View Full Version : [THE BIG WEEKLY QUESTION] Best of The Rest '07 : Multiplayer

15-12-2007, 07:28 PM
Howdy, sorry I'm late an everything but shush u.

After 3 years of waiting, I finally have the Orange Box now. Since it's the PS3 version you'd expect it to have glitches/framerate issues ect., well there is none, not that I have seen. Portal is probably the greatest game I have ever played, for once in a game it actually made me think in ways I have never thought before (usually ''I WIL SHUT HIM ND THROW A GRENADE IN TAHT SMALL SHED 2 KILL FIFTY DOODS") that's why it will be in a Best Of The Rest soon. Team Fortress 2 is so godamn awesomely addictive, just finding out each little kink and perk of each class is brilliant. I have only just started Half-Life 2, but it is already a gaming journey I will never forget.

So anyway this week is multiplayer, and there have been loads of games that have made landmarks this year.

Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare


Why this wasn't mensioned last week : the single-player is brilliant but the multiplayer is it's best aspect. Call of Duty 4 mixes independence with realism, allowing new dimmensions of class-selection and still a graphical landmark.

Formats : PS3, 360, PC, DS

Halo 3


It was inevitable that Halo 3's main campaign would be short and that multiplayer was going to barely hold the ground. But it's still one of the best online shooters on the market.

Formats : 360, PC (2009)

Team Fortress 2 ( The Orange Box)


Mixing a unique style of graphics and outrageus violence, this is probably the greatest class-based shooter of 2007 (oh hi cod4)

Formats : 360, PC, PS3

Kane and Lynch : Dead Men


Okay, so it had HUGE problems. The framrate dipped, aiming was unbalanced, the cover system was broken, every single word was either **** or **** and the plot was seriously missable. But in multiplayer, at least it tried to be different with Fragile Alliance.

Formats : 360, PC, PS3

Mario Strikers Charged : Football


Okay, so it was a good game offline. But when Nintendo said ''ONLINE LOL'' Wii owners were in for a treat. In fact I think the servers are still full to this day.

Formats : Wii

My vote goes to CoD4, seriously addictive and fun.

15-12-2007, 07:29 PM
COD4 ftw

Guess its going to be winner ;]

15-12-2007, 07:37 PM
Not going to vote as...

I have CoD4 on PC.
Halo sucks
Kane and Lyn..zzzZzzz

Were's the good games, c'mon.

Skate isnt there? Virtua Fighter isnt there? SvR08 (maybe not)

But theres more than them.

15-12-2007, 07:46 PM
Not going to vote as...

I have CoD4 on PC.
Halo sucks
Kane and Lyn..zzzZzzz

Were's the good games, c'mon.

Skate isnt there? Virtua Fighter isnt there? SvR08 (maybe not)

But theres more than them.

I have to say sports/fighting games don't belong is "Best game" polls because they're beaten by almost everything easily so no point really

You can still vote COD4 because you've actually played it

And Purple...Why the hell did you add Kane and Lynch? o.O I mean seriously...Crackdown has better multiplayer even Two Worlds is better than that xD

15-12-2007, 07:49 PM
It tried to be different in a good way and messed it up. Still gotta reward a trier.

I might not be here all next week (Christmas Preparations ect.)

15-12-2007, 07:50 PM
i lurved mario strikers charged, altho its the only one ive played out of those x]

15-12-2007, 07:53 PM
It tried to be different in a good way and messed it up. Still gotta reward a trier.

I might not be here all next week (Christmas Preparations ect.)

If you get on you should do a question related to christmas, like Most Anticipated game for christmas or something, then after christmas do another christmas based one that's multiple choice [with other] for people to mention what games they did actually get [use the same poll choices as the previous weak but multiple choice incase someone got games on different platforms]

15-12-2007, 08:42 PM
I'll cancel Family game of the year then, I'll do something like 'No.1 Game For Xmas' or something.

15-12-2007, 10:33 PM

Pure unadulterated fun

15-12-2007, 10:41 PM
The only problem with these polls is it's unbalanced xD
Wii owners that haven't played 360/PS3 will vote the Mario one so it's not really "best" it's "best you've played"

15-12-2007, 10:46 PM
Halo 3

i know what your thinking, your gona say whats the fun in playing the same 13 maps over and over, but we have Forge mode! we can make race tracks or crush the other player with a flying spartan laser! online co-op! and download-able content! :P

15-12-2007, 11:00 PM
The only problem with these polls is it's unbalanced xD
Wii owners that haven't played 360/PS3 will vote the Mario one so it's not really "best" it's "best you've played"

And I doubt PS3 owners have played Mario. :P

15-12-2007, 11:09 PM
And I doubt PS3 owners have played Mario. :P

Lol, most (Yes people, that says MOST) PS3 owners only own a PS3, they're to far up Sonys butt to consider any other console :rolleyes:

I'll hopefully get it for Christmas then people can kick my butt :D

I wont bother with that Endless ocean thing o.O

Definitly buying SS:BB and Mario Kart so you all can beat me up on them too (I'll probably better with the Wiimote by then xD)

15-12-2007, 11:13 PM
Yeah, I don't get Sony. Sony keep insulting Nintendo and Microsoft. :S I understand insulting them when you're ahead, but Sony are last in the console wars so what are they bragging about? :P

I don't know what Endless Ocean is but I've been meaning to check it out.

