View Full Version : Lost & Al in The Hub Bar showing New Furni

07-09-2007, 05:48 PM
Screenie coming.

+Helkat now - she says they are their for fun...

[img=http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/9934/91739481oj9.th.png] (http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/9934/91739481oj9.th.png])

Lost says red icm will stay super-rare.

07-09-2007, 05:53 PM
Probably from my word to HelKat

"Tell lost to interact with habbo's more" :D

07-09-2007, 05:55 PM

07-09-2007, 05:55 PM
2 SLOW :)

Edited by Yoshimitsui (Super Moderator): Please don't double post within the 15 minute edit time, simply edit your previous.

07-09-2007, 05:55 PM
Nice find, i agree with e5.
Lost_witness is never on and needs to interact more.

07-09-2007, 05:55 PM
nice find

07-09-2007, 05:57 PM
dnt like da cinema chairs
too fat

07-09-2007, 05:59 PM
Wooo for chris in his jenova uniform <3

07-09-2007, 06:02 PM
Cool nice find i suppose.

07-09-2007, 06:03 PM
http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/5869/hubif3.png (http://imageshack.us)


He also said:

The Red Icm will remain a Super Rare.

Or similar :D

07-09-2007, 06:07 PM
Aye I said that ;P

07-09-2007, 06:13 PM
Probably from my word to HelKat

"Tell lost to interact with habbo's more" :D

And so he should ;D

07-09-2007, 06:15 PM
Probably from my word to HelKat

"Tell lost to interact with habbo's more" :D

I highly doubt that. L_W interacted with habbos anyway tbh, specially in that room. But whether or not you think he interacts enough or not, im sure he has lots of important things he has to deal with being HM and everything, and tbh, if you genuinely think that L_W is interacting more because u had a private word with HelKat, then you need to get in the real world. I'm not having a go or flaming or w/e ppl normally do, im just saying, i seriously doubt you having a word with her is gunna change anything.. these ppl have jobs to do, and if they arent on habbo, then there is a reason...

07-09-2007, 06:15 PM
Chris has allways interacted with Habbo's... he's allways in his rooms regardless of you talking to Helkat

07-09-2007, 06:24 PM
No the only time he goes online is to say

" Everyone reload ... Theres a new Trax Pack in the catalogue "
" Please buy to pay my wages " << Joke

But yeah he should come online ... Just have a chat and ask people if there alryte and stuff

07-09-2007, 06:26 PM
No the only time he goes online is to say

" Everyone reload ... Theres a new Trax Pack in the catalogue "
" Please buy to pay my wages " << Joke

But yeah he should come online ... Just have a chat and ask people if there alryte and stuff
that's what he does. Some people don't understand that he has things to do off of habbo, and can only interact when he has time to spare. He also dj's... that's interacting isnt it?

07-09-2007, 06:27 PM
Ive seen him alot in random rooms.
i was in Dungeon.Keeper's church, and then he turned up, and had a chat wiv us about themerooms, and whether doing comps with them would get ppl involved? i think that spawned Resort Competition..
But he's on whenever he's not busy im sure.. imagine the paperwork he must do !!

07-09-2007, 06:27 PM
Cool find.

07-09-2007, 06:30 PM
We all look back and think that previous HMs were more active in the Hotel, Jibbi, is a common example. This is is untrue imo! I just wish they didn't release so much new stuff as it will end up a mess like Runescape as you can never find what you want to trade... Romantique furni shud be perm, summer furni in summer e.t.c

07-09-2007, 06:30 PM
I never see him interacting much, i;ve seen him in a few casinos and he just stays silent..

07-09-2007, 06:35 PM
He's there to entertain habbo's etc, he doesn't do it and aught to, and :Act, habbostaff are that stuck up, they could of done it from what I said... it's not like they are mega celebrities who won't listen to other habbo's, so before you know for sure, you get real, it maybe unlikely (I don't see how) but anyway.

07-09-2007, 06:57 PM
but you never know, his paper work might overshadow the time he has online. people just 'assume' he's stuck up without having any idea how much work he might have or how busy he is. And you can't say he doesn't entertain habbos, there's allways some sort of competition going on at once.

07-09-2007, 07:37 PM
Screenie coming.

+Helkat now - she says they are their for fun...


Lost says red icm will stay super-rare.

Good news but the screenie is dead. The red ICM is pathetic...another recolor? Want to spend another 20 thrones on a little machine that is colored red? Think about it.

Probably from my word to HelKat

"Tell lost to interact with habbo's more" :D

You can't exactly assume that and besides, what you say cannot exactly influence how people act unless you are that powerful. I could go say to Lost_Witness face to face and tell him to be on 3 hours every 2 days but obviously he wouldn't do it.


Next time you beg, don't shout or put caps on...That won't work for many reasons.

