View Full Version : Who do you think is going to be the next USA president & why? - [Closes 19/04/08]
19-01-2008, 10:42 AM
The USA elections are approaching fast. Whoever the next president is will impact the whole planet.
Who do you think the next USA president will be and why?
Let the debating begin!
19-01-2008, 10:46 AM
I think it will be that Obama guy, but I guess I'd prefer Hillary Clinton.
19-01-2008, 11:17 AM
This is not a debate, this is just a thread like 'what did you have for breakfast?'. The title should be 'Who do you think should be President and why'. I personally think I want Hilliary Clinton as she reminds me of another Thatcher which means she'll stick up for her country.
19-01-2008, 11:30 AM
I think Obama will win :)
19-01-2008, 12:07 PM
I want Hilary!
19-01-2008, 01:09 PM
I think either way it will be very interesting. First black president or first woman :O.
Virgin Mary
19-01-2008, 01:55 PM
Obama because he's black, or at least that's the reason I've seen from most Americans.
19-01-2008, 02:48 PM
How is this a debate?
le harry
19-01-2008, 03:07 PM
i'm not sure that the next american president is the right thing to discuss on a UK orientated forum.
19-01-2008, 03:11 PM
I would think Obama. I don't pay to much attention to US politics but he seems like he knows what he's doing and lots of people seem to be supporting him.
19-01-2008, 08:19 PM
Blonde President Enter's = Win's = Help Irag = Cause WW3 = Cause All World Capital's to be Destoryed = Death to All = Cause World Nuclear War One = Nuclear Missle's Fired = 9/11 Two = Blonde President Surive's = Reval's Her/Him self as The Anti-christ = Earth is Taken over = Earth will be Hell = New Race's Will Start = God Fight Devil = God Win's = Human Race is Reborn = Blonde President enter's Again = Win's = Repeat
i'm not sure that the next american president is the right thing to discuss on a UK orientated forum.
Only about half of the habboxforum users are from the UK. There are still a lot of people that are concerned about the issue.
BLACK PRESIDENT = Corrupted America & World
White President = Normal
Anti-christ = Death to EVERYONE!
go outside
19-01-2008, 08:26 PM
Only about half of the habboxforum users are from the UK. There are still a lot of people that are concerned about the issue.
go outside
Lulz You -.-
19-01-2008, 09:16 PM
Hopefully Obama. Just cause his name is the hardest to say :)
19-01-2008, 10:53 PM
Burak Obama
20-01-2008, 11:28 AM
this debate isn't relevant to half of us, lol.
20-01-2008, 01:12 PM
this debate isn't relevant to half of us, lol.
I disagree mainly because the USA is very powerful and impacts a lot of places. Plus, the UK itself is a very close ally to the USA.
I want Hilary to win, mainly because shes a woman (girl power n all) and also because i think shes a very strong person (lets face it she put up with all Bills affairs) and if she wants something doing, im pretty sure she'll get it.
I disagree mainly because the USA is very powerful and impacts a lot of places. Plus, the UK itself is a very close ally to the USA.
Yes, although most of the time they are just laughed at.:P
I love George Bush though shame he has to go, i would love to take that guy out for a drink some time, i bet hes hilarious.
20-01-2008, 04:53 PM
I love George Bush though shame he has to go, i would love to take that guy out for a drink some time, i bet hes hilarious.
I bet the Iranians disagree :P.
I was going for Hillary at the start but Obama seems strong.
20-01-2008, 07:35 PM
I do hate the people who say 'Cos he's black' and 'Cos she's a women' - Colour and Sex don't make you good at a job.
I do hate the people who say 'Cos he's black' and 'Cos she's a women' - Colour and Sex don't make you good at a job.
No, but sometimes it can help. Plus, its a fact that hilary will get a proportion of her votes from women because women want a femal president, and Obama will get a proportion of his votes from black people because they want a black president. Nevermind any other factors, like good policies etc..
21-01-2008, 12:31 AM
Hilary masterminded Bill's time at the top, and he did alright although saying that. I'm not sexist in anyway but the only female politician to make it to the top is Margerat Thatcher and look how Britain ended up then...
I'm not saying this out of discrimination but I think it's still too soon for America to have a woman president, or a black president - especially since the KKK are still in operation...
The black guy because he's black and younger than Hilary.
Don't mean to offend but ye.
