View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

30-10-2007, 03:09 AM
Does anyone know where I can get this game in the UK!? It's £60 on amazon... and £45 on ebay. So they're out of the question. I'd prefer to buy it in a shop, rather than online. So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere? :S Because I'm having a really hard time finding it.

Edited by --ss--2 (Forum Moderator): Please stop arguing/ posting pointlessly , If this continues the thread will be closed and you will be dealt with.

31-10-2007, 03:13 AM
Does anyone know where I can get this game in the UK!? It's £60 on amazon... and £45 on ebay. So they're out of the question. I'd prefer to buy it in a shop, rather than online. So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere? :S Because I'm having a really hard time finding it.
I do know where you can get this video game from.

I have seen it somewhere.

No need to thank me for answering your questions.


Edited by --ss--2 (Forum Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly. You could have told him where you seen it instead of trying to be funny.

31-10-2007, 03:32 AM
Haha? You are so hilarious. Don't you have anything better to do other than spamming threads with stupid answers? :rolleyes_

31-10-2007, 03:48 AM
Haha? You are so hilarious. Don't you have anything better to do other than spamming threads with stupid answers? :rolleyes_
How dare you be so rude! :S

That was not spam, you asked two questions and I answered them!?

How rude of yourself! I'm deeply upset by your remarks and await some form of apology. Your post is NOT acceptable!


31-10-2007, 12:32 PM
He asked where he can find it, not where you've seen it, idiot. Stop spamming the forum with useless remarks and comments, and furthermore, you're not funny or clever by thinking quoting peoples posts and re-editing them like you have done on different occasions.

Grow up.

31-10-2007, 02:05 PM
How dare you be so rude! :S

That was not spam, you asked two questions and I answered them!?

How rude of yourself! I'm deeply upset by your remarks and await some form of apology. Your post is NOT acceptable!


You know damn well what my post meant. You knew I wanted an answer where I could find it. Not a 5-years olds reply 'yes I have seen it'. So, your post is NOT acceptable and get the hell out of my thread.

Thank you Gomme.

31-10-2007, 02:15 PM
You know damn well what my post meant. You knew I wanted an answer where I could find it. Not a 5-years olds reply 'yes I have seen it'. So, your post is NOT acceptable and get the hell out of my thread.

Thank you Gomme.
My pleasure, I bet he hasn't even seen it or heard of it before :P

Anyway, back onto the question at hand, I'm affraid I've not seen in shops either. Have you tried GAME, GameStation, Woolworths, Virgin and HMV? They're the only shops I can think of which do a wide selection of games where each shop may have a game another one doesn't. What's wrong with buying online btw?

31-10-2007, 02:23 PM
My pleasure, I bet he hasn't even seen it or heard of it before :P

Anyway, back onto the question at hand, I'm affraid I've not seen in shops either. Have you tried GAME, GameStation, Woolworths, Virgin and HMV? They're the only shops I can think of which do a wide selection of games where each shop may have a game another one doesn't. What's wrong with buying online btw?

They have it in Gamestation and GAME for £29.99 but it's always out of stock and they never seem to get anymore. :S HMV and Woolworths don't have it. I haven't looked in Virgin, I don't think theres one near me.

I wouldn't mind buying it online, but its really expensive. £60 on Amazon new, £45 on ebay used. It is possible to buy it new in the shops for £30, so I'm getting ripped off if I buy it from amazon or ebay. They have it on play.com for £40, which is alright. But it's out of stock. :eusa_wall

31-10-2007, 02:27 PM
What about on www.game.co.uk or www.game.net (can't remember)?


You could set the 'stock alert' thing to tell you when stocks comes in? It's just annoying that you can't just order it and when it is in stock it gets dispatched like Amazon and Play have sometimes done.

Or you could ask Game to reserve it for you, or Gamestation. I think they reserve games for people, but it may cost something...

31-10-2007, 02:32 PM
What about on www.game.co.uk (http://www.game.co.uk) or www.game.net (http://www.game.net) (can't remember)?

http://www.game.co.uk/Cube/RolePlaying/~r326466/Fire-Emblem-Path-of-Radiance/ (http://www.game.co.uk/Cube/RolePlaying/%7Er326466/Fire-Emblem-Path-of-Radiance/)

You could set the 'stock alert' thing to tell you when stocks comes in? It's just annoying that you can't just order it and when it is in stock it gets dispatched like Amazon and Play have sometimes done.