Btw, next time Helkat cross-dresses...I won't finish my comment.

Nice find, i agree with e5.
Lost_witness is never on and needs to interact more.

Pfft, are you kidding yourself? Lost_Witness will never interact with people who are an average player because that isn't where he aims at for the companies' reputation or profits.

I highly doubt that. L_W interacted with habbos anyway tbh, specially in that room. But whether or not you think he interacts enough or not, im sure he has lots of important things he has to deal with being HM and everything, and tbh, if you genuinely think that L_W is interacting more because u had a private word with HelKat, then you need to get in the real world. I'm not having a go or flaming or w/e ppl normally do, im just saying, i seriously doubt you having a word with her is gunna change anything.. these ppl have jobs to do, and if they arent on habbo, then there is a reason...

Lost_Witness is like a principle of a school - He keeps ever staff member intact and makes sure all the events run smoothly. He doesn't always have a stack full of things to do, in fact no one knows that, not even I do. But assuming that he does have stuff to do, he shouldn't be on Habbo in that case and especially rooms with people who are well known in them.

Chris has allways interacted with Habbo's... he's allways in his rooms regardless of you talking to Helkat

He can be in his room 24/7 for all I care but he shouldn't be in his room because that means he isn't interacting with anyone...:eusa_wallIf he wanted to make an impression, he would have held events in someones room for fun like game rooms on the games floor. That alone allows the owner to get popularity based on the prizes for instance and it allows the room to bump up to the top for the day. I mean who doesn't know what it feels like to be neglected from things whether it is on Habbo or not?!

No the only time he goes online is to say

" Everyone reload ... Theres a new Trax Pack in the catalogue "
" Please buy to pay my wages " << Joke

But yeah he should come online ... Just have a chat and ask people if there alryte and stuff

I agree that he should be on more but I don't think you should blame him for what he was hired to do...which is to advertise the items that are being sold. They need the money, they need to advertisements and they need the Habbos.

He can't chat with people because people love to BEG...if they stopped that, he would be on much more then normal.

that's what he does. Some people don't understand that he has things to do off of habbo, and can only interact when he has time to spare. He also dj's... that's interacting isnt it?

He does stuff outside of Habbo because he has to but he also should consider spending a little time satisfying the costumers.

DJ'ing is not interacting, that is only a waste of time in my eyes.

If he can't spare time to make people's useless (no offence) lives complete, then he should get another job because Habbos are complaining that he doesn't give people the attention they want.

Ive seen him alot in random rooms.
i was in Dungeon.Keeper's church, and then he turned up, and had a chat wiv us about themerooms, and whether doing comps with them would get ppl involved? i think that spawned Resort Competition..
But he's on whenever he's not busy im sure.. imagine the paperwork he must do !!

Yeah...give yourself the credit...You won't last long here.

However, paperwork for Lost_Witness? In your dreams...he only maintains the work his co-workers have to develop. He probably slacks off half of the time but I don't know that for sure.

but you never know, his paper work might overshadow the time he has online. people just 'assume' he's stuck up without having any idea how much work he might have or how busy he is. And you can't say he doesn't entertain habbos, there's allways some sort of competition going on at once.

He maintains the competition, he does not actually make it. And yes, he doesn't entertain people at all. When was the last time he was funny? Apparently he has time to keep the VIP Habbos happy but not the rest of the population that covers 89% (approx.) of the hotel.

07-09-2007, 07:41 PM
God, you never have such a negative attitude.

07-09-2007, 08:37 PM
Good news but the screenie is dead. The red ICM is pathetic...another recolor? Want to spend another 20 thrones on a little machine that is colored red? Think about it.

You can't exactly assume that and besides, what you say cannot exactly influence how people act unless you are that powerful. I could go say to Lost_Witness face to face and tell him to be on 3 hours every 2 days but obviously he wouldn't do it.

Next time you beg, don't shout or put caps on...That won't work for many reasons.

Btw, next time Helkat cross-dresses...I won't finish my comment.

Pfft, are you kidding yourself? Lost_Witness will never interact with people who are an average player because that isn't where he aims at for the companies' reputation or profits.

Lost_Witness is like a principle of a school - He keeps ever staff member intact and makes sure all the events run smoothly. He doesn't always have a stack full of things to do, in fact no one knows that, not even I do. But assuming that he does have stuff to do, he shouldn't be on Habbo in that case and especially rooms with people who are well known in them.

He can be in his room 24/7 for all I care but he shouldn't be in his room because that means he isn't interacting with anyone...:eusa_wallIf he wanted to make an impression, he would have held events in someones room for fun like game rooms on the games floor. That alone allows the owner to get popularity based on the prizes for instance and it allows the room to bump up to the top for the day. I mean who doesn't know what it feels like to be neglected from things whether it is on Habbo or not?!

