View Full Version : Website Debate - Im getting annoyed.

24-09-2007, 08:01 PM
Okay my site vHabbo that I might be selling.

This is how it began;

Sometime before July I was looking to start a site, So I go looking for a co-owner (This makes me the first owner?) So, I find HotelUser, and he decides the name, vHabbo, So then I purchase the domain (Therefor this makes it more my site), I design umpteen layouts. However he hosts the site.

Who has more rights? (The site is on his dedi)

What I basically wan't to know is, Who has more control, and who has the final say, (sale etc)

24-09-2007, 08:10 PM
Think about it;

>>>co<<< -owners

You both do it togeather and both have the same title of co-owner therefor you both have a 50-50 split.

24-09-2007, 08:11 PM
Yeah, But I have access to the domain and he doesn't.. Iam the first owner because I went looking for a coowner.

So I have more rights?

24-09-2007, 08:12 PM
Depends who puts more effort into the site really. If all he does is host it and do the odd jobs and u do all installing, content n layouts then its obviously you.

But we cant really tell from that ^^.

However legally its your site? Since you have acess to domain...

24-09-2007, 08:13 PM
you can sell the domain, he can keep the webspace all he wants, you can easily just remove the files and sell the name, his webspace would be useless as you have more control

24-09-2007, 08:14 PM
We work on it and he says do you want to make a website with me. With not for therefor I think it is a team. I've worked hard on it as well as Liam too. It is on my server so I own the files? I've suspended the account for the time being. He keeps telling me how he is the boss and everything. Then he fires the other Co-Owner and said he wants to sell.

If you're here to play the flame game then don't bother. Post respectfully. Not to get your post count up. Don't tell me Europe laws either as I am Canadian and I couldn't care less unless it was international.

24-09-2007, 08:15 PM
Yeah, But I have access to the domain and he doesn't.. Iam the first owner because I went looking for a coowner.

So? By offering the job co-owner you lost full ownership.

24-09-2007, 08:17 PM
He's coded all the layouts we've had, done a vb installment, and the nav. And not much more tbh. I've done alot.

24-09-2007, 08:19 PM
As you both own it, you could request a copy of the files you partly own... then simply take your domain, which is in your name and go. the other co owner can take a copy of the files, and the hosting ... its an equal split.

24-09-2007, 08:21 PM
He's coded all the layouts we've had, done a vb installment, and the nav. And not much more tbh. I've done alot.

Who gives a flying ****, if a bank gives me half the money to buy a house I don't own it more because I live it in.

You shouldn't of offerd the title co-owner so lossly, offering a co-owner job makes you a co-owner aswell

24-09-2007, 08:22 PM
Or sell it all together and split it ^^

24-09-2007, 08:25 PM
now hes suspended it, so I can't get access to my skins/graphics.

24-09-2007, 08:25 PM
As you both own it, you could request a copy of the files you partly own... then simply take your domain, which is in your name and go. the other co owner can take a copy of the files, and the hosting ... its an equal split.

If he sells it I will tell vhabbo.something else with all the content then?

He's coded all the layouts we've had, done a vb installment, and the nav. And not much more tbh. I've done alot.

You do it Mr. I say I do PHP yet I don't.

24-09-2007, 08:27 PM
You do it Mr. I say I do PHP yet I don't.

Yet I had to fix a php error of yours on the layout cos you couldn't get it to hit the bottom margin.

24-09-2007, 08:28 PM
If he sells it I will tell vhabbo.something else with all the content then?

You do it Mr. I say I do PHP yet I don't.

Which is pratically worthless without the toplevel domain meant for it.

24-09-2007, 08:32 PM
Which is pratically worthless without the toplevel domain meant for it.

so vhabbo.com is worthless? or maybe I can get v-habbo.co.uk or .com or anything .net. .co.uk is not the only kind of domain. We do own it together really. But I am saying if he owns the domain due to paying for it I own the content as it is my server.

Yet I had to fix a php error of yours on the layout cos you couldn't get it to hit the bottom margin.

EVERYONE KNOWS that margins are HTML and just because I forgot to do it doesn't mean I don't know how. I obviously know how as I did it to the rest of them.

24-09-2007, 08:34 PM
Stop moaning and who ever made content, take it, who ever did graphics, take them.

And who ever owns the domain restart the site / sell to the other "owner" or the other "owner" make your own site.

24-09-2007, 08:34 PM
so vhabbo.com is worthless? or maybe I can get v-habbo.co.uk or .com or anything .net. .co.uk is not the only kind of domain. We do own it together really. But I am saying if he owns the domain due to paying for it I own the content as it is my server.

EVERYONE KNOWS that margins are HTML and just because I forgot to do it doesn't mean I don't know how. I obviously know how as I did it to the rest of them.

He owns the domain,

You Own the server

the content on the server is the middle, and therefore you should both get a copy of it.

24-09-2007, 08:34 PM
Yet I had to fix a php error of yours on the layout cos you couldn't get it to hit the bottom margin.

There was a php error on a layout? Okay this site is ****** up.

24-09-2007, 08:36 PM
There was a php error on a layout? Okay this site is ****** up.

It was HTML. You can't code a website in php lol. Echo hello! and all wont work....

He owns the domain,

You Own the server

the content on the server is the middle, and therefore you should both get a copy of it.

His domain he owns the right to change the records.

If I own the server I own the HDD where everything is stored. I own every sector on it. I own the OS I own the files that includes my own website.

24-09-2007, 08:38 PM
It was HTML. You can't code a website in php lol. Echo hello! and all wont work....

His domain he owns the right to change the records.