Or you could ask Game to reserve it for you, or Gamestation. I think they reserve games for people, but it may cost something...
You'd have to pay about £5 but that comes off the game price so you don't really pay anything.

31-10-2007, 02:34 PM
You'd have to pay about £5 but that comes off the game price so you don't really pay anything.
Ah that's not too bad, still cheaper than Play.com, Amazon etc. Go with what I have said with the knowledge from Aflux :P I was expecting a rediculously high reserve price.

31-10-2007, 02:37 PM
They still make money, it's just a way of saying - pay and then you'll come back because you could always reserve it and then not come back and they could miss out on a sale.

It's easier to go to a shop with pre-orders.

Knowledge - pfft :P

31-10-2007, 02:40 PM
GommeInc, he asked 2 questions, I answered, don't you DARE be so rude.

31-10-2007, 02:53 PM
GommeInc, he asked 2 questions, I answered, don't you DARE be so rude.
You answered questiosnw hich didn't exist.

Question 1. Where can he find Fire Emblem

Your answer: I have seen it - Not at all related to the question at hand. Where can he find it, not where you've seen it.

Question 2. Doesn't exist, there was no question 2 "/

So my conclusion to your daft answers:

Don't be such a critical, anti-social *removed* who spams up the forums with useless comments ;)

Edited by Wizzdom (Forum Moderator) - Please do not be rude or insulting towards other forum members

31-10-2007, 02:57 PM
Does anyone know where I can get this game in the UK!? It's £60 on amazon... and £45 on ebay. So they're out of the question. I'd prefer to buy it in a shop, rather than online. So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere? :S Because I'm having a really hard time finding it.

I'll pass on your apology as you seem the type who will be stuck up about it.


31-10-2007, 02:59 PM
They're the same question you twit written differently.

Where can I get this game in the UK.
Has anyone seen it anyway?

Your answer would be the same e.g. Tescos

You can get it in Tescos
I have seen it in Tescos.

He was asking a brief question, and then elaborating on it further.

Stop being a silly little twit.

31-10-2007, 03:05 PM
They're the same question you twit written differently.

Where can I get this game in the UK.
Has anyone seen it anyway?

Your answer would be the same e.g. Tescos

You can get it in Tescos
I have seen it in Tescos.

He was asking a brief question, and then elaborating on it further.

Stop being a silly little twit.

I still answered his questions :)

And if you continue to insult me, I will be forced to report you. You're being so, SO rude at this moment. I'd expect more from a young adult... Then again, a young adult on a Habbo forum... Says it all, but that's another story! :)

31-10-2007, 03:11 PM
No you didn't, you answered a question like:

"Have you seen Fire Emblem in a shop."

He wanted to know where to buy it, not have you seen it "/ And it's not really a Habbo forum, there are more un-Habbo related forums than there are Habbo forums, like this one. Idiot.

Edited by --ss--2 (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude , i'm sure there's a nicer way of saying it.

31-10-2007, 03:12 PM
No you didn't, you answered a question like:

"Have you seen Fire Emblem in a shop."

He wanted to know where to buy it, not have you seen it "/

In original post by Neversoft:
So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere?

And I answered, yes I have.

And as you've continued to insult me your posts shall now be reported, congratulations "young man". :)

31-10-2007, 04:48 PM
I think i'll ask if I can reserve it in Gamestation. :) When I preordered my Wii there I only had to pay a £20 deposit that came off the actual price, so it'll probably be the same for games. As Aflux said. So, thank you for your help Gomme. :D

I still answered his questions :)

And if you continue to insult me, I will be forced to report you. You're being so, SO rude at this moment. I'd expect more from a young adult... Then again, a young adult on a Habbo forum... Says it all, but that's another story! :)

No, you didn't answer my question. You just give a silly childs reply, trying to be funny. None of us want you posting here, so why don't you go?

I assume you've had another account here, or still do? Why don't you reveal who you are? Why do you need to create a seperate account just to cause trouble? Surely you've got better things to do? :rolleyes:

In original post by Neversoft:
So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere?

And I answered, yes I have.

