View Full Version : Funky Friday

05-10-2007, 10:19 AM
Tis an ok price, the writer has never been online, Harry.Plopper .

Never fear, Bullybusters are here! That's right, Bullybusters! (http://www.habbo.co.uk/news/article314.html)

Our caped crusader, as Redtiz described him, has arrived to the hotel to help protect you and others in the fight against cyberbullying and other forms of bullying. Bullybusters aim is to set a standard and give all Habbos guides to staying safe as well as beating the bullies and protecting youself from them! Click HERE (http://www.habbo.co.uk/news/article314.html) for more information!

So what do you do if you are a victim and you are being bullied? You don't know? Well this is when the Bullybusters step in. At Bullybusters HQ our superhero spends all of his time with his dedicated team thinking of new ways to stamp out cyberbullying and make our hotel and the internet free from it! "What has Bullybusters come up with so far?" You ask, well first of all, you can show you care by helping out by joining our Bullybusters group which can be found HERE (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/bullybustersuk). Or why not show your dedication by displaying your free, thats right, free Habbo Home Bullybusters sticker, which you can find in the Habbo UK page of the webstore (next to the free Habbowood stickers!), don't let it collect dust and stay in their forever, let the whole world know bullying isn't the way forward, spread the word and kick out bullying, for GOOD!

If you would like to take part in some exclusive Bullybusters events held by Habbo X's (http://www.habbo.co.uk/help/habbo_experts/xcomps.html) read on. As part of the Bullybusters happenings, we are giving you the opportunity to be included in some great events! Well you've got to have to have some enjoyment! Each session in the Bullybusters workshops include quizzes and games where you can win a little something for yourself!
Why not enter the Bullybuster Wordsearch (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/funky_friday#) competition and try to go for that ultimate prize of a Gold Trophy, but that's not all, a Red Lazer Gate too! It's definitely worth a try! Or maybe you're a film director, actor or creator, then this is the competition for you. If you want to enter the Bullybuster Blockbuster competition (http://www.habbo.co.uk/entertainment/funky_friday#) and create your script about bullying, the rules are easy, just make sure you follow them correctly and you may have a chance of winning a Gold Habbo Tower Trophy and a comfortable Director's Chair (Redtiz can't wait to get herself one). AND two runners up will each win themselves a Habbo tower trophy so everybody knows you beat the bullies! Everybody wins, just how we like it! We would give you the chance to win the great silk cape, but that's for the Bullybusters only! But wait! You can win MORE!

That's right, this weeks Funky Friday is giving one lucky habbo the chance to win:

http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/album76/speaker1.gif1 Throne - Have the power to finally sit and express your feelings!
1 Silver Trophy - It's not the bully who's the winner, it's you!
1 Speakers Corner - Stand up and speak out loud.

Want a chance to win these magnificent prizes? All you've got to do is answer one simple question!

What colour is the cape of the Bullybusters super hero?
1. Yellow
2. Red
3. Blue

As usual 5 runners up will win themselves 25 credits each.

Thanks to Harry.Plopper for this weeks Funky Friday.

05-10-2007, 10:30 AM
Nice find i searched the name it says habbo does not exist :s

05-10-2007, 10:31 AM
"it's not the bully who's the winner... it's you"

well why is the trophy silver? :S

05-10-2007, 10:33 AM
"it's not the bully who's the winner... it's you"

well why is the trophy silver? :S

Maybe because it's worth a few more HCs than the gold, well according to Habbox lololol

05-10-2007, 10:36 AM
Because UK are tight and don't want to give out a gold.

05-10-2007, 10:44 AM
lol silver trophy means ur second best lol

05-10-2007, 10:45 AM
lol silver. why hasnt that harry.plonker got a habbo?

05-10-2007, 10:51 AM
lol silver. why hasnt that harry.plonker got a habbo?
Edit// It's Harry.Plopper s/he has a habbo but never been online lol

05-10-2007, 11:02 AM
There is a acc -.-


05-10-2007, 12:33 PM
Good Funky Friday! If i was allowed I would enter, bet it costs a lot on mobiles.

Last week's writter, "Beautania" is Blissa again.. shes selling them atm. She sent 4 fake presnts onto "Beautania" making out they are the prizes :$ This like her 10th FF this year, (Ones including Purple Dragon, White mono..) how greedy! Woudnt be surprised if she wrote this weeks aswell.

05-10-2007, 02:39 PM
Proof it is Blissa- search her name on the nav- Selling InfoBus Posters. Beautania's only room is called 'ddd' has four fake funky friday presents with 'supposedly' a prize white roller lying next to it :S That is Four Funky Friday's she has won now- Bobba Street (gold laser (removed)), Battle Ball Rebound (Purple Dragon), Quest Guild(2 InfoBus Posters) and Football (White Mono) :l She is good at making them however, but I find that four is a very greedy when hundreds of Habbo's enter every week hoping for a chance of winning after spending hours creating their entry.

05-10-2007, 02:43 PM
bit of a crap prize.

le harry
05-10-2007, 02:49 PM
ok, cool. prize nt so good.

05-10-2007, 05:04 PM
Its becasue its someone's clone.

05-10-2007, 06:22 PM
Dan, the presents in Beautania's room aren't fake, They have white rollers in them, but everytime I opened each present I was getting errored so I really couldn't be too bothered opening them. Why would I spend credits to buy fake presents to mislead people and then clearly sell them in my room? There's no logic behind it. Now, the gold laser gate was remove, and the purple dragon was stolen by someone who I'm not going to publically or privately name. Most of the White Monolith was given away to friends, but I used it to make my adventure story too. There is a couple of people who have had more than 4 entries.

05-10-2007, 11:43 PM
Lmao this funky friday is easy to include all those expensive stuff :P

06-10-2007, 08:17 AM
ROFL. He tried to get a Directors Chair into the prize if you read the article correctly! xD Unluckyyyy!

06-10-2007, 01:50 PM
ROFL. He tried to get a Directors Chair into the prize if you read the article correctly! xD Unluckyyyy!

He's talking about the Bullybusters competition (the film one).

06-10-2007, 01:59 PM
Dan, the presents in Beautania's room aren't fake, They have white rollers in them, but everytime I opened each present I was getting errored so I really couldn't be too bothered opening them. Why would I spend credits to buy fake presents to mislead people and then clearly sell them in my room? There's no logic behind it. Now, the gold laser gate was remove, and the purple dragon was stolen by someone who I'm not going to publically or privately name. Most of the White Monolith was given away to friends, but I used it to make my adventure story too. There is a couple of people who have had more than 4 entries.
You wouldn't waste credits as you could always put Habbo Exchange in them ;)

06-10-2007, 09:45 PM
He's talking about the Bullybusters competition (the film one).

Ohhhrlyyyy?! That's a shame. :D

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