View Full Version : Where can i fish trout?

29-12-2007, 07:17 PM
best place please

29-12-2007, 07:40 PM
Shilo Village

29-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Cheers mate. :D.

any places in a f2p world

29-12-2007, 07:45 PM
in a river

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

29-12-2007, 07:48 PM
in a river
In runescape, or are you not that smart.

29-12-2007, 07:51 PM
The river running through Barbarian Village in between Edgevile and Barbarian Village.

29-12-2007, 07:56 PM
thanks :d

29-12-2007, 08:43 PM
The River Near Barbarian Village And Maybe Lummy But idk.

Have Fun Fishing.

29-12-2007, 08:50 PM
Barbarian Village using Feathers and a Fly fishing rod :8.

29-12-2007, 10:47 PM
Thanks. ;D tread clossed

The Don
30-12-2007, 12:29 AM
In runescape, or are you not that smart.
Did you not know that he was being sarcastic because if you didnt then are you not that smart are you?

30-12-2007, 06:27 AM
Sheers one right next to bank on ya way to rock crabs.

30-12-2007, 06:56 AM
Did you not know that he was being sarcastic because if you didnt then are you not that smart are you?
Obviously i did know that, i'm not going to go along with his pathetic game.
Thats why i was taking it seriously.

Sheers one right next to bank on ya way to rock crabs.

f2p bbes :D thanks though

30-12-2007, 07:11 AM
in a river

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

Dam u! i was gonna say that, i thought i'd be the first one to say it, ur too fast.

What about deep in wildy f2p? Not crowded.

30-12-2007, 07:18 AM
Cant people pk now?

30-12-2007, 07:18 AM
u know they cant..

also i sell u members pin 1.1M if u need to get mems?

30-12-2007, 07:22 AM
dont have the cash matey.
so whats the dangers of goin in wilderness?

30-12-2007, 07:30 AM
Go and find out tbh, U cant teleblock in f2p i dnt think so dw.

The new rennants. Look them p on zybez. i gtg now night night

30-12-2007, 07:34 AM
Thanks, Night

27-01-2008, 07:42 PM
Did you not know that he was being sarcastic because if you didnt then are you not that smart are you?

but a really smart person would know the best place to fish is in a river... for trout. I prefer shark fishing. with human bait.

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