View Full Version : Puppy mouthing..

23-10-2007, 01:51 PM
how do I discourage it?

my puppy is about 4-5-6 months old (sorry.. i'm clueless lol)
and she still mouths like CRAZY... i've tried almost everything to discourage it, ignoring, telling off, giving her a lot of bones/toys to chew on.. but nope.. she's still more interested in my feet and hands.

Any tips? :}

23-10-2007, 02:06 PM
I dont get it, whats mouthing?

23-10-2007, 02:06 PM
Biting i believe.

23-10-2007, 02:08 PM
Hit her on her nose when you punish her. They don't like it--she'll probably hate you for a bit, but she'll stop.

23-10-2007, 07:08 PM
Hit her on her nose when you punish her. They don't like it--she'll probably hate you for a bit, but she'll stop.

I disagree.
Slapping the dogs nose can make them shy and eventually permenatley agressive towards you.

I suggest you go out with your dog or you spend time with your dog doing something that enforces YOUR position upon her. Meaning no barking, jumping on you, no stealing etc.

23-10-2007, 08:29 PM
Tap her on the nose not slap.

23-10-2007, 08:38 PM
Shes still a puppy, so she's stil learning. Just keep giving her chew toys,

23-10-2007, 10:05 PM
Hit her on her nose when you punish her. They don't like it--she'll probably hate you for a bit, but she'll stop.

she goes even crazier when I do that lol, and she tries to bite me more.

and above, read?
I already said that.. i've had her since she was a few weeks old, if it hasn't worked since then, then I doubt it's going to do much now.

23-10-2007, 11:39 PM
she goes even crazier when I do that lol, and she tries to bite me more.

and above, read?
I already said that.. i've had her since she was a few weeks old, if it hasn't worked since then, then I doubt it's going to do much now.

I did read that's why i said "keep" giving her chew toys. You don't need to be so rude and arrogant when I'm tryign to help you.

23-10-2007, 11:42 PM
Treat it like a child.
Make it sit in its basket and although it may require alot of work, it will eventually learn that if it bites you it will have to go to its basket which it wont like then hopefully wont bite you.

23-10-2007, 11:42 PM
This is a great trick I did this, when they "nip" you hook your index finger behind the large pointy tooth and play a gentle tug of war, do this for a few weeks to get the dog into the cycle, then get a tug toy and hook it behind both teeth and play with that and eventually they stop. You can get some good tug toys with tennis balls and stuff on which are made of special materials that dogs can chew easily so thats also a bonus to discourage this.

I dont personally believe in "training" dogs. I treat my dog like a person to be honest because I dont think its natural to treat a dog like a soldier. My dog is well behaved. Statistics show that training dogs (using methods such as punishment and puppy classes) is only effective 46% of the time. I think there are much better ways of treating a dog. It also creates a nice environment for the dog were the dog feels comfortable and not scared.

24-10-2007, 01:29 AM
Treat it like a child.
Make it sit in its basket and although it may require alot of work, it will eventually learn that if it bites you it will have to go to its basket which it wont like then hopefully wont bite you.

Breastfeed it?

24-10-2007, 01:36 AM
Treat it like a child.
Make it sit in its basket and although it may require alot of work, it will eventually learn that if it bites you it will have to go to its basket which it wont like then hopefully wont bite you.
If it didn't like it's basket then where would it sleep?

24-10-2007, 01:38 AM
This is a great trick I did this, when they "nip" you hook your index finger behind the large pointy tooth and play a gentle tug of war, do this for a few weeks to get the dog into the cycle, then get a tug toy and hook it behind both teeth and play with that and eventually they stop. You can get some good tug toys with tennis balls and stuff on which are made of special materials that dogs can chew easily so thats also a bonus to discourage this.

I dont personally believe in "training" dogs. I treat my dog like a person to be honest because I dont think its natural to treat a dog like a soldier. My dog is well behaved. Statistics show that training dogs (using methods such as punishment and puppy classes) is only effective 46% of the time. I think there are much better ways of treating a dog. It also creates a nice environment for the dog were the dog feels comfortable and not scared.

If you start playing tug of war with him then he'll start playing tug of war with clothes and stuff you care about.

And if you don't train a dog then they wont sit, come, or do any tricks.

Edited by mat64 (Forum Moderator): Please do not multiple post, Simply edit your previous post.

24-10-2007, 01:48 AM
hold treats in your hand or something and if he/she bites dont give the treat, once he/she backs away give them the treat and say good boy/girl :)

My dog had a thing about chewing the kitchen floor. We just let her do the full floor and then she stopped once it was all gone (obv lol)

For some reason, when puppies nibble you with there milk teeth it makes me laught lol :p

24-10-2007, 06:33 AM
Hit her on her nose when you punish her. They don't like it--she'll probably hate you for a bit, but she'll stop.
you should never hit a dog. Just clap your hands in front of their face, give them a fright, BUT DON'T HIT THEM.
I feel sorry for robo's dog.

24-10-2007, 11:51 AM
If you start playing tug of war with him then he'll start playing tug of war with clothes and stuff you care about.

And if you don't train a dog then they wont sit, come, or do any tricks.
Why does a dog need to do "tricks". My dog sits/lies/paw when you tell him to but no one trained him all you have to do is hold out a buiscut and he will sit and give you his paw. You dont need to treat a dog like a circus animal. You show the dog to play tough of war with your finger then with toys, If you make sure he/she always has a nice tug toy then they will only tug that.

24-10-2007, 06:47 PM
My dog never teethed on me, what breed is it a Stafford didn't teeth me lol

30-10-2007, 02:03 PM
My dog never teethed on me, what breed is it a Stafford didn't teeth me lol

yee, i've had staffies before - I don't think they really mouth ;s - good thing too, it would hurt lol.

oh, she's like a collie-husky-chow mix, a bit of everything lol.

and thanks everyone :}

30-10-2007, 02:14 PM
Well if it was a boy then I'd say have it's bittles goneded. thats what the vet done to my nans dog when he was like that :/

tight bums :(


Don't give it toys, it'll think "AHA! I keep biting, she'll buy me toys yay" if it bites you then you know like a flash bottle or something? Fill it with water and spray it, dogs HATE it. She'll know not to do it.

Just make sure it's not Flash you're spraying, if not fill a bottle or something with stones and if she bites you rattle the bottle so the stones make a noise, she'll hate it.

Thats what they done to my nans dog anyway.. he's really nice now. Used to bite all the time..

oh and in the mean time, when she bites. fold your arms. she'll get the jist.

02-11-2007, 09:38 PM
its best to teach when shes younge.

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