View Full Version : [Guide] - Ban Appeals.

26-09-2007, 06:09 PM
Ok, i've made this thread to help people when they get banned, and they need help when appealing. Im not saying these work 100% of the time, but they have before. (just not all the time).

Now its your own choice to use these so don't come here flaming me if it doesn't work etc.:)

Thank You.
Pm Orangeesh (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=23946) if you have any suggestions for this guide.

Rule #1, Offensive Language

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for what i've done. I know it was wrong and feel terrible towards the user i abused. If you decide to just give me a warning on this i would be grateful and can assure you nothing like this will occurr again. I feel it's my duty to apologize to the user i abused as i may have hurt their feelings, and made them upset. I know i wouldn't like to be spoken to in the way i did.
Rule #2, Item Scamming

Dear, Jagex I'm terribly sorry for trying to do this, i know it was wrong but it got the better of my everyone was doing it, so i thought i would give it ago. I've totally learnt my lesson and won't even think of trying this again. Please keep in mind that i only tried to scam, i didn't actually scam anyone but i know that doesn't justify anything and i was in the wrong.Thank You.
Rule #3, Password Scamming

Dear Jagex i didn't do anything wrong. Someone has been logging onto my account everyday for the last month or so. but they can't guess my bank pin. Every time i log in my bank pin has tryed to be deleted. I keep changing my password but they keep guessing it. I've scanned my computer and it has no viruses please help. and please don't add to the situation by banning me =(Thank You
Rule #4, Bug Abuse

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for doing this but i think it was a mis-understanding, i come across that bug accidently. and i was so excited of what i did i tried to do it again, but it didn't work. I was trying to figure out how i did it exactly but i couldn't re-do it. so i am sorry for doing it although it was an accident and i couldn't repeat it, and i gained nothing out of it.Thank You.
Rule #5, Jagex Staff Imperonsation

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for impersonating you but it was only as a joke and i was being sarcastic i can't express that enough. I guess ill think again before trying to express sarcasm over the internet. i hope you see that this was a mis-understanding and won't happen again. i was also talking to my real life friend in game not anyone else, next time i guess ill use the 'P.M'.Thank you.
Rule #6, Account Sharing / Trading

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry, i didn't know this was a bannable offence or even illegal for that matter. I'm not a rule breaker and always abide by your rules you set (well i thought i did until now). He was my best mate and wanted to have ago while he was at my house so being a good friend i let him. Now that i know that this isn't allowed i assure you it won't happen again.Thank You.
Rule #7, Macroing

Dear, Customer Service I don't know how I got banned for this, but please, I enjoy playing runescape and If I've done something wrong I'm sorry. I think you have made a slight mistake, I would never do anything wrong that stops me from enjoying an entertaining and fun online game such as this one. Please, I would very much like to play runescape again.Thank You.
Rule #8, Multiple Logging In

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry, i didn't know this was a bannable offence or even illegal for that matter. I'm not a rule breaker and always abide by your rules you set (well i thought i did until now). I have re-read your rules as you requested and now realize that it was wrong to interact in any way between my acounts. I will promise you that you will not have to deal with me again.Thank You.
Rule #9, Encouraging Other to Break Rules

Dear Jagex, im sincerely sorry for causing this trouble, i didn't to encourage her to break the rules and i hope she didn't. I was only joking around and when i said that it was meant to be sarcastic not meaningful. I now realize how this could be taken the wrong way and apologize for the trouble i have caused.Thank You.
Rule #10, Misuse of Customer Support

Dear Jagex, Sorry, but i was just making sure you got the report so i sent it afew times, then my mate told me about it only takes the last 60 seconds of chat. so it wouldn't have anything incriminating in it about the person i was reporting and you would have seen it as spam. I'm terribly sorry for causing all this extra work for you, and i was only trying to help.Thank You.
Rule #11, Advertising / Website

Dear Jagex, I'm sorry, but she wanted to know a good runescape help site. So i was trying to help her out, its a well known fan site and isn't a scam site i go to it myself regularly. But as the rules state it is an offence and i knew that. I'm sorry for this and hope you understand and just give me a warning. I look forward to hearing from you. ^_^Thank You.
Rule #12, Real World Item Trading

