View Full Version : Paying 5m for somone..

17-10-2007, 04:12 PM
to brute my account back.
it just got hacked and had a 1.4k+ total, has a bankpin but it had like 300k bone bolts (for 99 range) and dragon boots etc for it.

If i don't get the pword back in 3 days, bank pin can of gone by then.

PM me for name of acc.

17-10-2007, 04:14 PM
I would but you like Hadouken and I don't have a brute.

17-10-2007, 04:17 PM
I would but you like Hadouken and I don't have a brute.
omdz datz well funniez!111!!1.


17-10-2007, 05:09 PM
umm go to sythe summ ppl recover accounts (ps bruting is a waste of time getting a trusted person on sythe to recover it)

Ashley 12344
17-10-2007, 06:02 PM
Your chances of recovering are low tbh.
If someone does brute it, they have the choice of 5m, or the account and its contents I'm fairly sure they'd take the account. You'd have no way to prove that they actually managed to brute it.
Unfortunate, but thats the way I see it anyway...

17-10-2007, 06:05 PM
umm go to sythe summ ppl recover accounts (ps bruting is a waste of time getting a trusted person on sythe to recover it)
My pure got hacked one, and my friend bruted it.
People on sythe recover LOCKED accounts, not accounts that requires recovs etc

17-10-2007, 06:06 PM
Your chances of recovering are low tbh.
If someone does brute it, they have the choice of 5m, or the account and its contents I'm fairly sure they'd take the account. You'd have no way to prove that they actually managed to brute it.
Unfortunate, but thats the way I see it anyway...

I do see that, and i am afraid of that happening, so i'm asking my friend to do it, he is safe as.

Ashley 12344
17-10-2007, 06:08 PM
Nice one. Hope you get it back then (Y)

17-10-2007, 06:09 PM
Recover it yourself..

Chances of a brute actually working are remote

Who the hell is gonna change the pw to like "password128" ?


Recover using recovs and bankpin previous sms pins etc. If not your buggered.

17-10-2007, 06:14 PM
give previous recovs aswell in the extra bit at the bottom, that has a serious affect on getting it back

17-10-2007, 06:33 PM
Recover it yourself..

Chances of a brute actually working are remote

Who the hell is gonna change the pw to like "password128" ?


Recover using recovs and bankpin previous sms pins etc. If not your buggered.

Yeah i'll use bankpin.
My friends bruter got my pure back in 11 hours, the pass was like: 4hi3284j or something.

give previous recovs aswell in the extra bit at the bottom, that has a serious affect on getting it back

Used recovs, pretty sure i got atleast 3/5.
Used the eariest pword i can remember and previous.

i'll try again and add bank pin.

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