View Full Version : Learn a foreign language

24-12-2007, 11:31 AM

Take part in our foreign language quests, win some great prizes and find out more about learning and speaking another language.
Choosing your Key Stage 4 options can be a tricky business but one thing’s for certain; you want to make decisions that will bring lifelong benefits, interesting job opportunities, good earning potential and the chance to travel. A GCSE in a foreign language could help you to achieve that.
It’s easy to think that everyone speaks English these days but, in fact, 75% of the world’s population don’t speak any English at all. Also, only 6% speak English as their first language. The world is becoming a much smaller place and it’s hardly surprising that employers across the world are looking to recruit people who have the ability to speak another language. So skills you will learn at Key Stage 4 could be the key to an exciting and rewarding future.
Whether you see your career taking off at home or abroad, the facts speak for themselves – you’re in a stronger position with a language than without one. So when you are making your choices, use the opportunity to make yourself stand out in a multilingual world.
Foreign Language Quests
Every Monday for the next four weeks we will be launching a new Foreign Language Quest in which you will have to work out which language is being spoken by the bots and then translate their text to figure out what the special word is that you will need to enter the competition. Our first quest is already underway and you can begin it by visiting the Language Lab and saying the word Quest to the bot worker in the room.
We will be choosing five winners at random from everyone who enters with the correct answer and they will each win 50 Habbo Credits. To be in with a chance of winning, simply complete the quest and enter the special codeword in the form below. Don't forget to check back each Monday for the start of a new Foreign Language Quest!

Click to find out more (http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=5405__zoneid=157 1__cb=09f5bd6f3b__maxdest=http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/clk;167671094;21847697;y)http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adlog.php?bannerid=5405&campaignid=3304&zoneid=1571&source=&block=0&capping=0&session_capping=0&cb=09f5bd6f3b

Click to visit Group page (http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=5406__zoneid=157 2__cb=098fc60fc0__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/language_lab)Clearly related to the Language Lab - Competition/Quest too by the looks of things :D

24-12-2007, 11:57 AM
thats the Asian furniture coming out soon then i guess...

24-12-2007, 12:20 PM
I done it in 2 mins

not hard :D

24-12-2007, 01:16 PM
thats the Asian furniture coming out soon then i guess...

I think it's more European languages. I'm expecting German, French, Spanish and possibly Italian.

I've never heard of learning Chinese/Japanese/Korean in schools.

24-12-2007, 01:23 PM
Yep, by looking at the group page it's French, German, Spanish and Italian.

I only know French though :rolleyes:

le harry
24-12-2007, 03:00 PM

24-12-2007, 03:25 PM
I think it's more European languages. I'm expecting German, French, Spanish and possibly Italian.

I've never heard of learning Chinese/Japanese/Korean in schools.

We do Chinese/Japanese/Korean in my school. Have to be in Y10 though :)

24-12-2007, 03:35 PM
We do Chinese/Japanese/Korean in my school. Have to be in Y10 though :)

Usually depends on what teacher can teach a particular language.

Only had German, Spanish & French in my school which is the most common languages in schools. Especially French :rolleyes:

24-12-2007, 04:19 PM
What a stupid competition; nobody's going to learn and new languages from this, they will read the word that is said, go on a translator, translate it, and never do anything to do with languages in their school.

This is just going to encourage people to use translators and not learn anything....

24-12-2007, 05:01 PM
Nobody noticed the big use of 'Computers or laptops' in the Language Lab, could be something coming up

24-12-2007, 05:08 PM
I was first one to say it to him!! LOL

Janet Snakehole
24-12-2007, 05:15 PM
Already know fluent Spanish.
Can speak French, and know a little German.

& im learning welsh; if that counts as foreign? LOL.

24-12-2007, 05:21 PM
I was first one to say it to him!! LOL

I bet you feel so special

+ what's so funny about you being first to speak to him?

24-12-2007, 07:24 PM
& im learning welsh; if that counts as foreign? LOL.Nah that's just a useless, dead, crap and irritating Language, don't waste your time on it, spend your time on German, anything, just not Welsh!

The Professor
24-12-2007, 07:38 PM
Nah that's just a useless, dead, crap and irritating Language, don't waste your time on it, spend your time on German, anything, just not Welsh!

Ive had that conversation with my IT teacher who is welsh, almost talked myself into a detention :P

Sounds like an original quest, how are you supposed to "work out" what language is being spoken if you dont know it though?

24-12-2007, 08:34 PM
like most other people, translators -.-

24-12-2007, 11:39 PM
I bet you feel so special

+ what's so funny about you being first to speak to him?

Bonjour Kyle, vous chatter merde.


Haha, thats awesome.

25-12-2007, 12:13 AM
I know Chinese so pls say Chinese lol.

25-12-2007, 09:36 PM
I applaud Habbo for taking these steps. Ok the quest itself won't help u learn a language, but hopefully it will give people the spark to start learning one.
I speak 7 languages and have learnt them all in schools and afterschool activities. Employers nowadays adore anyone who speaks a foreign language, and you will get so much more money if u do, as if they need someone to go overseas or speak with foreign people, theyll ask u.. hence more money :)
Remember guys.. for the future, the languages to learn are Chinese, Russian and Spanish ;) I'm working on them hehe

25-12-2007, 09:43 PM
personally find learning another language useless.

26-12-2007, 12:40 AM
I think it's more European languages. I'm expecting German, French, Spanish and possibly Italian.

I've never heard of learning Chinese/Japanese/Korean in schools.

I have heard of Manderin and Cantonese - wish I had the chance to learn one of those when I was in year 10 :(. I did French... yippeee :rolleyes:.

Already know fluent Spanish.
Can speak French, and know a little German.

& im learning welsh; if that counts as foreign? LOL.

The most foreign language :P.

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