Dear Jagex, Sorry, this is just a mis-understanding. I was talking to my brother about ebay, he is buying his girlfriend a really nice 2nd hand car for her 18th birthday and he was giving me the sellers details so i could transfer the money over to his ebay account. I know runescape isn't the place to discuss this and it will not happen again i assure you.Thank You
Rule #13, Asking for Personal Details

Dear Jagex, what did i do wrong? she asked me for my email so she could add me on msn, and in return i asked for hers. I think its a bit unfair as i was (in a way) tricked into breaking this rule. I didn't go out of my way to ask for her details i was being polite and responding to her. I love playing runescape and wouldn't knowingly break your rules. Sorry.Thank You
Last Chance Appeal

Dear Jagex, I'm terribly sorry for the mistakes i have made on my account in the past, i love playing runescape and now that i'm at risk of losing my account i realise how i have behaved was inappropriate and irresponsible. I promise if you give me 1 last chance i will straighten up. I love runescape and won't do anything that will put my account in jeopardy again.Thanks Jagex

Appeal examples taken From sythe.

26-09-2007, 06:30 PM

1st Post much

26-09-2007, 06:38 PM
Wa hey :D I bet this could be useful for Ryan x]

26-09-2007, 06:49 PM
Nice, But in the last chance one you should say how you have re-read over the rules. :]

26-09-2007, 06:51 PM
Nice one.

26-09-2007, 06:58 PM
I could write better meself tbh

26-09-2007, 07:01 PM
I could write better meself tbh

Oooo you an expert at getting unbanned? :P

26-09-2007, 07:02 PM
Are you ????

26-09-2007, 07:05 PM
Are you ????

even though mine was declined.. i know what i should of put now.

26-09-2007, 07:50 PM
Wa hey :D I bet this could be useful for Ryan x]
Lmao ;)

26-09-2007, 08:09 PM
I always thought that the most random things get unbanned more, and the apologies never work. just deny it as much as possible and put something completely random, usually the word "suicide" is good to throw in there.

NOTE: i am in no way saying this 100% works, nor suggesting to try it.. but from what i have seen...

"A purple monkey jumped on my keyboard and wrote norty fingz!11111111"


26-09-2007, 08:10 PM
lol bob, nice guide purp, +rep to you and boborz.

26-09-2007, 08:14 PM
Fanx, i just hope that nobody blames me if dey get banned lyke :(

26-09-2007, 08:15 PM
Fanx, i just hope that nobody blames me if dey get banned lyke :(

Nawww the purple monkey sounds kool though.;)

26-09-2007, 08:26 PM
it was on a screenie someone sent me :( i would never get unbanned for that!

26-09-2007, 08:31 PM
This is from sythe...?

26-09-2007, 08:42 PM
This is from sythe...?

The appeal examples are .. yes.

26-09-2007, 09:01 PM
even though mine was declined.. i know what i should of put now.

that makes you look profesional doesn't it mate... But still nice guide <3

26-09-2007, 09:16 PM
Nice guide + rep

26-09-2007, 09:26 PM
that makes you look profesional doesn't it mate... But still nice guide <3

lol? why would i want to be a professional at getting unbanned on a GAME.
Its just a guide to help people, thats even if they wish to use it.

26-09-2007, 10:12 PM
"Rule #12, Real World Item Trading
Dear Jagex, Sorry, this is just a mis-understanding. I was talking to my brother about ebay, he is buying his girlfriend a really nice 2nd hand car for her 18th birthday amd he was giving me the sellers details so i could transfer the money over to his ebay account. I know runescape isn't the place to discuss this and it will not happen again i assure you.Thank You"

Typo "18th birthday amd "

but nice guide im not sure if sayin i didint now i was braking the rules would work cuz ur meant to read them b4 i make a new account

27-09-2007, 12:00 AM
"Rule #12, Real World Item Trading
Dear Jagex, Sorry, this is just a mis-understanding. I was talking to my brother about ebay, he is buying his girlfriend a really nice 2nd hand car for her 18th birthday amd he was giving me the sellers details so i could transfer the money over to his ebay account. I know runescape isn't the place to discuss this and it will not happen again i assure you.Thank You"

Typo "18th birthday amd "

but nice guide im not sure if sayin i didint now i was braking the rules would work cuz ur meant to read them b4 i make a new account
It's good, but most people dont get banned for talking about it on runescape they get banned for doing it, they look into it and see that they have made uneven trades.

