View Full Version : Sir Ming resigns with immediate effect as leader of the Liberal Democrats

16-10-2007, 04:10 PM
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7045833.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7045833.stm)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7046288.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7046288.stm)

I never agreed with any of his policys, however I do think he would of been the best Prime Minister based on truthfulness because he attends Question Time a lot whereas people like David Cameron, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown wouldn't dare appear on it. I think Ming actually means what he says to be honest, he isn't 'plastic' like the Cameron, Blair and Brown.

17-10-2007, 06:01 PM
Never quite appealed to me either. I think he appeard abit feeble and frail, and that does not make a good PM.

17-10-2007, 06:32 PM
Cameron is very plastic. "Oh hello there, you just caught me cooking dinner for my family. You see my wife over there? She's watching TV. See how modern I am?" I lol'd at that video so hard.

17-10-2007, 07:43 PM
Never quite appealed to me either. I think he appeard abit feeble and frail, and that does not make a good PM.

Anyone can be PM as long as they have the right ideas :8

I think what would be good now is if UKIP, BNP and the Liberal Democrats joined together and created a new right wing party, the majority would increase even more as some Tories who are Tories at heart will leave the Conservatives and deflect over to the new party, that would mean we'd have some real choice between Centre, Centre and Right, never would happen though :(

Cameron is very plastic. "Oh hello there, you just caught me cooking dinner for my family. You see my wife over there? She's watching TV. See how modern I am?" I lol'd at that video so hard.

Hahaha I agree, he's just TonyV2.0

le harry
18-10-2007, 10:04 AM
oh.. cool.


18-10-2007, 02:49 PM
Hahaha I agree, he's just TonyV2.0

But Cameron had a bit more of a struggle as the Tories were seen as old fashioned and Labour was always the modern, working man's. But like you said, both are centre nearly so there isn't a particular audience for each now.

18-10-2007, 09:58 PM
Anyone can be PM as long as they have the right ideas :8

I know, but I think personality does alot aswell.

I think what would be good now is if UKIP, BNP and the Liberal Democrats joined together and created a new right wing party, the majority would increase even more as some Tories who are Tories at heart will leave the Conservatives and deflect over to the new party, that would mean we'd have some real choice between Centre, Centre and Right, never would happen though :(

Oh god Id hate that. I detest the BNP. British National Party? More like British Nazi Party! And anyway, its much better to have Central parties. Far left and far right wing are quite radical. For example, if we were to elect a Left Wing party into goverment, we would live in a Communist state, not great imo.

Hahaha I agree, he's just TonyV2.0


19-10-2007, 12:16 PM
I know, but I think personality does alot aswell.

[COLOR=navy]Oh god Id hate that. I detest the BNP. British National Party? More like British Nazi Party! And anyway, its much better to have Central parties. Far left and far right wing are quite radical. For example, if we were to elect a Left Wing party into goverment, we would live in a Communist state, not great imo.


BNP have the ideas to sort out this country, thee policies are radical but it's what our country needs after years and years of crappy politics to be honest. I see the BNP as another Maggie, who would change the country for the better :)

19-10-2007, 03:13 PM
BNP have the ideas to sort out this country, thee policies are radical but it's what our country needs after years and years of crappy politics to be honest. I see the BNP as another Maggie, who would change the country for the better :)

Well, your entitled to your opinion, but the fact is that 99.3% of voters dont belive in that.

Virgin Mary
19-10-2007, 10:58 PM
The BNP is Britain's Nazis/Saddam/Kim Jong Il.

20-10-2007, 10:27 AM
Well, your entitled to your opinion, but the fact is that 99.3% of voters dont belive in that.

Not yet, just wait.
What happened in France will one day happen here.

The BNP is Britain's Nazis/Saddam/Kim Jong Il.

No it's not, yes some in the party are complete morons, but most are just saying let's have an independant Britain free from Political Correctness.

21-10-2007, 12:50 PM
Not yet, just wait.
What happened in France will one day happen here.

Im presuming you mean a Revolution? I doubt it, because by 1851, the government avoided a revolution when it seemed most likely. At the moment, there is not a huge feeling that Britain should be ran by the people.

Virgin Mary
21-10-2007, 01:12 PM
I hate political correctness, most people do, but I don't think putting a Nationalist party of bigots in power is going to help. I'd be happy with Tories but definitely not the BNP. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out gas chambers for immigrants.

21-10-2007, 04:00 PM
I hate political correctness, most people do, but I don't think putting a Nationalist party of bigots in power is going to help. I'd be happy with Tories but definitely not the BNP. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out gas chambers for immigrants.

I agree. Yes, Political Correctness can sometimes get stupid but the BNP would NOT be good for Britain. Id personally rather live in a country that isn't racist or homophobic. OK, so I think immigrants should be sent home, but if someone from a foreign background is in Britain legally, then they have every right to stay. The BNP belive that anyone with a non-white background shouldn't live in Britain.

