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View Full Version : Assassins Creed

26-10-2007, 09:42 PM
Who's looking forward to this? I certainly am on teh 360. =]

27-10-2007, 10:47 AM
Me, I cant wait
Its out on the 16th isnt it ?

27-10-2007, 11:50 AM
Me, I cant wait
Its out on the 16th isnt it ?
One of the main reasons i got a 360 was this :P

27-10-2007, 11:57 AM
Yeh, i have to wait for my 360 though. ;[

But this is deffinately the game i'm getting, the fact that pretty much everything is interactive interests me alot.

27-10-2007, 12:09 PM
The control system is VERY different to stereotypical games :)

just warning you!

27-10-2007, 12:11 PM
The control system is VERY different to stereotypical games :)

just warning you!

Very, very different, gonna be interesting to get to grips with it though :P

27-10-2007, 12:14 PM
Very, very different, gonna be interesting to get to grips with it though :P
Im going to have to spend hours trying to figure out what to do. Eg im starting out a mission and then goingon a fun run about :)

27-10-2007, 12:17 PM
yeh, i'll just play around on it for a while until i get used to it. Shouldn't take that long to get used to and it would probably stop my dad playing it. He hates games with complicated controls.

27-10-2007, 12:19 PM
Well i think its out on a friday , that means no homework being done over the weekend :)

27-10-2007, 12:22 PM
yeh, i'll just play around on it for a while until i get used to it. Shouldn't take that long to get used to and it would probably stop my dad playing it. He hates games with complicated controls.

At this point in time I wouldn't say it's complicated, I would assume the "feet" button would allow you to sprint or try to avoid an attack, the "hand" buttons will allow you to attack, block or grab and "head" would be to use "intuition"
Then the anlog sticks are move and camera angles xD
I donno what triggers and D pad would be used for

27-10-2007, 12:24 PM
^ Thats complicated to my dad. He prefers the good old fashioned press a to fire rappidly kinda thing.

I've watched most of the teaser videos now. argh

27-10-2007, 12:28 PM
At this point in time I wouldn't say it's complicated, I would assume the "feet" button would allow you to sprint or try to avoid an attack, the "hand" buttons will allow you to attack, block or grab and "head" would be to use "intuition"
Then the anlog sticks are move and camera angles xD
I donno what triggers and D pad would be used for

D pad isn't used much anymore in games. Could be movement again.

27-10-2007, 12:36 PM
D pad isn't used much anymore in games. Could be movement again.

Or hot keys if you can change equipment?

27-10-2007, 01:16 PM
Or hot keys if you can change equipment?
Its probably that actually , there was jade in a fight against a few guys and i noticed her change her sword from long to a fair bit shorter. I think the same goes for the throwing knives and finger knife thing :)

27-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Can't decide between this and the Orange Box

27-10-2007, 08:08 PM
Is this the game with the horses that all the hype was about ages ago?

I remember a trailer for it probably well over a year ago and the graphics were stunning, and it involved a dude, and a horse traveling towards some sort of settlement.

Anyone want to give me some sort of overview?

27-10-2007, 08:10 PM
Hitman + Freedom + Horses + Consipracy + Uber Plot = Assassin's Creed

27-10-2007, 08:20 PM
Pre Ordered it today :)

You basically go after people and take them out using whatever means nessacary however you wish :]

27-10-2007, 08:25 PM

27-10-2007, 08:26 PM

Na it's only SP

27-10-2007, 08:27 PM
Na it's only SP
Lost me :)
Wait - single player?

27-10-2007, 08:28 PM
Lost me :)
Wait - single player?

Yea lol xD

27-10-2007, 08:29 PM
Aha , i was thinking you were talking like Sandbox as Jade Raymond said it was part Sandbox.

27-10-2007, 08:31 PM
MRPG - Massive Role-Playing Game... :P

MMRPG/MMORPG - Multi-player/online.

Is it a sandbox game?

