View Full Version : USER SYSTEM

08-01-2008, 12:13 AM
hello, i need help i have a couple of link with my usr system

and the links target into the iframe now they dont go into the iframe they go to whole page view Preview of code below

<a target="2" href="system/chat.php">Chat Here!</a></font><br>IFRAME

<iframe id="2" width="498" height="454" src="welcome.php" marginwidth="6" marginheight="6" name="2" title="Rstats" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="yes" scrolling="no"></iframe>=EDIT=

Also i need a code for insert to 'users' code for PHPMYADMIN for SUPER ADMIN the normal admin one is level 5 but i have no clue what SUPER ADMIN would be :)

Please help defult table thingo is 1 & 'users'

Moved by Agesilaus (Forum Moderator) from Designing & Development: Please post in the correct forum next time.

08-01-2008, 01:04 AM
Well for one I'm not going to be giving you any help with the UserSystem - mainly because it is a rip of KP and you're trying to re-skin it as your own which I'm sure Dan would not approve of.

For anyone who's curious just try the following link:
And then go to the login:

See what I mean?

EDIT: Something happened to the MySQL DB so it's giving just error screens right now but you'll see what I mean when it's back up.

08-01-2008, 01:33 AM
It still says powered by Krystall-Panel so i don't see the problem?

08-01-2008, 01:59 AM
It still says powered by Krystall-Panel so i don't see the problem?

I fail to see this on the login page.... if you made a DJ Panel then you'd know that the most important link back to the creator is generally the one on the login page because no one but the staff see the inside one. Oh, and generally in the License Agreement you agree to leave ALL copyrights intact (including on the login page).

It really annoys me when people think that if no one catches them then its okay to change or remove copyrights on the Login Page especially. I mean it specifies in the EULA 99% of the time that all copyrights must reamin intact, blah blah blah, so what don't people get? I don't really care if you leave the copyright inside the panel - no one ever sees that part except for your staff! Search engines can't find the inside of the panel because its password protected so in essence the effect of the copyright notice is lost altogether! Generally copyright notices serve to:

a) Let people know about your site/panel
b) Tell people who made the panel
c) Copyright/legal stuff

Generally speaking A and B are the major reasons... so you know what? Just leave the copyrights and stop your stupid illegal activities! And yes, if the EULA says leave copyrights and you remove even 1 copyright notice then that is ILLEGAL! God...

Wow... I'm not a happy camper tonight :rolleyes:

08-01-2008, 02:49 AM
No. i have a diffrent user system on my website someone wanted a Reskinned version Of KP like clubhabbos so i was showing a Preview, if you have a probleam i have not changed anything but login page, I HAVE a DIFFRENT user system on my website not cj555s one a diffrent one and i need to fix it by asking the porbleams avove OKAY!

Clubhabbo post is here:

08-01-2008, 03:32 AM
Hmmm. Should probably hide the rips before broadcasting it, lol.

08-01-2008, 09:51 PM
Hmmm. Should probably hide the rips before broadcasting it, lol.

Thank you. Agreed - or just don't rip in the first place.

09-01-2008, 09:17 AM
hello, i need help i have a couple of link with my usr system

and the links target into the iframe now they dont go into the iframe they go to whole page view Preview of code below

<a target="2" href="system/chat.php">Chat Here!</a></font><br>IFRAME

<iframe id="2" width="498" height="454" src="welcome.php" marginwidth="6" marginheight="6" name="2" title="Rstats" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="yes" scrolling="no"></iframe>=EDIT=

Also i need a code for insert to 'users' code for PHPMYADMIN for SUPER ADMIN the normal admin one is level 5 but i have no clue what SUPER ADMIN would be :)

Please help defult table thingo is 1 & 'users'

Moved by Agesilaus (Forum Moderator) from Designing &
Development: Please post in the correct forum next time.
If it's your system then you would know which level super admin is, wouldn't you.

09-01-2008, 02:24 PM
Poor Krystall Panel... being ripped</3

09-01-2008, 06:33 PM
Kristall-Panel (Not Krystall) Its the german spelling for Crystal. Anyways, if I can, I may persuade (when dans on) dan to let me release KP RC3 (or 1) that he sent me, although most of the sql has died.

13-01-2008, 10:52 PM
Its techtuts framework so for superadmin level im guessing in the admin panel you would need

to change

if ($logged[username] && $logged[level] == 5) {


if ($logged[username] && $logged[level] == 5 || $logged[level] == 6) {

On pages you only want super admins


if ($logged[username] && $logged[level] == 6) {



13-01-2008, 10:53 PM
You need to add the name="" tag to the IFRAME in order for it to be parsed into that frame.

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