27-09-2007, 08:31 PM
To point out the obvious Jagex don't review appeals except for last chance appeals. JUNK thread imo.

28-09-2007, 01:13 PM
Nice guide :)

28-09-2007, 01:14 PM

28-09-2007, 03:31 PM
To point out the obvious Jagex don't review appeals except for last chance appeals. JUNK thread imo.

Not true.
i got a real response to my appeal and auto to my last chance.
GOOD thread imo.

28-09-2007, 04:25 PM
and and

Twice as special cos of and and? :p

Edited by Purpleesh (Forum Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly, Thanks.

01-10-2007, 05:54 AM
Nice guide, I really hope it works on my lvl 89 account (last chance appeal) :P

01-10-2007, 05:56 AM
Ok, i've made this thread to help people when they get banned, and they need help when appealing. Im not saying these work 100% of the time, but they have before. (just not all the time).

Now its your own choice to use these so don't come here flaming me if it doesn't work etc.:)

Thank You.
Pm Purpleesh (http://www.habboxforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=23946) if you have any suggestions for this guide.

Rule #1, Offensive Language

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for what i've done. I know it was wrong and feel terrible towards the user i abused. If you decide to just give me a warning on this i would be grateful and can assure you nothing like this will occurr again. I feel it's my duty to apologize to the user i abused as i may have hurt their feelings, and made them upset. I know i wouldn't like to be spoken to in the way i did.
Rule #2, Item Scamming

Dear, Jagex I'm terribly sorry for trying to do this, i know it was wrong but it got the better of my everyone was doing it, so i thought i would give it ago. I've totally learnt my lesson and won't even think of trying this again. Please keep in mind that i only tried to scam, i didn't actually scam anyone but i know that doesn't justify anything and i was in the wrong.Thank You.
Rule #3, Password Scamming

Dear Jagex i didn't do anything wrong. Someone has been loggingonto my account everyday for the last month or so. but they can't guess my bank pin. Every time i log in my bank pin has tryed to be deleted. I keep changing my password but they keep guessing it. I've scanned my computer and it has no viruses please help. and please don't add to the situation by banning me =(Thank You
Rule #4, Bug Abuse

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for doing this but i think it was a mis-understanding, i come across that bug accidently. and i was so excited of what i did i tried to do it again, but it didn't work. I was trying to figure out how i did it exactly but i couldn't re-do it. so i am sorry for doing it although it was an accident and i couldn't repeat it, and i gained nothing out of it.Thank You.
Rule #5, Jagex Staff Imperonsation

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for impersonating you but it was only as a joke and i was being sarcastic i can't express that enough. I guess ill think again before trying to express sarcasm over the internet. i hope you see that this was a mis-understanding and won't happen again. i was also talking to my real life friend in game not anyone else, next time i guess ill use the 'P.M'.Thank you.
Rule #6, Account Sharing / Trading

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry, i didn't know this was a bannable offence or even illegal for that matter. I'm not a rule breaker and always abide by your rules you set (well i thought i did until now). He was my best mate and wanted to have ago while he was at my house so being a good friend i let him. Now that i know that this isn't allowed i assure you it won't happen again.Thank You.
Rule #7, Macroing

Dear, Customer Service I don't know how I got banned for this, but please, I enjoy playing runescape and If I've done something wrong I'm sorry. I think you have made a slight mistake, I would never do anything wrong that stops me from enjoying an entertaining and fun online game such as this one. Please, I would very much like to play runescape again.Thank You.
Rule #8, Multiple Logging In

Dear, Jagex I'm sorry, i didn't know this was a bannable offence or even illegal for that matter. I'm not a rule breaker and always abide by your rules you set (well i thought i did until now). I have re-read your rules as you requested and now realize that it was wrong to interact in any way between my acounts. I will promise you that you will not have to deal with me again.Thank You.
Rule #9, Encouraging Other to Break Rules

