View Full Version : [Mini-I] Job applications open, and wow, what a site :)

17-09-2007, 08:19 PM

Well, I was recently browsing over fansites and I came across Mini-I. An official Habbo UK Fansite owned & operated by Invent! and ReviewDude.

[MINI-I] Opens on Friday (21st) I believe.

But while your waiting, Why not apply for a job ? :)

[ www.mini-i.fm ]


Samuel Millar

Edited By Sunny. (Forum Moderator): Link Fixed

17-09-2007, 08:23 PM
Provide a link, lol.

17-09-2007, 08:24 PM

ty for thread, lol. x

17-09-2007, 08:26 PM
no problem x & Sorry for forgetting a link. :rolleyes: lol.

17-09-2007, 08:32 PM
That's nice, I like that site!

17-09-2007, 08:34 PM
I want to see the design :D

17-09-2007, 08:38 PM
That's nice, I like that site!

Thanks! :)

I want to see the design

Only 4 days to wait ;)

17-09-2007, 08:38 PM
www.mini-i.fm (http://www.mini-i.fm)

ty for thread, lol. x

Da background speech is hidden da m8. <-- IGNORE i saw da close button xox

n omgg i want da job.

17-09-2007, 08:39 PM
What jobs going?

(If you don't want me to work there just say )

17-09-2007, 08:41 PM
The jobs open are:
- Radio DJ
- Events Organiser (Co-Ordinator)
- Content Writer
- Graphics Artist
- Site Coder
- News Reporter
- Articles Staff

Oh and feel free to apply! I'm not gonna stop you :D

17-09-2007, 08:41 PM
Check the site drop down says there

and simon i well removed u from msn i fink.

17-09-2007, 08:42 PM
and simon i well removed u from msn i fink.

how dare you.

17-09-2007, 08:43 PM
The jobs open are:
- Radio DJ
- Events Organiser (Co-Ordinator)
- Content Writer
- Graphics Artist
- Site Coder
- News Reporter
- Articles Staff

Oh and feel free to apply! I'm not gonna stop you :D

Ahh nothing there for me :(

Mite start learning to code actually lmao, but goodluck with site etc.

Is there going to be a forum? for this site

17-09-2007, 08:43 PM
how dare you.

im sorrrrieeeee. :P add me back tbh. (:

17-09-2007, 08:52 PM
Wow looks really nice.

I have to say, with Simons new interest in JS after learning how to use Scriptaculous, this site will be amazing.

17-09-2007, 08:52 PM
we want habbo-paper back!!!

that background is used everywhere ish ;[ well the left hand side is.

erm why does redtiz fly ;[, and you cant really go "wow what a site" by a page going "ello we are coming soon"

apart from that its alright. nice to see habbopaper get a change, but the change to mini-i is a bit odd ;[ what does it even mean Mini-I? Mini-Ipod??? Mini-Industrial Revolution?

17-09-2007, 08:55 PM
what does it even mean Mini-I? Mini-Ipod??? Mini-Industrial Revolution?

I'll give you a sneak peak of our content:

» mini-i history

Here on the Mini-I History page you can find out where the name "Mini-I" came from and what the site was like before this version!
» The story...

Now, you're probably thinking "Mini-I", what the bobba does that mean?! Well, you're about to find out! Now...the story behind the site's name is quite long, so sorry if you get bored!

Right lets start from the beginning! The 'Mini' part of the site name was originally thought up by Spleaky (Nateybobs on Habbo UK today) as part of the name for a MMORPG game somewhat like Habbo. The exact name of the project was "MiniYou". The site was in development for a few months until Spleaky and Invent! (.:X-MiNi-MaN-X:. back in those days, LOL!) decided to put the project on hold and focus on another idea - a Habbo Hotel UK Fansite! Because they didn't want to waste any money (cheap skates!) on a domain, they decided to use the domain MiniYou.net for the sites name and thus the 'Mini' part of the current site's name was established!

After a long period of time running the site, Invent! then met another Habbo called Judicious (::-LIAM-:: back then) who owned his own fansite aswell called Habbo-I! After being friends for quite a few months, both Invent! and Judicious decided they wanted their sites to have Radios. So as a joint effort to hope to get more listeners on the radio they decided to share the Radio on both fansites. After around 6 months of having a not very successfull radio (Aw!) and fansites, Invent! and Judicious decided to close their fansites and open a new Fansite specificially dedicated to provinding a Habbo Radio. After a few days of thinking, they couldn't

decide on a name together. So they decided the only way they would decide the name of the Fansite in a fair way would be to take part of the current site names and mash them together!
So thus, MiniYou + Habbo-I = Mini-I !

