View Full Version : Tough question

04-11-2007, 01:35 AM
Basically i need to know what you would pick if you could get the xbox 360 or ps3 ? i dont want fanboys and dont say "get a Wii"

so overall what would you get ? im thinking off PS3 as online is free but im not sure people saying xbox is really good so um.... help needed


thanks in advance

04-11-2007, 01:38 AM
I'd get xbox 360, the online features are far better and overall great :P

04-11-2007, 01:45 AM
I have neither but my friends love the XBox360. Why are you saying you don't want a Wii?

04-11-2007, 02:16 AM
Why are you saying you don't want a Wii?

This guy has no actual reason, he can't put up a decent argument and has no good opinions. ;) So no point in asking that.

360 over PS3 anyday.

04-11-2007, 09:27 AM
360 > PS3

04-11-2007, 09:32 AM
Imo, the PS3 is better, not because i'm a fanboy, because I enjoy it more than the xbox360.

04-11-2007, 11:13 AM
XBOX 360.

PS3 Online may be free, but it's crap.

04-11-2007, 11:23 AM
XBOX 360.

PS3 Online may be free, but it's crap.
Hes right. I have neither but played both extensively so im unbaised.

04-11-2007, 12:28 PM
well what difference does it make if the online is free when youre paying an extra 150 quid for the ps3 anyway?

04-11-2007, 01:07 PM
This guy has no actual reason, he can't put up a decent argument and has no good opinions. ;) So no point in asking that.

360 over PS3 anyday.

I'm sorry but he doesn't need a reason, if he doesn't want a wii then he doesn't want it, maybe he's after alot of online gameplay, right now the wii has like..1 online game?

Whereas the PS3 and 360 almost all the games are online, if he said the wii was crap then yes he would need a reason but the fact he jus doesn't want one doesn't mean he needs to have a reason for not wanting one, for all you know he's played one but just didn't like it?

And to answer the post, the 360 is tons better than the PS3, £40 a month is worth it if you think about what you're getting, PSN is rubbish, it's free so you can't expect much out of it

04-11-2007, 04:50 PM
I'm sorry but he doesn't need a reason, if he doesn't want a wii then he doesn't want it, maybe he's after alot of online gameplay, right now the wii has like..1 online game?

Whereas the PS3 and 360 almost all the games are online, if he said the wii was crap then yes he would need a reason but the fact he jus doesn't want one doesn't mean he needs to have a reason for not wanting one, for all you know he's played one but just didn't like it?

And to answer the post, the 360 is tons better than the PS3, £40 a month is worth it if you think about what you're getting, PSN is rubbish, it's free so you can't expect much out of it

Calm down. :rolleyes: He has no good reasons and is making up a lot of stuff about the Wii. Look at his posts about the Wii before you reply to mine.

If he said the Wii is crap then he needs a reason? Here you go...
http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?p=4085549#post4085549 - Wheres his reason then?
He doesn't just not want one, he hates it and insults Wii owners for stupid reasons such as 'Wii is for 9 years olds'. So please, before you reply to my posts actually look at what I'm going on about. I don't come on here to argue with a bunch of Wii haters like you and him, but he has no reason for hating the Wii, so thats why I said what I did, got it!

If you want to continue this - Do it over PM.

04-11-2007, 04:54 PM
I'm sorry but he doesn't need a reason, if he doesn't want a wii then he doesn't want it, maybe he's after alot of online gameplay, right now the wii has like..1 online game?

Whereas the PS3 and 360 almost all the games are online, if he said the wii was crap then yes he would need a reason but the fact he jus doesn't want one doesn't mean he needs to have a reason for not wanting one, for all you know he's played one but just didn't like it?

And to answer the post, the 360 is tons better than the PS3, £40 a month is worth it if you think about what you're getting, PSN is rubbish, it's free so you can't expect much out of it
*£5 a month, not 40, must of been a typo :P

04-11-2007, 04:58 PM
I'm sorry but he doesn't need a reason, if he doesn't want a wii then he doesn't want it, maybe he's after alot of online gameplay, right now the wii has like..1 online game?

Whereas the PS3 and 360 almost all the games are online, if he said the wii was crap then yes he would need a reason but the fact he jus doesn't want one doesn't mean he needs to have a reason for not wanting one, for all you know he's played one but just didn't like it?