Dear Jagex, im sincerely sorry for causing this trouble, i didn't to encourage her to break the rules and i hope she didn't. I was only joking around and when i said that it was meant to be sarcastic not meaningful. I now realize how this could be taken the wrong way and apologize for the trouble i have caused.Thank You.
Rule #10, Misuse of Customer Support

Dear Jagex, Sorry, but i was just making sure you got the report so i sent it afew times, then my mate told me about it only takes the last 60 seconds of chat. so it wouldn't have anything incriminating in it about the person i was reporting and you would have seen it as spam. I'm terribly sorry for causing all this extra work for you, and i was only trying to help.Thank You.
Rule #11, Advertising / Website

Dear Jagex, I'm sorry, but she wanted to know a good runescape help site. So i was trying to help her out, its a well known fan site and isn't a scam site i go to it myself regularly. But as the rules state it is an offence and i knew that. I'm sorry for this and hope you understand and just give me a warning. I look forward to hearing from you. ^_^Thank You.
Rule #12, Real World Item Trading

Dear Jagex, Sorry, this is just a mis-understanding. I was talking to my brother about ebay, he is buying his girlfriend a really nice 2nd hand car for her 18th birthday and he was giving me the sellers details so i could transfer the money over to his ebay account. I know runescape isn't the place to discuss this and it will not happen again i assure you.Thank You
Rule #13, Asking for Personal Details

Dear Jagex, what did i do wrong? she asked me for my email so she could add me on msn, and in return i asked for hers. I think its a bit unfair as i was (in a way) tricked into breaking this rule. I didn't go out of my way to ask for her details i was being polite and responding to her. I love playing runescape and wouldn't knowingly break your rules. Sorry.Thank You
Last Chance Appeal

Dear Jagex, I'm terribly sorry for the mistakes i have made on my account in the past, i love playing runescape and now that i'm at risk of losing my account i realise how i have behaved was inappropriate and irresponsible. I promise if you give me 1 last chance i will straighten up. I love runescape and won't do anything that will put my account in jeopardy again.Thanks Jagex

Appeal examples taken From sythe.

+rep for that, u made it easir for people to do this as many people really dont know wat to type.
You should do this for habbo also if u can :}

15-10-2007, 08:02 AM
In rule 13 saying you were tricked doesnt help :s..
I was tricked by some. some1 came to me & said "Hey I know you, were on same school", I said "Which school do you go on then?" .. He left & 1 month later I was perm muted, I had once appeal & I told them I was tricked and they could see I was tricked, but it wasnt good enough for 'em :(

16-10-2007, 10:05 AM
nice guide

16-10-2007, 02:53 PM
A nice guide.

Well done :)

15-11-2007, 12:08 AM
no offence, but that is a terrible last chance appeal and 99.9% of the time wont work, cuz those are the only appeals jagex reads
for most other things it doesnt matter
my friend wrote like the best appeal for breaking rule 2 i have ever seen
i broke the same rule, my appeal was "soz" and it got accepted

15-11-2007, 10:27 PM
It doesnt help saying your sorry & learned your lesson.. They dont care about that.. I was trick muted and I said I got tricked and they said mute stands.. That was over 1 year ago.. So I contacted them and was like why the f*** am i muted cause of some1s bad jokes? .. And mod was like "Im sorry for this & the mute is now removed, with all your blackmarks"..
Btw does the swearing & saying ull sue them work?

