View Full Version : Funniest moment in San Andreas?

03-06-2005, 08:51 PM
I have a lot.
Just 2day, in that SF to LV race, I put a Super GT over the Gant Bridge railings!

I caused a 20 or so pileup in Red County lol that was cool.

Exploding planes into the water.... why?

THE FUNNIEST YET THOUGH... The gay guy in ProLaps! He's is soooo poofy, and calls CJ 'hunnybun'! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

I did a 860 or so degree spin on a motobike

What are your funniest SA moments?

03-06-2005, 08:53 PM
i put on spawn a katana cheat, and i recurited as many chinese people with swords as i can, and some poor cop shot at meh. you know what happened next :P but then, i got 1 on a bike and drove off the highest building on the game and let the man to fall to his doom *sigh* what a day

04-06-2005, 01:07 AM
Funniset moment was when i was playin 2 player wit a m8 and we deiced 2 go up that big mountain (Cant Remember Name) in a golf cadie, nearly took a Hol hour, And we didnt take the course, Off-Roading xP....Took around 1hour

u wudnt believe the amount ov times we tumbled back down

04-06-2005, 06:21 AM
when i couldnt die ;) game was glitched i was about to die but i wouldnt die :p had a 6 star police chase and i was on a BMX lolz

04-06-2005, 07:07 AM
when i couldnt die ;) game was glitched i was about to die but i wouldnt die :p had a 6 star police chase and i was on a BMX lolz
LMAO! That must have been great ;)!

04-06-2005, 01:53 PM
Funniset moment was when i was playin 2 player wit a m8 and we deiced 2 go up that big mountain (Cant Remember Name) in a golf cadie, nearly took a Hol hour, And we didnt take the course, Off-Roading xP....Took around 1hour

u wudnt believe the amount ov times we tumbled back down

LOL! It's Mt Chiliad, but here's summut I did 2day!

I went banger racing on the Julius Thruway! Lol, and I caused an explosive chain reaction! Also, I flipped a PCJ or a BF, one of them, and I went in2 the underworld!

More funny moments plz!

04-06-2005, 02:19 PM
Heres mine, y'know you can buy that joke mask which looks liek a superhero mask, I bought that. I bought a black vest and black underwear and cowboy boots. I put in the never die cheat [Unless bombed, drowns or falling], put the infinite air capacity cheat, the CJ jumps ten times higher, the super-punch, th BMX 100ft bunny hop, and walaa, I was a super-hero.

It was great fun with 6 star cops being indestructible and punching the cops to the other side of the road [Lengthways :P] and driving in my fully-modded black convertible, the best life ever!

04-06-2005, 02:42 PM
My best moment is when me and my mate nabbed one of those private jets and because only 1 person can get in i had to stand ontop, we took off and all was going well until he started doing loops at 2000 ft.! I went flying off and pulled the plane down with me. I hit the motorway and died, then the plane came down and caused a big hold up with loads of death.. :p

04-06-2005, 02:52 PM
crashing the Jumbo plane into a bank....

04-06-2005, 03:01 PM
My best moment is when me and my mate nabbed one of those private jets and because only 1 person can get in i had to stand ontop, we took off and all was going well until he started doing loops at 2000 ft.! I went flying off and pulled the plane down with me. I hit the motorway and died, then the plane came down and caused a big hold up with loads of death.. :p

I did exactly the same with my friend, Aaron :D

09-06-2005, 08:44 PM
Mine wasnt really a game moment...i was playing pool with some guy, and mutta decided to watch and commented on "the nice game of pool, much better than those shoot-outs" (;)). Muhahaha...but then i lost (:() and i decided to get my money back by beating him to death with zee snooker cue...Mutta was horrified...stunned...speechless...i heard many whisperings of "oh my...how horrible...thats ghastly...no wonder kids today are so violent...".

Trés amusant!

15-06-2005, 06:59 PM
Mine wasnt really a game moment...i was playing pool with some guy, and mutta decided to watch and commented on "the nice game of pool, much better than those shoot-outs" (;)). Muhahaha...but then i lost (:() and i decided to get my money back by beating him to death with zee snooker cue...Mutta was horrified...stunned...speechless...i heard many whisperings of "oh my...how horrible...thats ghastly...no wonder kids today are so violent...".

Trés amusant!
Hahaha. I bet the look on her face when you started beating the guy to death was priceless

15-06-2005, 07:11 PM
i havnt fully read this post so soz if i mrepeating.
i think its funny on 2 player if player 2 has sword and cuts P1s head off, it stays like that lmao. in car headless with blood coming out

19-06-2005, 01:20 AM
when i was playing mutliplayer with a friend, we just went wild with the cheats, we both had jet packs on and were buzzing around the city, and this old woman kept trying to kill me with her rocket launcher.
and also the cheat that makes other vehicles float away when you hit them, do it in tunnel lol.
o, and have u seen the people doing the lemmings act? people committing suicide by jumping off the buildings, i found that sickly funny.

21-06-2005, 06:07 PM
One Of My Funniest wasn't That Funny But I Went To This Person (Changes Alot) Standing On This Bank Type Thing Next To The Sea Taking Pics Of The Buildings, She Took One Photo Then Jumped Into The Sea, Another Time I Had A Jet Chasing After Me And I Was Flying Into A Building Pulled Up Hard And The Other Plane Crashed Right Into It :p
My Funniest Moment Was When I Was Doing This Stunt Type Thing On The Side Of The Mountain, I Fell Of My Mountain Bike Turned Around and A Random Fighter Plane Just Crashed Into The Side Of The Mountain.

21-06-2005, 08:09 PM
LMAO! That must have been great ;)!

Lol i know how to do that, start cihlliad race wit parachute, jump of the cliff on bike, and jump off bike while falling, you will respawn and parachute will be open while riding, and u cannot die, mostly.....

23-06-2005, 02:44 PM
my funniest moment is wen ure on the by-pass with a rocket launcher blowin up the police lolz,

i also like beatin up people on the beach

24-06-2005, 03:52 AM
It's funny that they didn't make the game 3 CDs. The game choppy because of how huge it is.

09-07-2005, 07:22 PM
One Of My Funniest wasn't That Funny But I Went To This Person (Changes Alot) Standing On This Bank Type Thing Next To The Sea Taking Pics Of The Buildings, She Took One Photo Then Jumped Into The Sea, Another Time I Had A Jet Chasing After Me And I Was Flying Into A Building Pulled Up Hard And The Other Plane Crashed Right Into It :p
My Funniest Moment Was When I Was Doing This Stunt Type Thing On The Side Of The Mountain, I Fell Of My Mountain Bike Turned Around and A Random Fighter Plane Just Crashed Into The Side Of The Mountain.

Hahah Fighter Jets are so much fun! Lol ! Too drive or get chased by =] I done similar things to you I was in a fighter jet and i was heading straight for this big wide building and i went straight up like a loop-de-loop and the fighter jet chasing me crashed into the building. ='] One Problem =D The explosion set me on fire Hheheh x]

09-07-2005, 10:48 PM
Strange glitch
Once a plane crashed into the ground for no reason then it came down and landed on me "/
So when it hit me i went flying up in the air
ti's was funny

11-07-2005, 07:14 PM
San Andreas is the most fun game ever you can spend hours onit without doing any missions just messing around and doing stunts!!

My rating-9.8/10 :D

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