And as you've continued to insult me your posts shall now be reported, congratulations "young man". :)

Yes, has anyone seen it anywhere, if so, where? You knew exactly what I meant. You're not funny mate, your posts shall be reported for causing disruption in my thread. :)

31-10-2007, 05:03 PM
I think i'll ask if I can reserve it in Gamestation. :) When I preordered my Wii there I only had to pay a £20 deposit that came off the actual price, so it'll probably be the same for games. As Aflux said. So, thank you for your help Gomme. :D

No, you didn't answer my question. You just give a silly childs reply, trying to be funny. None of us want you posting here, so why don't you go?

I assume you've had another account here, or still do? Why don't you reveal who you are? Why do you need to create a seperate account just to cause trouble? Surely you've got better things to do? :rolleyes:

Yes, has anyone seen it anywhere, if so, where? You knew exactly what I meant. You're not funny mate, your posts shall be reported for causing disruption in my thread. :)

You have NO right to tell me where to post. Report my posts, go ahead - All I've done is answered a question that you posted, if you don't like that then that's not my problem, maybe you should add more detail to your questions.

I shall also be reporting you for your harrassment on me and foolish behaviour towards myself. I answered two questions, you didn't like it, you made GommeInc join in, you both "ganged" up on me and hurled abuse, I'm sorry - But it's NOT acceptable.

31-10-2007, 05:13 PM
You have NO right to tell me where to post. Report my posts, go ahead - All I've done is answered a question that you posted, if you don't like that then that's not my problem, maybe you should add more detail to your questions.

I shall also be reporting you for your harrassment on me and foolish behaviour towards myself. I answered two questions, you didn't like it, you made GommeInc join in, you both "ganged" up on me and hurled abuse, I'm sorry - But it's NOT acceptable.

Are you seriously that dumb as to not know what my question was asking? You knew VERY WELL what I meant, you're just here to **** people off. So... Get. Out. Of. My. Thread.

Ok, fine. Report me. But we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for YOUR stupid post. Again, you did NOT answer my question. I asked it, I think I know if you answered it or not. :rolleyes: I've reported you to a moderator by the way.

Err, when did I ask Gomme to join in and help me gang up on you? :rolleyes: I replied to your post first, Gomme obviously saw it after and thought it was stupid aswell. Notice how I went offline after aswell, then you and Gomme continued this argument and you see me now, arguing with you. Gomme isnt even online at the moment. So please, tell me how we ganged up on you and hurled abuse? Anyone can see your 'answer' as a stupid trying-to-be-funny comment.

Also, you haven't answered MY question. I assume you've had another account here, or still do? Why don't you reveal who you are? Why do you need to create a seperate account just to cause trouble? Surely you've got better things to do?

31-10-2007, 06:57 PM
Does anyone know where I can get this game in the UK!?
So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere?

I do know where you can get this video game from.

I have seen it somewhere.

That answered your questions, if you added more detail to your original post, maybe we wouldn't be here. As for my previous account, I had one from 2005, but I've forgotten the password if you must know. Would you like to know anything else about my Habbox Forum UK history? (You can understand that question right?)

31-10-2007, 07:15 PM
Yeah, what were the names of your previous accounts.

Wow, hard man thinking hes funny by asking if I understand the question. Of course I do, idiot. :rolleyes: What questions haven't I udnerstood so far then? You're the one who aparrently can't understand a simple question, haha! You seem to have evaded a lot of my questions aswell. :rolleyes_

Also, I won't say this again... You knew damn well what my question meant and how it should have been answered. :rolleyes: And we both know that you don't even know what the game is and that you haven't actually seen it anywhere... You're just here to cause totally stupid arguments and to **** people off. You're not funny, you're not smart, you're an idiot. Get some friends and go trick or treating mate.

01-11-2007, 01:07 AM
Yeah, what were the names of your previous accounts.

Wow, hard man thinking hes funny by asking if I understand the question. Of course I do, idiot. :rolleyes: What questions haven't I udnerstood so far then? You're the one who aparrently can't understand a simple question, haha! You seem to have evaded a lot of my questions aswell. :rolleyes_

Also, I won't say this again... You knew damn well what my question meant and how it should have been answered. :rolleyes: And we both know that you don't even know what the game is and that you haven't actually seen it anywhere... You're just here to cause totally stupid arguments and to **** people off. You're not funny, you're not smart, you're an idiot. Get some friends and go trick or treating mate.

