View Full Version : Habbo on BBC news website

24-12-2007, 03:17 PM
Heres the link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7140599.stm

and heres what it says about habbo..

good one for the teenagers as this virtual environment was created specifically for that age group.

The community was launched back in 2000 and combined the idea of a chatroom with an online game. It has recently had a makeover to improve access to personal pages, friends and groups and bring it more up to date for the generation most at home on social networking sites.
It allows users to create their own personalised Habbo character and dress it with accessories, including hats, belts, jewellery and facial hair, as well as gas masks, paper bags and hairstyles.
Users can also buy furniture to put in the various rooms it creates within the virtual hotel using credits bought with real-life currency
Earlier this month it teamed up with Greenpeace to see what its members thought about global warming.
Some 50,000 teenagers filled in the survey and 74% rated global warming as their biggest concern, ahead of drugs, war or violence. The site now has, of July this year, more than 82m registered characters. According to Nielsen/NetRatings Habbo attracted an audience of 292,000 from the UK during the month of October.

24-12-2007, 03:20 PM


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