27-10-2007, 08:36 PM
MRPG - Massive Role-Playing Game... :P

MMRPG/MMORPG - Multi-player/online.

Is it a sandbox game?

MRPG could mean multiplayer role-playing game aswell

And I think it is a sandbox game, I am not sure if it's linear or not though, when outside the citys that is
Just hoping it's gonna be a huge map, with the 3 main cities then like tons of little villages and settlements that you can fully explore whenever you want :P

27-10-2007, 08:36 PM
MRPG - Massive Role-Playing Game... :P

MMRPG/MMORPG - Multi-player/online.

Is it a sandbox game?

Sort of , you can go pretty much anywhere on the map :]

27-10-2007, 08:40 PM
Oblivion, only... good? :P

29-10-2007, 04:28 PM
Just a little FAQ from one of the game devs :P

Can we enter buildings?
-Some, but the majority of Assassin's Creed is outdoors.
Does Altair have a wife?
-He's single in the game.
Can Altair swim?
-Patrice's words were "Water is Altair's kryptonite." I was also instructed to avoid bodies of water whilst I played.
Change outfits?
-No. The most change is when you get new boots, weapons, etc.
Free roam after beating the game?
-No. An unfortunate cut due to making a new engine in addition to the fact having five people talk at once makes a bit of a mess among other things.
DS version of Assassin's Creed. 3-D or sprites?
- 3-D. I tried to get more info, but Patrice didn't know if he was allowed to say much more.
Futuristic Elements?
-Patrice said no to answering any of that before we even asked.
What's the meaning of the picture from the pre-order kit lithographs in which it appears several assassins are jumping off the fortress of Masyaf?
-No answer from Patrice.
Will Altair ever be dehooded/shown without his hood on?
Why was the crossbow eliminated?
- Patrice was looking for realism in game. At that time, a crossbow took over a minute to reload, and unless the player wanted a huge stop in the action...so they switched to throwing knives (a great switch in the opinions of those who played it).
Can you pick up/use other weapons? Can poison be used?
-No and No. Patrice said that all you need are your four weapons (conveniently controlled switching with the d-pad) and there is no need for the bow. You can, however, regain your throwing knives by pickpocketing thugs...it is quite fun =P
Downloadable Content?
-That question was asked, and it seemed like there was none planned for the future. But hey...you never know!
Issues fitting the game onto the 360 disc?
-This was a misunderstanding. By the nature of the size of the media, a blue-ray holds signifigantly more data than a dvd. Do not fret...the game will fit fine!

Source (http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43012)

29-10-2007, 05:35 PM
Got mineo n pre order :)

Shame about the water , mind you it isn't essential for me to do stuff like that.

29-10-2007, 05:46 PM
Got mineo n pre order :)

Shame about the water , mind you it isn't essential for me to do stuff like that.

The real shame is DLC
Glad they removed the crossbow too, would be too easy to climb up high, aim shoot in the head and run off xD

I'm not pre-ordering mine until I have COD4, hopefully then I'll have a job xD

29-10-2007, 08:39 PM
The crossbow would be interesting but make the game to easy for people like me to just stand and pick people off. This way i'd like to think I could get more involved in the actual killing of the target , the finger knife will probably be my chosen weapon and the throwing knifes a quick second.

I don't plan on fighting off guards , I want a quick jump in - slice the throat and just dissapear into a crowd or stack of hay.

29-10-2007, 08:41 PM
I just plan going hitman and trying to kill zero and trying to not get any alerts whatsoever

29-10-2007, 08:44 PM
I just plan going hitman and trying to kill zero and trying to not get any alerts whatsoever
That'll be hard , the target is usually surrounded by guards. You're best option is to do something like I was thinking , jump in and get out as fast as possible - perhaps to a rooftop where it's safe or just blend into a crowd.

29-10-2007, 08:47 PM
I'll just wait till he has to shoop a poop or something, I'm sure they'll always be a way to do it very silently and away from site, might even give you a lower notierity (sp?)

Or if all else fails...


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