Reported. Just to remind you, I am NOT and will NEVER be your "mate".

Many thanks.

01-11-2007, 01:13 AM
Oh I didn't intend to mean 'mate' that way. Another thing you misunderstood. Would never want to be your mate anyway. So, exactly what rules am I breaking that you're not? Hard man. What is your other account called then? :rolleyes:

01-11-2007, 05:13 PM
He didn;t need to add anymore detail you brain dead lump of manure. He wanted to know where HE can get it. Notice where which means a place, he wants to know a place where HE can get it. Jeez, you're soo moronic it is unbelievable. Grow up, stop being critical and making a complete prat out of yourself, you know what he wanted and you're trying to be literal and failing at it miserable, because HE wanted to know where (which means a place) he can buy the game mentioned.

In original post by Neversoft:
So I'm just basically asking if anyone has seen it anywhere?

And I answered, yes I have.

And as you've continued to insult me your posts shall now be reported, congratulations "young man". :)
No you haven't and you are so badly losing this argument. You claimed it asked two questions, the first was where HE can find it. You never answered it, you gave a stupidanswer that wasn't entirely related to the question. Grow up and -ss2-- there isn't a nicer way to call someone an idiot "/

Jeez, grow up, you silly little boy.

02-11-2007, 12:14 AM
Oh I didn't intend to mean 'mate' that way. Another thing you misunderstood. Would never want to be your mate anyway. So, exactly what rules am I breaking that you're not? Hard man. What is your other account called then? :rolleyes:
You called me mate when I'm not and wouldn't want to be yours. Don't say things you do not mean... Oh, we have a liar. REPORTED.

He didn;t need to add anymore detail you brain dead lump of manure. He wanted to know where HE can get it. Notice where which means a place, he wants to know a place where HE can get it. Jeez, you're soo moronic it is unbelievable. Grow up, stop being critical and making a complete prat out of yourself, you know what he wanted and you're trying to be literal and failing at it miserable, because HE wanted to know where (which means a place) he can buy the game mentioned.

No you haven't and you are so badly losing this argument. You claimed it asked two questions, the first was where HE can find it. You never answered it, you gave a stupidanswer that wasn't entirely related to the question. Grow up and -ss2-- there isn't a nicer way to call someone an idiot "/

Jeez, grow up, you silly little boy.

Offensive post also reported.

Appalling behaviour from people I wouldn't expect it from, maybe it's time to let Habbo go "young children". :( I know it's hard, but you must do it for the sake of collecting your dole money! :(

02-11-2007, 01:42 AM
Appalling behaviour from people I wouldn't expect it from? You obviously have another account you know us on then, who are you? ;)

I was hoping you left the forum, it seems you only come out at night.

02-11-2007, 01:59 AM
Reported. Just to remind you, I am NOT and will NEVER be your "mate".

Many thanks.

-Rep for acting childish MATE.

02-11-2007, 04:30 AM
Appalling behaviour from people I wouldn't expect it from? You obviously have another account you know us on then, who are you? ;)

I was hoping you left the forum, it seems you only come out at night.
I told you I was previously signed up here, obviously you cannot read. :(

-Rep for acting childish MATE.
-Rep for acting immature, MATE.

02-11-2007, 03:41 PM
I told you I was previously signed up here, obviously you cannot read. :(

-Rep for acting immature, MATE.

Obviously YOU cannot read. :( What is the NAME of your account? How old are you? Like 10? Because you never seem to undersand my questions.

Haha, am I seeing things here? You give me a lecture about calling people 'mate' and tell me not to say things I don't mean and call me a liar, yet you have just done it. :) Contradicting yorself much?

02-11-2007, 04:50 PM

Edited by Wizzdom (Forum Moderator) - Please do not be rude or insulting towards other forum members

02-11-2007, 05:25 PM
I've left school thanks, MATE. Unlike you who seems to have just started. What are you learning on monday? Numbers?

You're obviously one of them idiots who thinks its funny to create another account to be rude to people on. Seriously, grow up.

Yeah, I wouldn't listen to what you say if it wasn't in my bloody thread. You've made the whole thread go totally off-topic due to your stupid idiotic behaviour. No one wants you here, do yourself and everyone else a favour and die.

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