View Full Version : Anybody hate your dentist? I DO >.<

20-09-2007, 03:33 PM
Just been dentist for a filling.
Told not to worry and close my eyes, while she brings out a big needle

im like *gulp*

Now im hungry but cant eat coz my mouth is numb. Any ideas on how to pass the time?

Also, how long does a needle last?

20-09-2007, 03:34 PM
a couple hours, i gotta go dentist in a couple days, i know im gonna have to have another 2 fillings, guy didnt do it properly last time so it friggin basicaly came out ;l

20-09-2007, 03:35 PM

Ive got another filling on Oct. 15th

I seriously cba going. I have a fear of needles ^^

20-09-2007, 03:59 PM
Your other filling might no need a needle, It all depends on how deep the filling needs to be. I went for one this week, I didn't need an injection to numb it because It wasn't very deep. It's for your own good though, If they come near the tooth roots.. Dam it hurts ;).

20-09-2007, 04:02 PM
Lol yeh I hate when you feel it all touch the rooty bit or something and it's just like "AHH" lol. :p

I have the dentist October 3rd for a filling. I also have 2 extra teeth than normal people at the roof of my mouth and he's trying to tell me to get them out even though they are perfectly healthy and don't cause any bother... I'm like er no fanx! :P

20-09-2007, 04:02 PM
Well, i dunno how deep this one was.
I hope i dont need a needle next week.

The damn hoover and the thing she used to get stuff out of tooth was like
just fit in my mouth, lol

Edit: Lol Ostinato. Id be like. YOU AINT TAKING MY TEETH OUT! =[

Ive never had a tooth out, and I SURE dont want one out...

20-09-2007, 04:16 PM
i used to hate going to the dentist when i was younger. i used to cry and whine and beg not to go, and it actually worked a couple of times. my school back then had a dentist clinic within the school compound, so you can't really escape. they will call you twice a year for a check-up.

but now, it's not so bad, maybe because i brush my teeth daily now. don't get me wrong, i used to brush my teeth back then too when i was a kid, but i hated it and i thought it was pointless, and wouldn't do it properly either. now, i love the idea of shiny teeth. i like going to the dentist to get my teeth polished and checked. however, i hate it when they use the 'drill' thing, that hurts the most. oh oh, and needles too.

20-09-2007, 04:19 PM
My current dentist is pretty alright. He isn't as impatient and bossy as some of the others I've had, as I changed dentist loads because I hated going. I had one dentist whos' finger I bit, another one who yelled at me because i was crying and wouldn't sit in the chair.

The one I have now takes his time with you, you get stickers as well and he's a pretty nice bloke ^_^

20-09-2007, 04:20 PM
Mine talks like Mr. Bean and does proper stupid things.

20-09-2007, 04:25 PM
mine shouts alot, was NHS. then went private then came back to NHS, its like make up ur mind

20-09-2007, 04:26 PM
I don't hate the dentist :D Mainly because I haven't had anything bad happen and they suggest I only need to go every 2-4 years :D

20-09-2007, 04:59 PM
I hate mine, the stupid women! Im sure she has a personal grudge against me and gets a thrill in causing me pain. My dentist has recently gone private, so Im hoping she has high prices so she dont pay anymore.

20-09-2007, 05:54 PM
I remember when I had four teeth out two injections for each tooth .. that was bad lol I had to drink from a straw for the rest of the day it was horrible and dribbley :P

20-09-2007, 06:00 PM
im having two teeth out soon.
does it hurt? the needles and what not :(

I hate dentists. I sit there scared and just take it all in silence =[

20-09-2007, 06:33 PM
*text removed*

Edit by mattmeister (Forum Moderator) - Please do not insult other forum members.

20-09-2007, 07:04 PM
If i have to get any dental work done i have to have it done out of hours because being off work isn't an option.
I am hugely obsessive on my teeth being perfect so naturally i love the dentist and cant see her enough!
I dont think i would ever use NHS for dental care and they are just so poor with their standards and the NHS Dental went bust in feb 2007 so everything is being run on a shoestring budget

btw, getting teeth out is painless, you hear a crack and your dentist gives you a pat on the back and you go home.

20-09-2007, 09:38 PM
LOL I love when they numb your mouth, feel so weird!

20-09-2007, 09:42 PM
its when they send you to sleep and you wake up to find them buckling their trousers.

20-09-2007, 09:43 PM
Try spitting with a numb mouth.

It's well embarrassing.

21-09-2007, 06:30 AM

Ive got another filling on Oct. 15th

I seriously cba going. I have a fear of needles ^^

and your saying a normal filling hurts?


21-09-2007, 07:06 AM
No, i don't.

21-09-2007, 07:22 AM
Fillings are fine, they just inject you with numbing stuff and put the filling it. I don't care about the dentist lol I don't like him though coz he making me get braces..... :@ but authodontist said 45% of people aren't fit for braces. *PLZ ME PLZ ME*

21-09-2007, 07:48 AM
i used to hate going to the dentist when i was younger. i used to cry and whine and beg not to go, and it actually worked a couple of times. my school back then had a dentist clinic within the school compound, so you can't really escape. they will call you twice a year for a check-up.

but now, it's not so bad, maybe because i brush my teeth daily now. don't get me wrong, i used to brush my teeth back then too when i was a kid, but i hated it and i thought it was pointless, and wouldn't do it properly either. now, i love the idea of shiny teeth. i like going to the dentist to get my teeth polished and checked. however, i hate it when they use the 'drill' thing, that hurts the most. oh oh, and needles too.

You live in Singapore too right? In my old school we had a dental clinic in our compound. The dentists are fairly ok, I haven't had any bad experiences with them, once when I was 7 though but I forgot about it anyway. My new school has a mobile clinic that visits every year, they dentists are friendly. We like to hang around in the mobile clinic, which is like a caravan, and watch our friends get the check ups :P

21-09-2007, 03:58 PM
I barely go anymore lolzolozl
But the dentist I get is from the east side of Hull, not the west like my dad.
In rugby league, Hull FC = West, Hull KR (Kingston Rovers) = East
So, my dad supports FC and my dentist supports KR.

21-09-2007, 04:57 PM
mines a woman n shes pretty nice looking, so no i dont hate mine:)

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