21-01-2008, 01:01 PM
I'm not saying this out of discrimination but I think it's still too soon for America to have a woman president, or a black president - especially since the KKK are still in operation...
the KKK is just pathetic now. they don't actually do anything, they just have meetings and try to shock people. saying we shouldnt have a black president because of the KKK is like saying we shouldn't let little boys outside because NAMBLA (a real organization, North American Man-Boy Love Association, which believes in letting men have sex with children) still has members.
if you're ever going to get rid of things like the KKK, you have to have these major movements and let things progress -- or else they will have won. you have to make all their objectives fail for them to fade away.
21-01-2008, 04:24 PM
Obama to win. He has a big voice and he 100 percent deserves to be the next
USA President. Black pepole have been a lot through the past.
24-01-2008, 12:36 AM
I'd like to see a black president to show how much the world has changed since MLK Jnrs day. When Black people where killed for basically doing anything. Though I'd also like to a girl win president.
Personally, I'd like Obama
24-01-2008, 05:55 PM
Obama ftw!
He just seems like the right guy who won't be a push over!
25-01-2008, 10:16 AM
Obama to win. He has a big voice and he 100 percent deserves to be the next
USA President. Black pepole have been a lot through the past.
I agree with that. But I think he will do a good job - not just because there has never been a black US president.
25-01-2008, 05:25 PM
Obama to win. He has a big voice and he 100 percent deserves to be the next
USA President. Black pepole have been a lot through the past.
That should make him President/Make him better at being President?
I think Obama will be the next president, but if it was just me who made the decision i'd choose Ron Paul.
And this is why:
25-01-2008, 07:42 PM
Hilary masterminded Bill's time at the top, and he did alright although saying that. I'm not sexist in anyway but the only female politician to make it to the top is Margerat Thatcher and look how Britain ended up then...
I'm not saying this out of discrimination but I think it's still too soon for America to have a woman president, or a black president - especially since the KKK are still in operation...
I hate to destroy the Socialist lie you have been told about Margerat Thatcher, but she saved Britain. The reason why we now have a good economy which has grown is because of the Thatcher Government. She also destroyed the Trade Unions which were controlling the Governments at the time.
If you say she closed the mines, well yes, she had to. You cannot keep a industry which is losing money alive.
26-01-2008, 02:40 AM
I think Obama will be the next president, but if it was just me who made the decision i'd choose Ron Paul.
And this is why:
ron paul <3 some of his ideas are just crazy though, but he's the most honest politician we've had in decades.
27-01-2008, 09:03 PM
*Message Removed*
Edited by Agesilaus (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post inappropriatley.
30-01-2008, 09:45 AM
Sorry if its posted but:
Its actually quite interesting, whoever becomes the president, a new barrier will be broken. If hillary become president, she'll be the first woman, if obama becomes president, he will be the first african american.
20-02-2008, 08:37 AM
I guess hilary clinton
20-02-2008, 01:03 PM
Sorry if its posted but:
Its actually quite interesting, whoever becomes the president, a new barrier will be broken. If hillary become president, she'll be the first woman, if obama becomes president, he will be the first african american.Hilary and Obama aren't standing for president yet, they're both Democrats, and only one of the two can represent the Democrats in the elections. On the other side [Republicans] they'll almost definitely be represented by John Mccain, so it'll be John McCain vs a Democrat (Either Hilary or Obama) in the elections. McCain is unlikely to set any remarkable feats if he became president, he could possibly go for 'Oldest US president' though :P
20-02-2008, 03:57 PM
obama won 2 more yesterday! hillary would really need to come back and get all the rest if she's going to win, and that's highly unlikely! so it's pretty much DEFINITE that barack obama is going to be the next president of the united states.
which im glad. i dont hate hillary, but she's for the war, and i will never ever ever ever be able to vote for someone who's for the iraq war.
there is no way in hell john mccain would win against obama in the general election, however he could DEFINITELY beat hillary. because conservatives hate mccain, but they hate hillary even more. but most conservatives like obama more than mccain.
Hilary and Obama aren't standing for president yet, they're both Democrats, and only one of the two can represent the Democrats in the elections. On the other side [Republicans] they'll almost definitely be represented by John Mccain, so it'll be John McCain vs a Democrat (Either Hilary or Obama) in the elections. McCain is unlikely to set any remarkable feats if he became president, he could possibly go for 'Oldest US president' though :P
That true but either way;
If Hilary wins and goes to the vote, she's gunna win.
If Obama beats Hilary and goes to the vote, he's gunna win.