I really think Mario Kart will win best racer and SSBB will win best fighter in the 2008 video game awards.

15-12-2007, 11:23 PM
Yeah, I don't get Sony. Sony keep insulting Nintendo and Microsoft. :S I understand insulting them when you're ahead, but Sony are last in the console wars so what are they bragging about? :P

I don't know what Endless Ocean is but I've been meaning to check it out.

I really think Mario Kart will win best racer and SSBB will win best fighter in the 2008 video game awards.

Sony think they're on top because apparently more people like them, but having people like them doesn't earn them money does it?

You don't have MS or Nintendo bragging about being ahead, it's like MS and Nintendo are the that compete but don't hate each other brothers and Sony is a partically deformed thing that hates everyone and loves itself

And Endless Ocean LOOKS nice but I really see no point to it o.O

And it really depends on them, I think SS:BB can easily win best fighter but Mario Kart might have problems competing with Gran Turismo HD

15-12-2007, 11:26 PM
Sony think they're on top because apparently more people like them, but having people like them doesn't earn them money does it?

You don't have MS or Nintendo bragging about being ahead, it's like MS and Nintendo are the that compete but don't hate each other brothers and Sony is a partically deformed thing that hates everyone and loves itself

And Endless Ocean LOOKS nice but I really see no point to it o.O

And it really depends on them, I think SS:BB can easily win best fighter but Mario Kart might have problems competing with Gran Turismo HD

Yep, exactly. Microsoft and Nintendo like the competition. :)

What is Endless Ocean about?

Oh yeah, forgot about Grand Turismo. Does that have 16 player online races though? :P

15-12-2007, 11:36 PM
Yep, exactly. Microsoft and Nintendo like the competition. :)

What is Endless Ocean about?

Oh yeah, forgot about Grand Turismo. Does that have 16 player online races though? :P

I donno but the pervious titles have been amazing, I donno how many players it'll be lol

I think you just swin around and look at fish and coral and you can go online and look at fish and coral with a friend but I donno, I think someone on here actually has it xD seems like a waste to me


Reading that it's basically what I said, you look at fish and stuff and find treasure with friends, why wasn't this "game" a free download or something? o.O

15-12-2007, 11:42 PM
No idea. :P I suppose some people will like it though. Nintendo did plan to have SSBB as a launch title and have that online straight away. But it's been delayed so many times! :P

15-12-2007, 11:43 PM
I would of gotten a Wii D.O.R. if SS:BB was a launch title xD

How long did the Wii go without online games? o.O

15-12-2007, 11:44 PM
I would of gotten a Wii D.O.R. if SS:BB was a launch title xD

How long did the Wii go without online games? o.O
Well mario strikers was its first i think.

15-12-2007, 11:47 PM
How long did the Wii go without online games? o.O

6 months in the EU

15-12-2007, 11:48 PM
I would of gotten a Wii D.O.R. if SS:BB was a launch title xD

How long did the Wii go without online games? o.O

Well in Japan it had an online game straight away I think. Pokemon Battle Revolution. America got that in June and our first online game was Mario Strikers, which came out in May. So I think America were actually last to get an online game.

16-12-2007, 09:47 AM
I don't know. All I know is i rented COD4 and bought Halo 3... Playing Halo 3 co-op with 3 friends is amazing and I think thats why I voted Halo 3. Even though I do think COD4's single player was better but shorter. (Any campaign shorter than halo 3's needs to lose some brownie points imo and COD4's 6 hour story...)

16-12-2007, 10:26 AM
I was expecting Gears of war, as its a classic and never gets boring when playing online with mates, but as its not in the options, ill have to go for Halo, as thats the only one i own atm :)

16-12-2007, 07:33 PM
I did an allnighter once playing strikers

16-12-2007, 08:18 PM
Cod4 although im starting to get a lil bored its still a great game.

I ordered Kane and Lynch and there online is good i heard.

16-12-2007, 09:44 PM
c0d4 ftw

16-12-2007, 10:39 PM
Only played one of them games and it's COD4 :)

16-12-2007, 10:46 PM
Deffo COD4

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