The site in its early stages ran on the domain www.Mini-I-FM.net. Sadly, the site didn't earn much popularity but stayed open for a long time because of its "dedicated listeners", these listeners/fans meant a lot to the site owners so they kept the site open especially for them. Some of these "dedicated listeners" are still around listening today.

The oldest listeners that are still around are:

- DJ-Rasta (Iceish on Habbo UK today, who is now a management member!),
- Dj-Steve (Yitz on Habbo UK Today, who is now a management member aswell!),
- PinkieCheeks,
- Butterfly2k6 (xKirsty-x on Habbo UK Today),
- Spleaky (Nateybobs on Habbo UK Today),
- Ja.Ja.Binks (::-::Davey::-:: on Habbo UK Today).

The other dedicated listeners who are not around anymore are:

- Dozr,
- Honorous,
- AndrewFX,
- Tom.L,
- Darkfaith.

We would like to thank all of the above listeners as they meant A LOT to the site and if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be reading this page now as the site wouldn't exist!

After around 3/4 months of the site being open the site ran an event called "The Mini-I.FM DJ Factor" which was a competition sort of like all those "ClubHabbo Idol" or "ThinkHabbo Factor" competitions, but the "Mini-I.FM DJ Factor" was the FIRST singing/djing competition to EVER hit Habbo! *special moment* The competition offered the winner a DJ Job a Mini-I.FM, a bunch o' rares and a Forum Badge (I think!). The competition didn't get THAT many entries but the winner was picked fair and square. The winner of the "DJ Factor 2006" was infact 'Ja.Ja.Binks' (A.K.A DJ Boxy or ::-::Davey::-:: on Habbo UK today)!

After a few more months another song competition was held called "The Mini-I-Factor", this competition was a step up from the last one (as the site had gained its own reputation as a good, friendly site) as the winner would win theirself a 'V9' Habbo Room FULL of HC Sofas and other assorted rares! The room added up to around 9 Thrones in that times rare values (probably around 3 Thrones today *doh!*). The winner also won theirself a DJ Job at Mini-I.FM and their song up for download on the Mini-I Homepage for 2 weeks. The overall winner of the "Mini-I-Factor" was Darkzeh who entered his own uhm..lets just say *special* version of Rihanna's song "Unfaithful". After this competition the site was sort of known for its crazy competitions such as DJ Mini giving out a throne at every 20 listeners. (Which is why he is so poor on Habbo these days!).

A few months later, Mini-I-FM.net decided to expand the site by building a partnership with an Official Fansite at that time. The site emailed a few Official Fansites and got a couple of replies. The reply which they were most pleased about the most was the reply from HabboPaper.co.uk (the old home to ReviewDude!). After a few weeks of discussing the partnership, the link was set up between the fansites and Mini-I-FM.net's radio was set up and playing on HabboPaper.co.uk! After the partnership was formed, Invent! started growing a very strong friendship with the 'Media Manager' at HabboPaper (AKA ReviewDude) and after a few months he was invited to join the staff team at Mini-I-FM as Mini-I's Site Manager!

Not long after the partnership the Habbo Staff member Becs agreed to DJ on Mini-I.FM in celebration of Halloween hitting Habbo! During this event the site's radio hit its listener limit (200 Listeners) which was the most amount of listeners Mini-I has ever had!

After a few months of argueing about the site and how it should be ran, the old site co-owner ::-::LIAM::-:: (Judicious on Habbo UK Today) decided to leave the site and also quit Habbo Hotel at the same time. This caused a massive dent in Mini-I as Invent! was left on his own to run the site. After a few weeks of thinking about who to hire to take Judicious' job Invent! decided the most perfect person for the job was his old friend ReviewDude from HabboPaper.co.uk and Mini-I.FM Site Manager. But Invent! and ReviewDude then had another problem...Liam had left the site but he had *also* taken the site's domain (www.mini-i-fm.net)! After a bit of thinking the *AMAZING* ReviewDude had a genius idea...buy a new one! The only problem was Invent! was very attached to the site name (Because of all the above!). So being nice like ReviewDude is he decided to purchase the very domain you see before you today "Mini-I.FM".

After ReviewDude was appointed Mini-I.FM Site Owner (with Invent!) Mini-I had some MAJOR changes such as the introduction of the old Mini-I.FM User System which was a big hit with Habbos. The sites design(s) were also improved with the opening of the new site which were quite popular among Habbos. During ReviewDude's reign the site also introduced a new set of Habbo Imagers which were very popular on Habbo Forums, etc.