20-02-2008, 06:15 PM
obama won 2 more yesterday! hillary would really need to come back and get all the rest if she's going to win, and that's highly unlikely! so it's pretty much DEFINITE that barack obama is going to be the next president of the united states.
which im glad. i dont hate hillary, but she's for the war, and i will never ever ever ever be able to vote for someone who's for the iraq war.
there is no way in hell john mccain would win against obama in the general election, however he could DEFINITELY beat hillary. because conservatives hate mccain, but they hate hillary even more. but most conservatives like obama more than mccain.
I think Mccain has a strong chance either way but he does have a lot of enemies. I do hope Obama wins Ohio and Texas :).
20-02-2008, 08:35 PM
I hope Hiliary takes Texas and the next few big states next, I think she will as they are the states which cast a shadow over the Obama Camp. There haven't really been many true conservatives in this contest which is a shame but seeing the Iraq saga over Bush that's not suprising.
I think Barak Obama has no substance and thinks he's the next MLK in the way he talks, I would like to see McCain and Clinton battle it out and then i'll make my mind up whom I support for the oval office :)
20-02-2008, 09:52 PM
I'd like it to be Clinton, however I think Obama has the edge now.
27-02-2008, 03:33 PM
Debate extended :).
27-02-2008, 06:34 PM
O good :) As I said, I support Clinton, but I think Obama has the Democratic nomination wrapped up. Clinton needs Ohio and Texas if she stands any chance.
28-02-2008, 02:10 AM
I think Barak Obama has no substance and thinks he's the next MLK in the way he talks
you obviously haven't been paying much attention. one thing that conservatives and liberals alike commend obama on is his resistance to playing the "black candidate." he only ever talks about his race when its brought up in an interview, and even then he tries his best to get off of it.
28-02-2008, 05:18 PM
Obama. Just would not be pleased if Hilary won. I think Obama is fresh, and another Clinton would not help the current situation...
28-02-2008, 05:20 PM
I'd like Obama , I just prefer his style over Clintons
28-02-2008, 05:43 PM
you obviously haven't been paying much attention. one thing that conservatives and liberals alike commend obama on is his resistance to playing the "black candidate." he only ever talks about his race when its brought up in an interview, and even then he tries his best to get off of it.
Barak only talks of 'change' - what change?
That black dude. He looks fun and ye LOL aint really seen the others
28-02-2008, 06:46 PM
I think thats a major flaw in this system - it often becomes a personality contest.
Crazy Bartender
28-02-2008, 06:54 PM
I think it will be Obama. But I live in the UK so I don't really give a toss ;)
I think, and i hope that Obama will win. He's going to make it, i think :D
29-02-2008, 04:53 PM
I think the obama guy will win.
01-03-2008, 01:04 AM
Obama is only one letter away from Osama...
Lol, hillary clinton FTW!
01-03-2008, 04:14 PM
Obama is only one letter away from Osama...
Lol, hillary clinton FTW!
That is actually quite an issue for some Americans. There are rumours Obama is a Muslim too, which can only damage his campaign.
02-03-2008, 02:39 AM
Obama is only one letter away from Osama...
congrats at giving into petty and pointless tactics in politics, you know nothing.
That is actually quite an issue for some Americans. There are rumours Obama is a Muslim too, which can only damage his campaign.
its not a rumor, it's a misconception. people just assume it because of his name. he's a christian and always has been. he literally can't be a muslim, because he has said that he is a christian and to denounce yourself in islam is one of the worst things you could possibly do.
02-03-2008, 02:41 AM
i don't think obama will win because hes black and i don't think clintion will win because shes a woman i don't think john McCain will win because he can die any second now so i guess mike huckabee is going to win
03-03-2008, 12:39 AM
i don't think obama will win because hes black and i don't think clintion will win because shes a woman i don't think john McCain will win because he can die any second now so i guess mike huckabee is going to win
lol @ the fact that it is now actually impossible for huckabee to win, even if he wins everything from now on.
05-03-2008, 03:43 PM
My faith has been restored in Clinton after yesterdays wins :)
05-03-2008, 03:51 PM
I want Clinton to win. I don't think America are ready for a black president.
07-03-2008, 03:08 AM
I want Clinton to win. I don't think America are ready for a black president.
well you don't live in america. i'm here, i say we definitely are.
07-03-2008, 12:01 PM
Obama is only one letter away from Osama...
Lol, hillary clinton FTW!
