View Full Version : [Alteration] Help for room alts

11-09-2007, 01:31 AM

Okay. So I got bored and did this to save some of you some work.
You've seen two of these already, and you might wonder "What makes yours so special?" Well.. I've done alot of the work for you :D Ever wanted to recolour the floor and had to go through the painful task of filling in those STUPID lines? Well, here you go :) Now you don't have to.
If you use paint to make alts (I'm pretty sure it would work on other programs.. but I use paint so whatever)

Anyways, its simple:
Right click the picture ^
Press "copy"
then on paint, use the fill tool and put in whatever colour you want the lines on the floor to be
Then, right click and press "Paste"
Still see the white lines? no worries :D
Go to the side panel and press this:
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3739/nowhiteax0.png < make sure the bottom one is selected and voila, the white is gone and you don't have to fill in all the lines :)


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