16-11-2007, 05:55 PM
trick is to say ur getting lawyer

23-11-2007, 09:43 PM
Or you could say im blowing my self up !! i've got a bomb on me im gonna blow my self up and when the news find out you lot get sued worked for me :D

24-11-2007, 01:36 PM
no offence, but that is a terrible last chance appeal and 99.9% of the time wont work, cuz those are the only appeals jagex reads
for most other things it doesnt matter
my friend wrote like the best appeal for breaking rule 2 i have ever seen
i broke the same rule, my appeal was "soz" and it got accepted

give me a new one to put in then

It doesnt help saying your sorry & learned your lesson.. They dont care about that.. I was trick muted and I said I got tricked and they said mute stands.. That was over 1 year ago.. So I contacted them and was like why the f*** am i muted cause of some1s bad jokes? .. And mod was like "Im sorry for this & the mute is now removed, with all your blackmarks"..
Btw does the swearing & saying ull sue them work?

it does sometimes... they accept apologys

trick is to say ur getting lawyer

i did that and they copied a bunch of crap out the terms n conditions

Or you could say im blowing my self up !! i've got a bomb on me im gonna blow my self up and when the news find out you lot get sued worked for me :D

guess there fed up of that one.. I tried it they said it was a silly idea. lol

28-01-2008, 02:32 PM
give me a new one to put in then

only last chance i have ever seen accepted was from a guy who sells them 15m each cuz he only got 2 questions wrong in total on his SAT, and if you odn't know the SAT is the biggest most important hardest test in usa pretty much

02-02-2008, 04:24 PM
Rule #4, Bug Abuse
Dear, Jagex I'm sorry for doing this but i think it was a mis-understanding, i come across that bug accidently. and i was so excited of what i did i tried to do it again, but it didn't work. I was trying to figure out how i did it exactly but i couldn't re-do it. so i am sorry for doing it although it was an accident and i couldn't repeat it, and i gained nothing out of it.Thank You.

You won't get banned if you accidently found a bug and only did it once, they'll ban you if you keep using this bug in your advantage (abusing it). Like those people during the fally massacre. :P

26-03-2008, 03:11 PM
these could be helpful
i have seen somewhere cant remember where
someone basically said
and it got accepted
and in another said "YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF ****"
and it got accepted
while others saying the same got denied
dno why but its a bot thing :)

28-03-2008, 03:26 AM
nice guide :)

15-06-2008, 02:16 PM
Fanx for the guide


13-08-2008, 02:29 AM
nice guide

04-09-2008, 09:08 PM
They don't like it when you say you didn't know certain rules, they just expect you to know them.

14-09-2008, 03:21 PM
I always thought that the most random things get unbanned more, and the apologies never work. just deny it as much as possible and put something completely random, usually the word "suicide" is good to throw in there.

NOTE: i am in no way saying this 100% works, nor suggesting to try it.. but from what i have seen...

"A purple monkey jumped on my keyboard and wrote norty fingz!11111111"



14-09-2008, 06:05 PM
i shall try this

16-09-2008, 12:35 AM
;5099276']i shall try this

its not exactly something u want to try... and its not exactly easy to try u need to get banned first..

17-09-2008, 04:34 PM
its not exactly something u want to try... and its not exactly easy to try u need to get banned first..
Well yeh i shall try this if i get banned!!!

18-09-2008, 12:20 AM
i have used this guide to appeal all my offences! and all were deferred or denied!

19-09-2008, 04:15 PM
i have used this guide to appeal all my offences! and all were deferred or denied!

19-09-2008, 06:34 PM

yes really

19-09-2008, 07:38 PM
Really really?

21-09-2008, 05:58 PM
i have just used this to become unbanned.

25-09-2008, 08:15 PM
Well i banned my pure then used this guide and it worked try it...ban your account and see if it works

25-09-2008, 11:08 PM
Just banned mine it works well
id recommend it!

28-09-2008, 07:59 AM
cheers for the guide, my 124 got unbanned, but i don't use it :P

My son has been playing Habbo for quite some time now. We lost our internet connection a while back and were only just able to get it back. When he tried to log on to his account, lewis-moody he found that it had been banned for illegal activity. He claims to have done nothing of any illegal sort, but if he has without realising he is very sorry. I hope you read this letter and allow him to log into Habbo Hotel again soon as he enjoys it very much. He was hoping to open a fansite, but without his account he wont have the contacts to help him, he also misses his freinds on the account, as we moved from cornwall and Habbo was the only way he could contact them, and they wont accept his freind requests. So please read this letter and let him play Habbo again, he agrees that if he breaks rules he should be severely punished.

I just sent that to sulake, hope i get unbanned :P

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