View Full Version : HabboHome Portable

05-01-2008, 04:07 PM

- Definition: Would you like to log in a virtual world where you can design your home, talk to other people, interacting with the media and much more, on your PlayStationPortable?
Pues ahora sera posible gracias a HabboHome un juego creado en formato HTML para PlayStation de momento solo para la portatil.
Now HabboHome will be possible thanks to a game created in HTML format for PlayStation from time only for the notebook.

Pescar,ir a bares,boleras,comprar,viajar....
Fishing, go to bars, bowling alleys, shopping, traveling ....

Todo eso sera posible en este titulo que nos trae MafeGames.
All this will be possible in this title that brings MafeGames.

-La idea: La idea a sido mejorada despues del anuncio de Home para PlayStation3 pero esto biene de mucho antes, en verano del 2006 salio HabboPets un simulador de vida que nos ofrecia tener nuestra casa,mascota,ect..
- The idea: The idea has been enhanced after the announcement of Home for PlayStation3 expensive but this was long before, in the summer of 2006 salio HabboPets simulator life ofrecia we have our house, pets, etc. ..
en PlayStationPortable.
In PlayStationPortable.

Ese titulo en un principio iva a ofrecer lo que HabboHome va a ofrecer en su fecha de salida pero por aquel entonces, MafeGames aun no estaba tan avanzada para lograrlo.
That title at the outset to deliver what taxes HabboHome will offer in his departure date but then, even MafeGames was not as advanced to achieve this.

Con el paso del tiempo se ha conseguido que si lo este y poder realizar aquel titulo, con otro nombre y renovado.
With the passage of time has been that if you carry out this and that title, with a new name and renewed.

-El aspecto grafico:Graficamente se muestra como su primera version, sin animaciones, estilo dibujo, y como no todo es de Habbo ( No oficial )
The look-graphic: Graphically displays as its first version, without animation, drawing style, and everything is not limited to (Unofficial)

Imagen del personaje que llevaremos.
Image of character that drive.

-Sonido: Al igual que en su primera version aun no se puede insertar sonido en ciertos juegos de MafeGames, por ejemplo este.
- Sound: As in its first version does not even sound can be inserted in certain games MafeGames, for example east.

Solo se consiguio en MafeGames Sports.
Only in so you MafeGames Sports.

-Conexion online:El titulo te va a permitir conectarte a un chat donde hablaras con muchisimos usuarios mas que esten en ese momento conectados al online, tambien podras acceder a la web oficial de MafeGames para descargar fondos de pantalla para psp y mas.
- Connection online: The title will allow you to connect to a chat room where users talk with a lot more than this at this time connected to the online, you can also access the official website MafeGames to download wallpapers for Playstation and more.

-Conexion con PlayStation3:Esto es lo que mas nos sorprendio de todo, que se pudiera interactuar con PlayStation3.
- Connection with PlayStation3: This is what most of us sorprendio all, which could interact with PlayStation3.

Se supone que no se interactuara mediante juego que sera para descargar videos y musica que ofrecera la web oficial de MafeGames en el apartado PlayStationNetwork.
It is not supposed to interact through game will be to download videos and music that offered official website MafeGames in paragraph PlayStationNetwork.

-Estas son las opciones que se destacaron, ahora Adrian Mariscal nos resume lo mas imprescindible por saver:
- These are the options that were highlighted, we now Adrian Marshal summarizes the most vital saver:

Lo primero es saludar a todos los que descargan los productos de MafeGames y lo segundo dar las gracias a las sigueintes webs en las que se a publicado lo que mas sobre nosotros:
The first thing is to greet all those who downloaded products MafeGames and the second to thank the following sites on which to be published on what most of us:

- Www.pspain.com (http://Www.pspain.com)

- Www.todopsp-.com (http://Www.todopsp-.com)

- Www.gameprotv.com (http://Www.gameprotv.com)

- Www.psps3.mv.es (http://Www.psps3.mv.es)

A distintos usuarios que nos facilitaron sus nombres y a que web pertenecen:
For individual users who provided us with their names as they belong Web:

Max.16: www.todopsp.com (http://www.todopsp.com)
Max.16: www.todopsp.com (http://www.todopsp.com)

PuemaGames: www.pspain.com (http://www.pspain.com)
PuemaGames: www.pspain.com (http://www.pspain.com)

Zerox: www.todopsp.com (http://www.todopsp.com)
Zerox: www.todopsp.com (http://www.todopsp.com)

Gracias a ellos por su colaboracion y a las webs nombradas.
Thanks to them for their co-operation and the sites named.

