View Full Version : Habbo China..?

09-11-2007, 04:43 PM
Some of you might of remember that last summer, on the 24th of August, Habbo China closed it's doors, which they said in the announcement, it was probably temporarily, but not necessarily. For over the past 40-50 days a so, going to http://www.habbo.cn/ has done nothing as the server cannot be found.

It also never gave a reason why it closed. I think there's only 2 possible reasons
- Chinese law has closed it down, in China, Chat Rooms aren't allowed, nor are websites like Google or the BBC since Chinese citizens can find out about China's poor human rights history and abuses. As things like this are hidden from the media in China for legal reasons, so the internet is the only way of finding out about the Chinese 'naughty side', however as the government in my opinion is corrupt, it doesn't allow it's citizens to view website's where they can find out about the outside world. Through Habbo, citizens could talk to user's in different countries and find out things about their own country. I think that's the most likely answer.

- However the hotel was only around 11 months, making it Sulake's second most recent hotel. I'm not aware of the statistics of how well the Habbo.CN was doing though. Possibly closed down due to it not making a profit, or possibly a loss.

Another unlikely reason is short staffing, I find it unlikely that'd it be shut for 3 months because of that.

Nothing on Sulake.com about it, Habbo.CN down, no emails from Habbo.CN as I'm a subscriber. Have we missed the 'permanent' shut down notice or will it return one day? Why did it close down? Why are Sulake keeping user's in the blue? Why does the server no longer work? Is it Sulake's first, failed hotel? Will their be refunds?

Lots of questions... Just wanted to know if there was anything additional I've been missing out on and your opinions on it.

09-11-2007, 05:28 PM
Sulake were threatened by the chinese goverment.

09-11-2007, 05:33 PM
Sulake were threatened by the chinese goverment.What's the source of this and what was the threat?

09-11-2007, 06:00 PM
Pfft, communism for ya. Didn't realise China was THAT restricted. I'd say that it was most probably closed down by the Chinese government, if that's the case then it was very stupid of Sulake. Introducing Habbo to China seems just as pointless as one for North Korea!

09-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Pfft, communism for ya. Didn't realise China was THAT restricted. I'd say that it was most probably closed down by the Chinese government, if that's the case then it was very stupid of Sulake. Introducing Habbo to China seems just as pointless as one for North Korea!The internet is entirely banned in North Korea, so yes it would be a little silly. There's also never been a registered .kp domain as their restricted to North Korean user's only, but as there is none, there's no domains LOL.

09-11-2007, 07:29 PM
north korea are strict!

09-11-2007, 07:46 PM
I'm pretty sure it also had to do something with Shockwave.

You can find really much about it on google...

09-11-2007, 08:21 PM
There is a Chinese Google though, I just thought that the government have removed certain pages from the results.

Virgin Mary
09-11-2007, 08:50 PM
Because people went on there and told them that their government is bad.

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