View Full Version : Few Questions

04-11-2007, 06:39 PM
Who made runescape ?

What is his acount called ?

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?

Shall i join runescape ?

Is runescape hard ?

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?


I also seen in another thread you can go up 49 levels in an hour is this true ?

04-11-2007, 06:43 PM
Who made runescape ?


What is his acount called ?

He doesn't have one

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?


Shall i join runescape ?


Is runescape hard ?

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?


04-11-2007, 07:48 PM
Who made runescape ?
Andrew Gower

What is his acount called ?
Mod Andrew G

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?

Shall i join runescape ?

Is runescape hard ?
It seems it at first then it gets good

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?
No, although members is cheap and well worth it

I also seen in another thread you can go up 49 levels in an hour is this true ?
Yeah, i got from 1 - 49 hunter (Members Skill) I imagine u read my thread =]

04-11-2007, 07:53 PM
Who made runescape ?
Andrew Gower

What is his acount called ?
Mod Andrew G

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?

Shall i join runescape ?

Is runescape hard ?
It seems it at first then it gets good

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?
No, although members is cheap and well worth it

I also seen in another thread you can go up 49 levels in an hour is this true ?
Yeah, i got from 1 - 49 hunter (Members Skill) I imagine u read my thread =]

Thank you!
I would add to your reputation but i am lacking in power.

04-11-2007, 07:56 PM
If you intend to contact Andrew Gower or any member of Jagex in game, your going to have a hard time doing so.

Best bet is going to the official Jagex site: www.jagex.com (http://www.jagex.com)

If you want to contact them.

04-11-2007, 07:57 PM
Who made runescape ?
Andrew Gower

What is his account called ?
Mod Gower

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?
No, its not like habbo shamefully.

Shall i join runescape ?
Yes, runescape is a great game.

Is runescape hard ?
Hard at the start once you get the grips its perfect.

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?
Yes you can.. Complete it :)


I also seen in another thread you can go up 49 levels in an hour is this true ?
Yes it is true.. if you have the money on runescape :P

04-11-2007, 09:06 PM
Who made runescape ?
Andrew Gower

What is his account called ?
Mod Gower

Do bands or anything like that ever visit runescape ?
No, its not like habbo shamefully.

Shall i join runescape ?
Yes, runescape is a great game.

Is runescape hard ?
Hard at the start once you get the grips its perfect.

Can i complete runescape without paying any money ?
Yes you can.. Complete it :)


I also seen in another thread you can go up 49 levels in an hour is this true ?


Edited by Wizzdom (Forum Moderator) - Please do not accuse other forum members of scamming

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