View Full Version : Haunted Places,Ghost stuff

13-10-2007, 11:31 PM
Post Your Ghost crap i seen Shadow Person Once and stuff..

13-10-2007, 11:34 PM
ghost crap?

i didnt know they could...

13-10-2007, 11:35 PM
pmsl.. "ghost crap"

13-10-2007, 11:36 PM
This hospital near me is haunted obv :p

Heared a baby crying on the old childrens ward :S
Also my mums friend went for a nap in the linnen room and felt sumin rolling on her, also a medicine pot flew accross the room with no 1 there :l

Yea, my mums wards haunted :p

13-10-2007, 11:52 PM
My house is haunted, a smell moves from bottom of the stairs, to the top, and it goes on landing, and my door handle to my bedroom turned and shook once, and someone died in my bedroom about 50-60 yrs ago but they couldnt get them out cause they couldnt get it cause of snow.

13-10-2007, 11:54 PM
My house is haunted, a smell moves from bottom of the stairs, to the top, and it goes on landing, and my door handle to my bedroom turned and shook once, and someone died in my bedroom about 50-60 yrs ago but they couldnt get them out cause they couldnt get it cause of snow.
-tries to scare-
What if hes just sat behind you, you cant see him/her, just stairing at you.

13-10-2007, 11:55 PM
Cool :D
Cant hurt me anyway :D

13-10-2007, 11:55 PM
Cool :D
Cant hurt me anyway :D
or can he?

13-10-2007, 11:56 PM
*ducks my ps3 thrown across the room*

14-10-2007, 12:00 AM
*ducks my ps3 thrown across the room*
Just the rest of your stuff the throw :)

14-10-2007, 12:04 AM
I saw a UFO under the sun

not bloody kiddin, i got real life pics taken from my phone

14-10-2007, 08:10 AM
when my nan died she said to my auntie do not clean jens room (my aunt who was living with my nan) but my aunt jen is/was lazy so my other auntie was tidying her room and the landin lights were i was standing kept going off :( then from no were i was coverd in so stuff which i dno wot it was

14-10-2007, 09:26 AM
-tries to scare-
What if hes just sat behind you, you cant see him/her, just stairing at you.
i actually looked behind, lol.

i haven't had any encounters with ghosts, thankfully. i have a strange fear of them though.

20-10-2007, 10:01 AM
I'm terrified of ghosts, I'm faint hearted, I can't even watch horror films >.>

29-10-2007, 09:32 PM
found this on net Ghostly lovers have been recorded for a while, even in films such as the movie The Entity with Barbara Hershey. Whether they are real or the fantasy of lonely women, you may never know. Unless you have one visit you some dark, cold night!

Mrs. June of Marke-by-Sea, (near Redcar, Yorkshire England), a mature woman with a 10 year old son, became obsessed with her Ouija board. This lead, in turn, to automatic writing, the entity she had contacted being a long dead spirit called "Leonardo". He may be dead, but he still knew how to write a good love letter, Mrs. June claimed. He even claimed to have wanted a child with her. A few weeks after the automatic writing had started, Mrs. June saw a floating shadow above her bed and felt her bed clothes move. Leonardo had arrived, and was, it seemed, furious over her use of birth control pills. This doesn't seem to have dampened Leonardo's lust much, claims Mrs. June. She was quoted as saying" I would feel his presence, even his strength of feeling when he wanted to make love. He was a competent lover and must have been on earth as well. But human love is more satisfying. With spiritual love, there is no warmth of flesh."
Reville, March 24, 1978

Jenny Price,20, of Shebley Lane, Wedley Castle, Birmingham UK, claimed complete satisfaction with her ghostly lover. Her family had known that the house they lived in was haunted but had never told Jenny about it. The first approach was to the elder daughter, Lorraine, but it merely touched her shoulder. Then, one night while Jenny was sitting up in bed she felt invisible hands around her neck. With great strength the hands pushed her down onto the bed. So frightened was Jenny that she couldn't scream. She thought the ghost was going to strangle her but suddenly realized that it had other intentions. After that, she was afraid to go to bed in case the attack was repeated, and a week later, it was. She soon realized that the ghost meant her no harm, however, and soon she started looking forward to it's visits. They soon started taking place as often as three times week. Three years past and the ghost still visited. The biggest problem was how to get Jenny out of bed since she stayed there constantly, waiting for her ghostly lover. Her mother, Olive, tried to get in on the action by sleeping in Jenny's bed for a week but the ghost never showed up for her. Olive had asked the local vicar what he thought about the visits, if they were immoral. The vicar replied that ghosts probably weren't bothered with morals so it was alright.

29-10-2007, 09:41 PM
Well I Did Agree To Have Sexual Intercorse As I was going into bed in my boxers as my boxers whip down and I feel something going into me I was
pushed on the bed... and had the greatest night of my life,
2 Hours L8r
I Couldnt feel my díck

31-10-2007, 02:10 AM
when my nan died she said to my auntie do not clean jens room (my aunt who was living with my nan) but my aunt jen is/was lazy so my other auntie was tidying her room and the landin lights were i was standing kept going off :( then from no were i was coverd in so stuff which i dno wot it was

Lol, cheeky cow turning the lights off, who the hell does she think she is!?

02-11-2007, 04:32 PM
not news iz it

02-11-2007, 09:26 PM
my old school was a church now its apparenly haunted.

04-11-2007, 07:57 PM
Lol, cheeky cow turning the lights off, who the hell does she think she is!?

Wow don't you think your sig is a bit too big?, anyway i saw a ghosts when i was around 10 :O

07-11-2007, 04:00 PM
There is a light shop here in Grimsby which is haunted, it got checked out by the most haunted crew xD

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