View Full Version : I have A problem....

22-09-2007, 10:04 AM
You know that thing that happened with HelKat earlier... With her console and it saying she was in a room but she wasn't there. Well it has happened to me as well...

I got a message saying I am gona stalk you and then she said (She being a mate of mine) give me the pass to your room. However, I was on Hotel View.

If your on my f/r please tell me If I appear in a room or not please.
But I will stay on HV and see what happens for a bit.

The screeny is one of me tying to get into my room However, It say it has a pass on it and that I can't get in. I fixed that problem now but the other one still exists.

If your on my list please reply with what it says.


22-09-2007, 10:11 AM
You're on hotel view atm.

22-09-2007, 11:38 AM
lol, hope it stays like that

you keep branding that room as if its gods gift

when its a massive pile of **** and was a fluke

22-09-2007, 12:33 PM
How am I branding the room? I am just saying I can't get into it. And how do you have a fluke room?

22-09-2007, 12:35 PM
I got a message saying I am gona stalk you and then she said (She being a mate of mine) give me the pass to your roomLOL.

As if Habbo staff need passwords to get in rooms.

le harry
22-09-2007, 12:53 PM
ur room is crap now stop advertisin it

i saw u were beggin ukchaseral for him to go to ur rm

anyways bi

22-09-2007, 01:11 PM
I mean she bieng not HelKat it was a friend of mine nt HelKat.

Harry so what its up to me what I do dude. You were begging me to say UKchaserAl to add you every 5 seconds and when I did tell him and he said no you started crying. I could say you sucked up.

22-09-2007, 01:18 PM
Mate you remind me of e5 so much its unbeliveable,(Oh seen as all Habbo staff love me)
So what if Harry wanted Al on his list doesnt mean he's sucking up i mean i wonder how many f.rs HelKat got before she acepted yours i bet you constantly f.r'd her

le harry
22-09-2007, 01:21 PM
I mean she bieng not HelKat it was a friend of mine nt HelKat.

Harry so what its up to me what I do dude. You were begging me to say UKchaserAl to add you every 5 seconds and when I did tell him and he said no you started crying. I could say you sucked up.

ye i wanted ukchaseral on my friends list but i wasnt suckin up 2 him

staff dnt need pass's to get in rms..... (atleast i think they dont)

22-09-2007, 01:26 PM
OK well first HelKat was not the one who was stalking me. Just because I said she you guys think it was HelKat lol it was infact another person called ST@R.

And Merc HelKat f/r me I didn't f/r her.

22-09-2007, 01:32 PM
And Merc HelKat f/r me I didn't f/r her.Habbo staff are officially losing their marbles.

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