people who may have being thinking about habbo not to join in the first place.

17-05-2005, 02:56 PM
I dont believe habbo should be free, I myself have invested money into this technology and would be quite angry if all of a sudden everyone was able to obtain free stuff that I had to pay for. I understand systems like habbo are not cheap to maintain but if you can not afford to pay for your systems, and also have a department you pay to look after customers concerns then you dont belong in business. Complaining doesnt seem to do anything for anyone regardless, I believe the whole suggestion is up in the air and only time will tell what Sulakes true intentions are and what the future has in store for its users.

17-05-2005, 03:17 PM
No it shouldn't be free.But cheaper.Beacause think about it.Milliojns of habbo's buy credits.And when habbo closes millions of PEOPLE have wasted 10p per credit.

17-05-2005, 03:59 PM
Habbo is a cheat for young peeps to get addicted and spend alot of money!!!!! D:

17-05-2005, 04:15 PM
Simple and true Davisman :)

17-05-2005, 05:22 PM
No it shouldn't be free.But cheaper.Beacause think about it.Milliojns of habbo's buy credits.And when habbo closes millions of PEOPLE have wasted 10p per credit.
Your wasting it even if habbo doesnt close down, onece you pay its gone, and chnage in to valueless pixleated furni.

Complaing never works, if people stop buying credits then they will lower the prices and make chnages, but as people are still buyting creds by the truck load, theres no need, and all they would do is be making less money, not a good move for any business

17-05-2005, 06:56 PM
Right, I think somone has hit you hard on the head. I don't really get this, why should we care whether Habbo give a :rude: about us anyway? Wouldn't you be out there to get the money? Obviously Sulake doesn't care about the game itself, you never see HM walking around the hotel talking to people and stuff. The only time their ever on is during updates or Habbo games. Their purpose is to provide us with the things we need in order to satisfy us and bring in money to Sulake. They wouldn't have made Habbo to help children, if they wanted to do that they would have offered educational courses etc. Why does any of you care if Sulake cared? What would you get out of it if they did? What are you missing that they don't care?

18-05-2005, 08:13 AM
Everyone whos ever been on Habbo hotel has had something go wrong with their account e.g. Creits, Accounts, Hacked, Scammed, Scripted Room, Pass Changed, Account Name Calling. People come on habbo to get away from the meanys in life and enter another world, Then other think it's a chance to do it again on a game.

18-05-2005, 04:14 PM
I agree with Frisco ;)

18-05-2005, 10:33 PM
Ok, you say they protect the scammers first because they don't spend money, but if they don't spend money on credits, why keep them?
And why are the rich people never scammed? Because they have a good password and good virus protection. Ever thought about that?
Most of the scams and keylogged people are poorer people, because they don't have a hard password or good virus protection.
I mean, I don't see casino owners getting scammed. If sulake wants to make huge money by doing this, take some furni from rich people. They are the huge spenders.

19-05-2005, 06:55 PM
Umm, I didn't really bother to read that. But anyway whatever it was I'm sure it was good. Good luck with it.

Also, I agree

23-05-2005, 11:26 AM
I am currently searching all over the internet and using as many resources as I have to get to the bottom of it. If I dont receive any valid responses from them I am going to start making my story and the stories of others more publicly available in the media and as many other sources that I could utilize until all points are heard.
maybe me and u priceman sould make our own habbo hotel but where u have to do stuff to get credz not buy them i want to make it but dont kno how so maybe priceman u could be the hotel manager and me like head hobba or summat please send me a private mssage if u like this thought

23-05-2005, 02:52 PM
what would be cool was a "no credits strike" from us habbos :p

23-05-2005, 02:59 PM
I am beginning to think that over the years a good majority of people who have claimed to have been hacked or keylogged have actually been the victims of Sulake corporations elaborate scheme to extort money from children. I know a good majority of you might think its a crazy suggestion but it fits in well with the operations of corporations in todays civilized society. When a large company decides to add on a 0.10 cent / 0.10 pence fee to its fees when they have a large number of customers, that amount can add up to a significant increase in revenue or stock of a companys overall net worth. What I am suggesting here is that Sulake corporation has been removing items of furniture from users accounts with the notion that alot of these kids hunger for furni remains even when the furni is gone. This more probably than not involves the user then spending more credits to re-obtain the items they once posessed. Look at it this way, I think Sulake would protect the scammers before they protect the users that are being scammed, the scammers arent the ones purchasing anything from sulake they are taking away furniture from users who have previously purchased credits and these users are more likely to spend more money than the user who has never previously spent anything. I know Habbox is a Habbo Fan site and this thread will probably not be widely accepted but I would like to say that if Habbo hotel was a reputable and respected company we would get answers to our emails and phone calls. Feel free to post any comments you might have.

25-05-2005, 02:39 AM
Mickey Blue eyes, I would first like to note that I myself am a casino owner, I was not scammed by a person rather I had received furniture that had been cloned during a lag. My casino is worth in the area of 30 thrones, I dont know if thats what u would consider rich but as I am aware now alot of people are losing items due to the stress that habbo has on its servers. People are losing stuff and they havent fixed anything that to me is a scam in itself. I do agree that most people who are keylogged are not that rich and thats because when u are rich u understand that getting keylogged is something more serious than losing a plasto chair or 2.

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