If I own the server I own the HDD where everything is stored. I own every sector on it. I own the OS I own the files that includes my own website.

Actually you rent it ;)

24-09-2007, 08:38 PM
There was a php error on a layout? Okay this site is ****** up.

A bit like you then eh?

No need to swear over something that isn't yours.

24-09-2007, 08:44 PM
A bit like you then eh?

No need to swear over something that isn't yours.

No need to moan over a habbo fansite, + I used the * I didn't actualy type what ever you thought it was.

Anyway why don't you face the fact that it's equal between the 2 of you and stop trying to some how win this.

Here are a few options;

1) Sell it and then split the profit between the 2 of you
2) One of you buy the other out.
3) Post a reply trying to rip me what your most likely to do.

24-09-2007, 08:52 PM
no sorry.

MOD close please.

24-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Why can nobody ever take moral high ground:rolleyes:

24-09-2007, 10:29 PM
No need to moan over a habbo fansite, + I used the * I didn't actualy type what ever you thought it was.

Anyway why don't you face the fact that it's equal between the 2 of you and stop trying to some how win this.

Here are a few options;

1) Sell it and then split the profit between the 2 of you
2) One of you buy the other out.
3) Post a reply trying to rip me what your most likely to do.

Actually we've solved the problem. ;)

A bit like you then eh?

No need to swear over something that isn't yours.

RedTom is a respected member of this forum Sam. I wouldn't annoy him. He knows more probably about PHP than you and I put together if I am not mistaken.

Actually you rent it ;)

No I own it. I don't pay rental fees I bought it. I could paint it pink if I wanted :P.

25-09-2007, 01:09 AM
And for the person who gave me -rep. Just because I've proven you wrong doesn't mean I was rude.

25-09-2007, 01:19 AM
Even though you had the idea, bought the domain etc, you still made him a co-owner which means 50-50 regardless of how much work he put in. If you thought he was slacking then why keep him as co-owner?

25-09-2007, 07:22 PM
Stop going on about "You'd own 50%" as he wouldn't. If you read the hosters TOS, it would tell you exactly what would happen. If it says "You agree that all material uploaded and created on our systems will belong to us", then you're screwed.

Sam would clearly own the domain though.

25-09-2007, 07:28 PM
if emirates had been thinking clearly then he must of backed up the files

I agree with scott but i have read the tos and it says nufin about that

Refunds will/may be only provided when Fixel Hosting staff see fit to provide you with one.
Doing illegal activity or displaying any form of **** or anything that can get Fixel Hosting or you in trouble is strictly ban. by doing something illegal (like hosting illegal programs, or showing The Simpsons episodes). If caught doing something bad you will be ban, with no refund and your files will be removed from our server. You also may be reported to the Police or the company of which you betrayed.
You are NOT allowed to advertise Limewire, Bearshare, Ares, Kazza or any other file sharing system to upload files and music. Despite what you think. These kind of things are illegal. Getting caught doing this may end up in a ban.

25-09-2007, 07:34 PM
lol worse TOS ever...

Fire sharing programs are not illegal.

Downloading copyright material is

one of the funnist unprofessional TOS i've read since nhosting

25-09-2007, 07:39 PM
now hes suspended it, so I can't get access to my skins/graphics.
Could of been on purpose?

25-09-2007, 07:42 PM
actually now that i think about it that TOS probably has 500 billion loop holes in it :S

25-09-2007, 07:43 PM
now hes suspended it, so I can't get access to my skins/graphics.

In a way, good.

It's not your choice to just close it and sell up.

He has an equal say in what happens as he owns 50% of the site.

25-09-2007, 11:20 PM
In a way, good.

It's not your choice to just close it and sell up.

He has an equal say in what happens as he owns 50% of the site.

Thank you.

lol worse TOS ever...

Fire sharing programs are not illegal.

Downloading copyright material is

one of the funnist unprofessional TOS i've read since nhosting

I made that when I made the billing script. 2 years ago.

Stop going on about "You'd own 50%" as he wouldn't. If you read the hosters TOS, it would tell you exactly what would happen. If it says "You agree that all material uploaded and created on our systems will belong to us", then you're screwed.

Sam would clearly own the domain though.

Well we solved the matter now.

Even though you had the idea, bought the domain etc, you still made him a co-owner which means 50-50 regardless of how much work he put in. If you thought he was slacking then why keep him as co-owner?

Can you not read? We solved it. You just said that we are partners but he should fire me :S Yeah, you make sense..

26-09-2007, 12:39 PM
We work on it and he says do you want to make a website with me. With not for therefor I think it is a team. I've worked hard on it as well as Liam too. It is on my server so I own the files? I've suspended the account for the time being. He keeps telling me how he is the boss and everything. Then he fires the other Co-Owner and said he wants to sell.

If you're here to play the flame game then don't bother. Post respectfully. Not to get your post count up. Don't tell me Europe laws either as I am Canadian and I couldn't care less unless it was international.

lol you and Emirates fell out, i fell out with that idiot from first day i worked there.
I just don't like the guys attiude

26-09-2007, 02:13 PM
just back the files up and run ! thats my advice.

26-09-2007, 03:40 PM
Edited by Tomm (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude to other users.


26-09-2007, 07:06 PM
Ah whys it on a dedicated sever,You are both owners so you both have equal rights 50/50

26-09-2007, 10:21 PM
lol you and Emirates fell out, i fell out with that idiot from first day i worked there.
I just don't like the guys attiude

We didn't fall out we just couldn't agree on what to do with vHabbo. We are still doing it now. Your attitude is unacceptable therefor he fired you.

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