View Full Version : Modern Foreign Language Quest 2

31-12-2007, 01:17 PM
Learn A Modern Foreign Language

Posted 31-Dec-2007 Sponsored (http://www.habbo.co.uk/articles/category/sponsored)
Take part in our foreign language quests, win some great prizes and find out more about learning and speaking another language.
Choosing your Key Stage 4 options can be a tricky business but one thing’s for certain; you want to make decisions that will bring lifelong benefits, interesting job opportunities, good earning potential and the chance to travel. A GCSE in a foreign language could help you to achieve that.
It’s easy to think that everyone speaks English these days but, in fact, 75% of the world’s population don’t speak any English at all. Also, only 6% speak English as their first language. The world is becoming a much smaller place and it’s hardly surprising that employers across the world are looking to recruit people who have the ability to speak another language. So skills you will learn at Key Stage 4 could be the key to an exciting and rewarding future.
Whether you see your career taking off at home or abroad, the facts speak for themselves – you’re in a stronger position with a language than without one. So when you are making your choices, use the opportunity to make yourself stand out in a multilingual world.
Foreign Language Quests
Every Monday for the next three weeks we will be launching a new Foreign Language Quest in which you will have to work out which language is being spoken by the bots and then translate their text to figure out what the special word is that you will need to enter the competition. Our first quest is already underway and you can begin it by visiting the Language Lab and saying the word Quest to the bot worker in the room.
We will be choosing five winners at random from everyone who enters with the correct answer and they will each win 50 Habbo Credits. To be in with a chance of winning, simply complete the quest and enter the special codeword in the form below. Don't forget to check back each Monday for the start of a new Foreign Language Quest!
Last Week's Winners
The first foreign language quest was in German and the keyword you were hunting for was: Neuhochdeutsch
Congratulations to our five winners below who have all received 50 Habbo Credits!
Yurfs cwk Snaahrf AlexyGalaxy and M.O.O.D.Y

Click to find out more (http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=5405__zoneid=157 1__cb=15dd18395e__maxdest=http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/clk;167671094;21847697;y) http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adlog.php?bannerid=5405&campaignid=3304&zoneid=1571&source=&block=0&capping=0&session_capping=0&cb=15dd18395e

Click to visit Group page (http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adclick.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=5406__zoneid=157 2__cb=e294dbef57__maxdest=http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/language_lab) http://ads.habbogroup.com/max/adlog.php?bannerid=5406&campaignid=3305&zoneid=1572&source=&block=0&capping=0&session_capping=0&cb=e294dbef57

Modern Foreign Language Quest 2

Answer the questions below for your chance to win 50 Habbo Credits!
What language is being spoken in quest 2?

What is the special keyword the bots gave you to enter this competition with?

31-12-2007, 01:21 PM
Cool, this is the one quest I actually like.

31-12-2007, 01:31 PM
Done it 15mins ago :D

31-12-2007, 01:31 PM
I got the answer :D

le harry
31-12-2007, 01:38 PM

31-12-2007, 02:02 PM
Language lab aint full even with new quest out, should be like it was last week, full for the day, but then again it was a new room then lol

31-12-2007, 04:06 PM
Ok I think I got last week's wrong :rolleyes:.

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