Datos imprescindibles del juego:
Data vital game:

-La opcion de la pesca: En un entorno del juego se nos permitira pescar, cada pez que pesquemos nos dara una iamgen, esa imagen la podras guardar desde la PlayStationPortable poniendo la flecha sobre ella y seleccionando herramientas del navegador web de PlayStationPortable, en guardar imagen.
- The choice of fishing: In an environment of the game will allow us to fish, fish that pesquemos give us a iamgen, that you can save the image from the PlayStationPortable put the arrow on it and selecting tools in the web browser PlayStationPortable in store image.

La guardamos en PICTURE o en PHOTO.
The store in PICTURE or PHOTO.

Al conectar la PlayStationPortable a la PlayStation3 podremos subir esa imagen a un apartado de la web oficial de MafeGames para poner nuestro nombre y que la gente vea que hemos conseguido pescar ese pez.
By connecting the PlayStationPortable the PlayStation3 we can upload that image to a section of the official website MafeGames to put our name and that people see that we have managed to catch this fish.

Esta es una de las opciones del juego que mas nos gusta por la interactuacion con PlayStation3.
This is one of the options in the game that we love the most interactuacion with PlayStation3.

-La casa:Tendremos una casa amueblada ya pero podremos descargar futuras actualizaciones medainte un PC para cambiar de casa.
- The home: We will have a furnished house, but we can already download future updates medainte a PC to switch from home.

-El chat:La forma de comunicarse sera tan facil como ir a mis marcadores y seleccionar HabboHome-Online, en ese momento ya accederas al chat y podras comunicarte con otros usuarios.
- Chat: The way of communicating will be so easy to go to my bookmarks and select HabboHome-Online, at that time already accederas to chat and you can communicate with other users.

-Las actualizaciones de estacion:En verano saldra una actualizacion llamada
- The station updates: In summer an update called saldra

HabboHome-Vacaciones en la que aparte de que sera verano podremos realizar distintas acciones nuevas referidas con las vacaciones.
HabboHome-Holidays in which apart from the fact that we may make a different summer will be new shares related to the holidays.

-La compatibilidad con todas las versiones de PlayStationPortable:
- Compatibility with all versions of PlayStationPortable:

Todas las versiones de PlayStationPortable seran compatibles con el juego, incluso las ultimas versiones favoreceran mejor al funcionamiento de este.
All versions of PlayStationPortable will be compatible with the game, including the latest versions favour better functioning of this.

-La compatibilidad con todas las versiones de PlayStation3:
- Compatibility with all versions of PlayStation3:

Sea la que sea tu version de PlayStation3 podras interactuar con ella mediante el cable USB que sua el sixaxis.
Whether it is your version of PlayStation3 you can interact with it via the USB cable that the sixaxis sua.

Eso es todo, para cualquier sugerencia para MafeGames contactar con [email protected]
That's all for any suggestions for MafeGames contact [email protected]

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Eso es todo lo que se save hasta ahora de este gran titulo o eso parece.
That is all you save so far in this major title so it seems.

Tambien se hablo con ellos de Micro MafeGames, que esta en proceso y que incluye 20 minijuegos eso ya se dijo al salir su demo, pero que tendra actualizaciones con 5 minijuegos cada una en la seccion de PlayStation Network de la web oficial de MafeGames.
We are talking to them MafeGames Micro, which is in process and includes 20 mini games that are already said to leave his demo, but have updates with 5 mini games each in the section PlayStation Network's official website MafeGames.

Nota: La web oficial de MafeGames esta temporalmente cerrada podeis acceder a su blog en el que se realizara lo mismo que en la web.
Note: The official website MafeGames temporarily closed this you can access your blog that will perform the same as on the website.

Para acceder al blog, buscar en google MafeGames Blog.
To access the blog, searching google MafeGames Blog.

It was in spanish so I've had to translate it :P

05-01-2008, 04:08 PM
ooo source?

05-01-2008, 04:10 PM
I'm not actually sure if this article is actually related to Habbo that much as I found this website:


05-01-2008, 04:27 PM
Nice! +rep

05-01-2008, 07:06 PM
Lmao, home isn't made by habbo.

Which idiot came up with this?

05-01-2008, 07:10 PM
Yeah, I don't know how it's going to work but nice find though.

05-01-2008, 11:47 PM
lol it looks copied, they copied the Habbo avatar. I doubt Sulake made that, if so it should be either in English/Finnish.

06-01-2008, 05:37 PM
HOME is a new 3D virtual world coming out for the PS3, you can meet other people in it and then launch straight into an online game with them etc.

Its like Habbo, but intergrated into the Playstation Network. Nothing to do with Sulake/Habbo :) That looks faked tbh

EDIT: http://www.homebetatrial.com/

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