View Full Version : Rofl. Maths teacher.

Janet Snakehole
26-11-2007, 06:44 PM
Today in Maths it was another crazy lesson as usual.
People throwing things around.
Screaming at the teacher.
Swearing at her because she can't do her job properly.

Anyway, she had enough of it all today.
She broke down in tears, started screaming at us all, grabbed her bag and left!
I've never laughed so much in life.
Shes actually resigned.

I feel bad! Although I didn't really do anything apart from laugh because I was confused, I wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing at myself as I normally do. Should I feel bad though? :eusa_whis

26-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Today in Maths it was another crazy lesson as usual.
People throwing things around.
Screaming at the teacher.
Swearing at her because she can't do her job properly.

Anyway, she had enough of it all today.
She broke down in tears, started screaming at us all, grabbed her bag and left!
I've never laughed so much in life.
Shes actually resigned.

I feel bad! Although I didn't really do anything apart from laugh because I was confused, I wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing at myself as I normally do. Should I feel bad though? :eusa_whis

I'd feel bad LOL! Making a teacher resign is well terrible!

26-11-2007, 06:53 PM
my history teacher does that every few lessons :P apart from the resign bit..

my maths teachers is a legenddd!

26-11-2007, 06:54 PM
same 'appened with one of our teachers.

Janet Snakehole
26-11-2007, 07:59 PM

I couldn't help but laugh tbh.
But, y'know.
I really do feel bad.

26-11-2007, 08:08 PM
aww poor woman :(

26-11-2007, 08:13 PM
cause of you she's unemployed... no money... scraping through life on benefits, all because of you...


Janet Snakehole
26-11-2007, 10:12 PM
Omgz. Now I feel really bad!

+ I didn't do anything! It was others. Besides, shes a Maths teacher, England are low on Maths teachers; she'll find a job somewhere else. ;)

26-11-2007, 10:15 PM
happened in our Admin class.
One girl looked down at the teacher and the teacher said
"don't look down on me!!"
{teachers a midget}
the girl said "can't help it your so small"
so yeah, teacher ran out crying. and came back next day and the girl got suspended :l

26-11-2007, 10:21 PM
we made our science teacher resign

26-11-2007, 11:11 PM
LOL, that would be so funny to watch. I could see my history teacehr doing that cause nobody takes him seriously as a teacher xD

Janet Snakehole
26-11-2007, 11:55 PM
Nobody has ever taken her seriously. I think she was already driven into leaving, except our class just put the icing on the cake and made her make her final decision.

.. if that makes sense? :S

27-11-2007, 12:17 AM
at my high school it's meant to be that you have one form tutor through the 4 years, and then other teachers for subjects etc, but our class had 6 tutors instead of 1 because they kept leaving ^_^

27-11-2007, 03:54 AM
Lmao Like my ict class in year 7 teacher left we had to have a new teacher every week Rofl.

27-11-2007, 04:14 AM
i had a substitue and my class made her cry 2wice in one hour. she was weird.

27-11-2007, 07:59 AM
my maths teacher drops pencils under girls desks

27-11-2007, 08:40 AM
Today in Maths it was another crazy lesson as usual.
People throwing things around.
Screaming at the teacher.
Swearing at her because she can't do her job properly.

Anyway, she had enough of it all today.
She broke down in tears, started screaming at us all, grabbed her bag and left!
I've never laughed so much in life.
Shes actually resigned.

I feel bad! Although I didn't really do anything apart from laugh because I was confused, I wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing at myself as I normally do. Should I feel bad though? :eusa_whis
That is actually quite horrible but I couldn't help laughing :(

Omgz. Now I feel really bad!

+ I didn't do anything! It was others. Besides, shes a Maths teacher, England are low on Maths teachers; she'll find a job somewhere else. ;)
Yeah, she will find another school to be abused by....

happened in our Admin class.
One girl looked down at the teacher and the teacher said
"don't look down on me!!"
{teachers a midget}
the girl said "can't help it your so small"
so yeah, teacher ran out crying. and came back next day and the girl got suspended :l
That's ridiculous to be honest. If she was looking away from the teacher she would of got told off to.

27-11-2007, 10:53 AM
Ooh dear...
I feel sorry for her.
But if she wasn't a good teacher, GOOD RIDDANCE!

27-11-2007, 02:54 PM
oh wow.dats terrible.

27-11-2007, 03:48 PM
Loll, I'd actually feel quite bad if I did that to one of my teachers..

But tbh if you're going to be a teacher you have to be prepared for things like that and know how to handle certain situations, well I presume so.

She's probably gone to some other school xD

27-11-2007, 04:10 PM
my maths teacher drops pencils under girls desks

we had a french teacher that did the same the old perve lol

27-11-2007, 04:55 PM
lol my maths teacher put us in a seating plan, and when he went out the door we swapped back like nothing happened. He come in and yelled and moaned then sent all of us out. Then the head of maths come in and shouted at us more and he was laughing. So we just laughed and got moaned at lol.

27-11-2007, 05:17 PM
is her name by any chance Mrs Callaghan? :S

my old mats teacher was exactly the same, but we forced her into a nervous break down and she "retired"

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