During the production of the Mini-I which you see before you today, Invent! and ReviewDude stayed up LITERALLY ALL night chatting about Mini-I and things which the site could have. Whilst Invent! was thinking of good realistic ideas, ReviewDude just stayed up thinking of puns that he could make up by changing the 'Mini' in 'Mini-I' to something. I would tell you the best one he thought of, but I'd get in trouble!

Since the new domain was bought the site has gone from strength-to-strength to the Official Habbo UK Fansite you see before you today.

Ha! I told you it was a long story didn't I! :)

17-09-2007, 08:57 PM
I'll give you a sneak peak of our content:
Wow, I actually read all of that.

Thats a nice piece of information :) Never knew that.

17-09-2007, 08:59 PM
Lol, but when do you plan to open the site?

17-09-2007, 08:59 PM
Friday :) 7PM we're hoping!

17-09-2007, 08:59 PM
He said earlier.. Friday xD

17-09-2007, 09:05 PM

Oh and back to the site's name.

I like the name "Mini-I" as its unique.

Also, the domain "mini-i.fm" as a Habbo Fansite attracts Habbo's to the site as they are intrigued by the name, which is a great thing!

17-09-2007, 09:06 PM

Oh and back to the site's name.

I like the name "Mini-I" as its unique and as a site viewer it either drags you in or sends you away.

The domain "mini-i.fm" as a Habbo Fansite mostly attracts Habbo's as they are entruigued by the name, which is a great thing!
I am looking forward to minihomes :P

17-09-2007, 09:08 PM
We've decided this is how the sites gonna work.

- We open the main site on Friday with content & radio.
- A few weeks later the interactive Habbo Catalogue is released along with the other special AJAXY things.
- A few weeks after that the pre-beta MiniHomes is released to the public
- A couple of weeks of MiniHomes downtime (fixing bugs, etc).
- Main BETA of homes opens for 1 week
- 1/2 Week Final bug testing
- 0.1 Build of homes is publically released!

17-09-2007, 09:36 PM
i want da content writer tbh. And staff hooker.

/dpesnt want to apply so doesnt get the job.

17-09-2007, 09:38 PM
They have a contact portion for you to apply on www.mini-i.fm

17-09-2007, 09:39 PM
....doesnt want to apply so doesnt get the job.

They have a contact portion for you to apply on www.mini-i.fm (http://www.mini-i.fm)Read up mate

17-09-2007, 09:44 PM
i want da content writer tbh. And staff hooker.

/dpesnt want to apply so doesnt get the job.

Read up mate
Yes, but anyways...this seems like it's going to be a great fansite with a lot to offer. I can't wait until friday.

17-09-2007, 09:44 PM
LOL at the staff hooker.

17-09-2007, 11:14 PM

Everything is looking good. :)

Just to point out... (I've corrected in bold)

Note: If you're using IE the form may (I was told this from my college teacher, try to cut out "might") 'freeze' on "Sending Application...". We're sorry about this error and hope to have it fixed asap! :) (By the way, if your app was filled in correctly it still gets sent even though the page freezes!) -- We believe the error is now fixed, if this error still occurs for you please contact Invent! or ReviewDudeon on (missed word) Habbo ASAP :) Thanks!

18-09-2007, 07:43 AM
I wish i could walk on water like those Habbo's ;) Everyone should be applying it used to be a great site ! :)

18-09-2007, 01:12 PM
Looks like an ace website, really unique. Something new for a change. :)

Look forward to seeing it !

18-09-2007, 03:38 PM
Thanks for all the lovely comments about the site! :)

I just hope we don't let you down when the site opens :(

18-09-2007, 04:20 PM
Thanks for all the lovely comments about the site! :)

I just hope we don't let you down when the site opens :(

Im sure you wont, Can you please reply to my PM's

19-09-2007, 03:54 PM
Please welcome Connetix/Ollie to the Mini-I Team :) He will take the roll as our Site Manager!

ALSO, Applications should be replied to by tonight! :)

20-09-2007, 04:06 PM
Please welcome Connetix/Ollie to the Mini-I Team :) He will take the roll as our Site Manager!

ALSO, Applications should be replied to by tonight! :)
Lucky Bugger lmao
Well done Simon and Paddy [reviewdude]

if Paddy was from Max and Paddy who starred on the Greggs Advert then I would take him soz

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