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24-11-2007, 06:52 PM
how long will 60-70 take trainning on fire giants plus how many bone bolts u reckon ill need?

Edited by Tweety (Forum Moderator): Threads Merged.

26-11-2007, 04:29 PM
http://uploadpicz.com/Yhii/R7CJNIY.png (http://uploadpicz.com)

http://uploadpicz.com/Yhii/MS9WXQ9.png (http://uploadpicz.com)

http://uploadpicz.com/Yhii/E48EPXR.png (http://uploadpicz.com)

http://uploadpicz.com/Yhii/ZTRNW5I.png (http://uploadpicz.com)

Getting scammed is not nice :(

But acting like a ***** after getting scammed is even worse.

This guide will teach you exactly what to do when you get scammed.


Step 1 : Getting scammed

Scam 1

This is an easy scam to fall for.

Someone will seem trusted (Like me)

But then you hand over your lodge corner and they log !

Omg the bar stool !

This is called ''the nick your lodge corner and log method''.

It is a well prefered method with scammers because it takes very little effort.

The only effort needed is convincing your victim that your safe.

Scam 2

Another scam is the ''Sell your acount then don't give them buyer the password scam''

Ooh this is a nice scam.

You can convinec your victim you won't go first because you spent years and year on the acount and because they realy want it they buy it.

And then BANG.

They give you a wrong password !

Scam 3

Someone will pretend they want to buy alot of mils but they don't wanna go first because its real money.

Then they say i wanna buy 200m but im not doing 200 trades so lets do 199m first trade to prove im safe then do the other 1m after that ?

You foolishly agree and they log out.

Never to be seen again...


Step 2 : Rolling on the floor crying.

After you get scammed you need to handle it maturely.

If you don't you could end up just getting yourself into trouble.

Now your first thoughts my be to slit your wrists.

But this is not a good idea.

Because if you slit your wrists then it will be hard to type

And if you can't type you can't tell anyone you got scammed.

So what do you do ?

Well you you just jump off your chair onto the floor and cry.

Whilst lying there you will need to roll around abit and if neccassary grab a blanket and pretend to go to sleep.

Step 3 : Tell all your friends.

Ok a big mistake i see alot of people make is they get so angry that they spam the forum and get themselves banned.

They get millions of infractions for calling someone a scammer and this helps nobody but the scammer.

Because when your banned how are you going to spam his inbox ?

Ok so if you don't spam the forum what do you do ?

Duhhh you add all your friends into 1 big msn convo and tell them all what happened.

Remember to swear as much as possibly to realy show some emotion !

Next you log onto #habbox-chat and spam them with what happened.
If you get kb'd just change your ip and keep going back !!!!!1

Step 4 or 5 forget which : Sweat revenge !

Now all you have to do is wait!

Wait Until you see the opertunity for revenge Wait until they forget who you even are Wait til they seriously need a deal and then BANG.

Also if you can't wait for the sweat revenge step or it isn't working !

Then you can always take the easy way out and scam another poor defenseless victim :(

But don't worry because if they read this guide they will know what to do and you will of possibly helped them in the long run !

Step 34785784 : Karma

Karma is the thing that always comes back and bites you in the **** !

If you scam 10m for instance your bound to lose it.

It may not happen imediately but it will happen i can guarantee you it :)

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