I agree that he should be on more but I don't think you should blame him for what he was hired to do...which is to advertise the items that are being sold. They need the money, they need to advertisements and they need the Habbos.

He can't chat with people because people love to BEG...if they stopped that, he would be on much more then normal.

He does stuff outside of Habbo because he has to but he also should consider spending a little time satisfying the costumers.

DJ'ing is not interacting, that is only a waste of time in my eyes.

If he can't spare time to make people's useless (no offence) lives complete, then he should get another job because Habbos are complaining that he doesn't give people the attention they want.

Yeah...give yourself the credit...You won't last long here.

However, paperwork for Lost_Witness? In your dreams...he only maintains the work his co-workers have to develop. He probably slacks off half of the time but I don't know that for sure.

He maintains the competition, he does not actually make it. And yes, he doesn't entertain people at all. When was the last time he was funny? Apparently he has time to keep the VIP Habbos happy but not the rest of the population that covers 89% (approx.) of the hotel.

Tbh, the amount of time you spent writing that is a bit pathetic. lost_witness at the end of the day does more inside work than other habbo staff because he is the manager. He has to do so much paperwork he hasn't got time to sit in someones room and host a game because that is only engaging 25 people on habbo, maybe 50. When if he did a massive competition which takes ages to write rules etc. etc. Then he can involved 1000's of people.

07-09-2007, 08:41 PM
Tbh, the amount of time you spent writing that is a bit pathetic. lost_witness at the end of the day does more inside work than other habbo staff because he is the manager. He has to do so much paperwork he hasn't got time to sit in someones room and host a game because that is only engaging 25 people on habbo, maybe 50. When if he did a massive competition which takes ages to write rules etc. etc. Then he can involved 1000's of people.
Pathetic? You buying VIP is pathetic.

I don't have a personal vendetta with Lost_Witness, I only go along with what others say about him. I personally suggest that he gets involved in game rooms in certain rooms so the newbies get to see him without people like you surrounding him like a little cute puppy.

07-09-2007, 08:43 PM
Pathetic? You buying VIP is pathetic.

I don't have a personal vendetta with Lost_Witness, I only go along with what others say about him. I personally suggest that he gets involved in game rooms in certain rooms so the newbies get to see him without people like you surrounding him like a little cute puppy.
well i think that you going along with others is pathetic, and what you just said there, is the opposite to what you've been saying all day.

07-09-2007, 08:47 PM
well i think that you going along with others is pathetic, and what you just said there, is the opposite to what you've been saying all day.
I don't literally quote people who do say what I say, I add my own touch to it. My opinion does not necessarily have to be approved by you guys, I got my own point of view and you got your own. I only allow people to view these things in a different light like you guys should. That is what makes society is a piece of crap.

07-09-2007, 08:50 PM
Whats with everyones NEGATIVE attitude.

it goes along way.
it doens't cost anything and it makes people happy too.

k bi

07-09-2007, 08:55 PM
Whats with everyones NEGATIVE attitude.

it goes along way.
it doens't cost anything and it makes people happy too.

k bi
You are the best member on this forum. You are innocent and thoughtful for others. I only wish that I had your attitude on forums because I am never nice on forums. I just end up making others eat your own words because of what stupid things they say.

07-09-2007, 09:29 PM
Cor blimy lol your a bit ott aren't you? I wasn't beeging she said: I will come today so I was asking her...P.S. she doesn't cross-dress theres a reason behind it: Look at my comment on her homepage: http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/HelKat

07-09-2007, 10:20 PM
The guy is entitled to an opinion that's why this is a Forum. He is entitled to write as much as he likes instead of poorly worded crap sentences that spring up on this Forum from time to time.
In terms of being negative, he's allwoed to be it's part of forming an opinion.
Leave the guy alone...:$

07-09-2007, 11:04 PM
Mmm Mike is entitled to an opinion... Lol at chris in his JENOVA uniform, shame he never does anything as of late though rofl. I guess he's really busy and HelKat is covering for him, she is the Assistant Hotel Manager after all. I think it's actually really good to see HelKat out and about, she's pretty popular for her late night pop-on's. :P

le harry
08-09-2007, 01:12 AM
Ooh, Chaingang, everybodies seen your club. Nobody wants to go there anymore.

08-09-2007, 02:38 AM
Cor blimy lol your a bit ott aren't you? I wasn't beeging she said: I will come today so I was asking her...P.S. she doesn't cross-dress theres a reason behind it: Look at my comment on her homepage: http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/HelKat

I see where you are going with that. Nice idea...I guess? :eusa_clap Seems like it turned out good but word of advice, never make staff change gender in front of newbies, it gets many conflicts. Once you experience it, you will know what I mean.

