View Full Version : ROFL, which layout is better? [READ]

13-09-2007, 12:45 AM


post below.

13-09-2007, 12:45 AM
TehUpload, not a fan of the font or design used on andyonair.

13-09-2007, 12:47 AM
Me either, but apparently mine is "****"

-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
the layout is ******* bomb

the text is bad..
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
bu the layout isnt
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
and yes i made it
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
thats a good layout
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:

-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
i was being sarcastic about it being a good layout
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
i mean its ****
Caleb - www.tehupload.com says:
Hmm, actually its not.
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
u need a web developer for ur site

-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
thats a temp layout u ******... ur being a total **** **** right now
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
so **** off
-=- Andy K. -=- :: Check out my new site!!! www.andyonair.com!!! says:
u ******* *****

He act a tad bit childish?
Changes his story at least 3 times.

13-09-2007, 12:48 AM
perhaps hes just proud of the layout... put alot of work into it and is just getting defensive.

13-09-2007, 12:50 AM
True, all I said was I don't like the text on the layout, nor the times new roman, as his name was check out my new site.

13-09-2007, 12:52 AM
True, all I said was I don't like the text on the layout, nor the times new roman, as his name was check out my new site. yeah the times new roman in the textbox (was it cutenews?) made it look rather rubbish might look better if changed.

13-09-2007, 12:59 AM
Yep all pages were times new roman.

Use links to free flash games.. which (why would people want links to those? isnt that what noob sites do?)

Used a free script guest book which looked like crap. Just overall I didn't like it :P So I told him and he thought it was amazing..

13-09-2007, 01:00 AM
perhaps its his first site template, who knows.

Ovious which is the overall better template even if tehupload is just a upload box

13-09-2007, 01:01 AM
Yeah, but he has been having sites for agesssss.

13-09-2007, 06:33 AM
I actually love tehupload because its nice and simple and modern.. Not cheap layouts that you can tell have just been added in photoshop with nooby effects.

13-09-2007, 03:46 PM
http://www.andyonair.com/ is horrific

13-09-2007, 07:48 PM
Thats what I said :)

Throne Sofa
13-09-2007, 07:56 PM
Second one is way better!

13-09-2007, 08:10 PM
Both are as bad as each other.

Only joking, TehUpload kicks its ***.

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