View Full Version : Sierk

The Professor
21-05-2005, 02:01 AM
Habbo are freaky! They remove habbox from the fansite list, but keep the owner (sierk) on the council! If they beleive he has been offending habbos to the extent that habbox is removed from the fansite list, shouldnt he be banned or at least taken off the council (I have nothing against him, just pointing out callies plonkernesss)

21-05-2005, 02:03 AM
don't worry, your avatar looks weird o.o. anywho once again don't worry.

21-05-2005, 02:05 AM
It was the site that caused trouble, not sierk himself ;)

21-05-2005, 02:14 AM
I had a couple month break.. this stuff must have happened during my break..

21-05-2005, 02:50 AM
Thats True. But sierk didnt investigate into it, i mean as like uhm ..
Sierk and other habbox head's didnt know of it right?
and no one told them.
Well its not thrie fault , they should just be more careful.

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