The guy is entitled to an opinion that's why this is a Forum. He is entitled to write as much as he likes instead of poorly worded crap sentences that spring up on this Forum from time to time.
In terms of being negative, he's allwoed to be it's part of forming an opinion.
Leave the guy alone...:$

I thank you for your input. I entirely agree with your opinion on what is allowed on the forum and as many are well aware (I hope), I was following the rules.

Mmm Mike is entitled to an opinion... Lol at chris in his JENOVA uniform, shame he never does anything as of late though rofl. I guess he's really busy and HelKat is covering for him, she is the Assistant Hotel Manager after all. I think it's actually really good to see HelKat out and about, she's pretty popular for her late night pop-on's. :P

You know, now that I think about it. Usually the assistant of any type of position usually blooms in the garden (so to speak) while the manager is still growing its roots. So, I agree, HelKat is pretty decent but Lost_Witness should be racing to the top with her though to keep the hatred to a minimum.

Ooh, Chaingang, everybodies seen your club. Nobody wants to go there anymore.

Ooooooh...That is harsh! :P:rolleyes: *shh..+rep :D

08-09-2007, 02:44 AM
Nice Screenies :]

08-09-2007, 10:09 AM
Lol shut it harry! Was I inviting you? NO!

08-09-2007, 10:15 AM
Wooo for chris in his jenova uniform <3

Wooo I was 3rd in the Jenova Motto Competition,

08-09-2007, 10:25 AM
i sat in one a min ago, looks sexi <33

08-09-2007, 10:59 AM

08-09-2007, 11:03 AM
AFROSUCKUPS? We were in the room and she said lets raid hte Hub Club we said OK she said Ok lets were the same thing someone wore that afro and clothes she liked it we all wore it and we went to the Hub Club with UKchaserAl in and Lost_Witness in but she got d.ced b4 so she was late and it didn't go to plan. END OF!


08-09-2007, 03:29 PM
AFROSUCKUPS? We were in the room and she said lets raid hte Hub Club we said OK she said Ok lets were the same thing someone wore that afro and clothes she liked it we all wore it and we went to the Hub Club with UKchaserAl in and Lost_Witness in but she got d.ced b4 so she was late and it didn't go to plan. END OF!

Actually, IE has a tendancy to crash way more then FF and not only that, her computer could suck. Such as using a MAC for FF, not the smartest idea. I used FF on my MAC OS X and it crashed a lot because it wasn't supporting it because FF takes a lot of resources.

08-09-2007, 03:31 PM
Actually, IE has a tendancy to crash way more then FF and not only that, her computer could suck. Such as using a MAC for FF, not the smartest idea. I used FF on my MAC OS X and it crashed a lot because it wasn't supporting it because FF takes a lot of resources.
She said it herself "firefox hates me"

08-09-2007, 03:32 PM
She said it herself "firefox hates me"
Why doesn't she change her internet browser then? The least she can do is come back after she got disconnected. I mean how many times did she not come back after getting disconnected?

08-09-2007, 04:35 PM
She messaged me saying: CHA!NGANG firefox sucks lol and what is better firefox or ie?

I said: Erm I like FF more than IE cus it crashes also. But I am not sure.

08-09-2007, 04:45 PM
She messaged me saying: CHA!NGANG firefox sucks lol and what is better firefox or ie?

I said: Erm I like FF more than IE cus it crashes also. But I am not sure.
She is using a MAC and FF does not work very well with it. Well, unless she has a newer version of the MAC OS X, she is screwed. She can always get netscape (the default browser for MAC).

I personally thing of 2 things either that she has a older version of MAC OS X or she leaves Habbo just so she doesn't have to attend your parties (no offence).

08-09-2007, 05:01 PM
Netscape hey any good cus I am on a mac and I have ff?

08-09-2007, 05:03 PM
Netscape hey any good cus I am on a mac and I have ff?

Netscape is made for the MAC because it is very simple and well, made for the MAC. Also, she must have an older version of MAC because I had a MAC OS X about 2-3 years ago and it crashed a lot in FF and I was very annoyed. But I would stick to IE if she doesn't want to get Netscape.

08-09-2007, 05:06 PM
Ok so netscape it is ill tell her. Cheers and I mite use it as well :)


TY :)

08-09-2007, 06:38 PM
Going a bit off topic guys? Remember there's a Technology Discussion Forum. ;) I guess he feels like showing off his goods, good for him. He must be so proud. :D

08-09-2007, 06:47 PM
Going a bit off topic guys? Remember there's a Technology Discussion Forum. ;) I guess he feels like showing off his goods, good for him. He must be so proud. :D
Sarcasm to me?

I would discuss on that forum but it isn't like every thread on this forum goes off-topic anyway. Let us just continue the tradition to make our lives so much easier.

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