And to answer the post, the 360 is tons better than the PS3, £40 a month is worth it if you think about what you're getting, PSN is rubbish, it's free so you can't expect much out of it

Isnt it 40 a year? lol

04-11-2007, 05:03 PM
PSn and the PSN store is not rubbish "/. It has tonnes of content and is easy to navigate. PLus a new version is being released on thursday

04-11-2007, 06:38 PM
*£5 a month, not 40, must of been a typo :P

Yea it was a typo lol :P

Calm down. :rolleyes: He has no good reasons and is making up a lot of stuff about the Wii. Look at his posts about the Wii before you reply to mine.

If he said the Wii is crap then he needs a reason? Here you go...
http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?p=4085549#post4085549 - Wheres his reason then?
He doesn't just not want one, he hates it and insults Wii owners for stupid reasons such as 'Wii is for 9 years olds'. So please, before you reply to my posts actually look at what I'm going on about. I don't come on here to argue with a bunch of Wii haters like you and him, but he has no reason for hating the Wii, so thats why I said what I did, got it!

If you want to continue this - Do it over PM.

I wasn't aware of that thread, probably hasn't even played one :rolleyes: and I love how your warnings/infractions is xD:

04-11-2007, 06:41 PM
Yea it was a typo lol :P

I wasn't aware of that thread, I'll have to do some editing now, so yea he really does he a reason and I love how your warnings/infractions is xD

Oh, good. I was expecting a long reply from you. I was like urgh not another argument. :( Sorry if my post was a little... rude.

666, what are you saying? :'(

04-11-2007, 06:56 PM
Oh, good. I was expecting a long reply from you. I was like urgh not another argument. :( Sorry if my post was a little... rude.

666, what are you saying? :'(

Lol, well you was right so nothing to argue about, and yea it was a little rude but it's fine :P

And I'm saying, maybe there is something we don't know about you :O

alex 1889
04-11-2007, 07:04 PM
id get a ps3

free online
web brower
blueray player
more reliable
more exclusives
all its exclusives are proven to be good
free downloads

04-11-2007, 07:06 PM
well id get a ps3 =D

alex 1889
04-11-2007, 07:06 PM
I'm sorry but he doesn't need a reason, if he doesn't want a wii then he doesn't want it, maybe he's after alot of online gameplay, right now the wii has like..1 online game?

Whereas the PS3 and 360 almost all the games are online, if he said the wii was crap then yes he would need a reason but the fact he jus doesn't want one doesn't mean he needs to have a reason for not wanting one, for all you know he's played one but just didn't like it?

And to answer the post, the 360 is tons better than the PS3, £40 a month is worth it if you think about what you're getting, PSN is rubbish, it's free so you can't expect much out of itsex is free...

04-11-2007, 07:34 PM
Well thanks for the contribution and to answer about the Wii its what neil basically said rather have online.
so £5 a month for online for 360? thats cool

I play a PS3 round my mates house and im not sure if it me or does it look rushed dare i say?

04-11-2007, 07:37 PM
sex is free...

Yea and I bet that's only good when you pay for it lol

Well thanks for the contribution and to answer about the Wii its what neil basically said rather have online.
so £5 a month for online for 360? thats cool

I play a PS3 round my mates house and im not sure if it me or does it look rushed dare i say?

Certainly not rushed, they probably only delayed it because they saw the 360 as too much of a threat

And the xbox live is only really £5 a month if you buy the £40 a year subscription

04-11-2007, 07:47 PM
id get a ps3

free online
web brower
blueray player
more reliable
more exclusives
all its exclusives are proven to be good
free downloads
I'm guessing you own a PS3.

04-11-2007, 09:13 PM
well thanks everybody for posting, checked a few videos and gonna get the xbox 360 with free wireless cntroller and 2 games for 284£ not bad

is 20gig enough though?? thats my main question is it enough?

04-11-2007, 09:28 PM
xbox 350

07-11-2007, 06:06 PM
360. Much more enjoyable. Gamerscore makes you want to play the game more to unlock acivments. Online mode is amazing

07-11-2007, 09:17 PM
PS3. I enjoy it more then 360, and PSN isn't nearly as bad as what people claim it to be.

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