21-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Im presuming you mean a Revolution? I doubt it, because by 1851, the government avoided a revolution when it seemed most likely. At the moment, there is not a huge feeling that Britain should be ran by the people.

I'm talking about modern day France, a few months ago when Chirac decided to retire from politics for good, the people had a choice. It was either Complete Right Wing Sarkozy or Complete Left Wing Royal - They choose Sarkozy are he is currently reforming France.

I hate political correctness, most people do, but I don't think putting a Nationalist party of bigots in power is going to help. I'd be happy with Tories but definitely not the BNP. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out gas chambers for immigrants.

The only reason you think of the BNP in that way is because of the bull crap partys like Labour and Camebour have put out, they ARE scared of partys like UKIP, BNP because they know that they are steadily gaining seats every election, people are SICK of politics from the main partys now.

I agree. Yes, Political Correctness can sometimes get stupid but the BNP would NOT be good for Britain. Id personally rather live in a country that isn't racist or homophobic. OK, so I think immigrants should be sent home, but if someone from a foreign background is in Britain legally, then they have every right to stay. The BNP belive that anyone with a non-white background shouldn't live in Britain.

They don't.

They have said that they wish for working immigrants to stay here but to throw non working sponges out.

21-10-2007, 06:09 PM
The only reason you think of the BNP in that way is because of the bull crap partys like Labour and Camebour have put out, they ARE scared of partys like UKIP, BNP because they know that they are steadily gaining seats every election, people are SICK of politics from the main partys now.

They don't.

They have said that they wish for working immigrants to stay here but to throw non working sponges out.

To be honast, I dont think Tories, Labour and Lib Dems are going to be too worried about BNP and UKIP. Neither of these partys have any seats in Parliament, and the BNP gained only 0.5% of votes in 2005, and UKIP only gained 0.8% of votes. Your post gives the impression you belive these 2 parties are gaining massive surges in popularity, the truth is, they are really not.

And, erm yes. The BNP do not 'approve' of the practises of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs. Did you know the BNP has only white members? Did you know the BNP dissaproves of homosexuals? Did you knows members of the BNP deny the holocaust and some members even have anti-Semitic belifes? I dont want them people running the country, and if they ever did, I think Id move abroad...

Virgin Mary
21-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Haven't loads of the members been in trouble for inciting hatred or something similar? I think their little mission to restore the white population in Britain so it's "overwhelming" once again is funny, I didn't know that 90% was such an underwhelming figure.

21-10-2007, 06:35 PM
Haven't loads of the members been in trouble for inciting hatred or something similar? I think their little mission to restore the white population in Britain so it's "overwhelming" once again is funny, I didn't know that 90% was such an underwhelming figure.

Nick Griffin and other BNP members were sent to court over racial hatred, but they were found not guilty.

21-10-2007, 08:22 PM
To be honast, I dont think Tories, Labour and Lib Dems are going to be too worried about BNP and UKIP. Neither of these partys have any seats in Parliament, and the BNP gained only 0.5% of votes in 2005, and UKIP only gained 0.8% of votes. Your post gives the impression you belive these 2 parties are gaining massive surges in popularity, the truth is, they are really not.

And, erm yes. The BNP do not 'approve' of the practises of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs. Did you know the BNP has only white members? Did you know the BNP dissaproves of homosexuals? Did you knows members of the BNP deny the holocaust and some members even have anti-Semitic belifes? I dont want them people running the country, and if they ever did, I think Id move abroad...

The only thing keeping the main three partys firmly in power is the way this countrys voting system is run, believe me if it was the other way around where it was based on votes then UKIP, BNP and others would have much more power.

Unlike Labour, the BNP and other partys do not feel the need to employ a black person because of their skin colour. Labour do not employ people on ability, they employ on skin and lifestyle 'oh he's gay/black so let's hire him'. The BNP believe of freedom of expression. Labours gay rights and racial acts will not stop someone who disapproves of muslims/gays disapproving of them. Labour think by choking the country with the Political Correctness Acts' they will be able to change people beliefs - It will not work.

I'm leaving this country when i'm older because of what Blair and Brown have done, I think they are pathetic spinners.

Haven't loads of the members been in trouble for inciting hatred or something similar? I think their little mission to restore the white population in Britain so it's "overwhelming" once again is funny, I didn't know that 90% was such an underwhelming figure.

It's because do-gooders have taken people like Nick Griffin to court because he is against immigration, if you recall, when Micheal Howard said let's cut down on immigration people were branding him racist.

Nick Griffin and other BNP members were sent to court over racial hatred, but they were found not guilty.

As above.

26-10-2007, 07:51 PM
BNP have the ideas to sort out this country, thee policies are radical but it's what our country needs after years and years of crappy politics to be honest. I see the BNP as another Maggie, who would change the country for the better :)

I agree, am for the BNP. I think they would actually do good for the country. I'll probably get ripped for saying that but we all have opinions.

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