Clinton is only one spate away from being a horrible ***** who tries to put her opposition in disrepute with shady political campaigning styles... =/
Hilary Clinton FTL, she's a dumb *****. she wouldnt even be in the running if it wern't for her husband behind her. Obama has to win if america wishes to move on in the 21st century.
08-03-2008, 01:59 AM
Well both are obviosuly brain washed and are being controlled by aliens along with a couple of other politicians so tbh, no matter who gets it, the human race as we know it is completley screwed and we will be slaves to our great masters from outter space. Shame really.
Thats a lie obviosuly, i have no clue about politics so i have no idea, but just to say i think Obama.
10-03-2008, 11:06 PM
if clinton got into power there would be a war every month
11-03-2008, 12:18 AM
if clinton got into power there would be a war every month
I thought you left.
Edited by Hitman (Forum Moderator): Please don't post offtopic, thanks!
11-03-2008, 02:25 PM
who the **** are you?
11-03-2008, 04:08 PM
Personally, I would prefer Hillary Clinton. Though Obama's policies are rather similar to hers, I believe that she does have more experience and would do a better job at finding ways to fix our economy (which is my primary concern this election).
Obama is all talk, no action imo. He can't even take the pressure when the press isn't going his way, how in the hell is he supposed to be able to run the most powerful country in the world?
11-03-2008, 07:23 PM
Obama! Clinton wont get in because of what her husband got up to in the white house and that John Rupublican guy probs wont win it:D
11-03-2008, 07:54 PM
who the **** are you?
Adam, hence the name.
11-03-2008, 08:12 PM
if clinton got into power there would be a war every month
Despite Clinton promising to withdraw from Iraq?
11-03-2008, 08:50 PM
Obama! Clinton wont get in because of what her husband got up to in the white house and that John Rupublican guy probs wont win it:D
Bill Clinton remains one of the most popular US Presidents in history.
11-03-2008, 08:51 PM
Obama since clinton is a racist **** who resorts to dirty tactics
11-03-2008, 08:52 PM
Barack Obama :)
And whoever said Clinton was liked - Out of the 40 or so presidents, Clinton averages about 20th.
11-03-2008, 09:48 PM
Personally, I would prefer Hillary Clinton. Though Obama's policies are rather similar to hers, I believe that she does have more experience and would do a better job at finding ways to fix our economy (which is my primary concern this election).
Obama is all talk, no action imo. He can't even take the pressure when the press isn't going his way, how in the hell is he supposed to be able to run the most powerful country in the world?
but i think that "experience" is irrelevant. abraham lincoln only had a few years experience in illinois legislature before he got elected, and he's considered the greatest president of all time. warren g. harding was in the senate for 6 years before being president, and is considered the worst president of all time.
and when has he ever broken down because of the press? hillary clinton is the one always implying that the press is out to get her.
12-03-2008, 05:25 AM
Despite Clinton promising to withdraw from Iraq?
clinton will have her PMS and bomb iran then feel sorry about it the next week
12-03-2008, 04:23 PM
Obama wins Mississippi - why am I not suprised he got 9/10 of the black vote :rolleyes:
12-03-2008, 04:59 PM
Why am I not surprised Clinton got 3/4 of the white vote? :rolleyes:
You give as good as you get. I'd rather have Parrot called 'Chippy' running America, than Hilary Clinton.
12-03-2008, 08:05 PM
Obama wins Mississippi - why am I not suprised he got 9/10 of the black vote :rolleyes:
what the hell is your problem? what's that even supposed to mean? clinton gets the majority of female voters everywhere.
you failed to make any point in that post.
12-03-2008, 09:46 PM
what the hell is your problem? what's that even supposed to mean? clinton gets the majority of female voters everywhere.
you failed to make any point in that post.
It proves my point the majority of his suporters are black. Makes me wonder: Would he have so much support from black people if he was white?
12-03-2008, 10:07 PM
It proves my point the majority of his suporters are black. Makes me wonder: Would he have so much support from black people if he was white?
that doesn't prove a majority of his supporters are black.. it proves the majority of black people support him. And so what? i'm sure if there was a midgit running, a majority of the midgit population would support them, it really doesn't mean much. Like someone said i'm sure quite a few of clintons female supporters don't know about her policies too.
12-03-2008, 11:12 PM
It proves my point the majority of his suporters are black. Makes me wonder: Would he have so much support from black people if he was white?
congratulations, you once again prove my point you don't know what you're talking about. it doesn't prove that the majority of his supporters are black, it proves that the majority of black people support him. there's a huge difference. a large majority of black people also supported bill clinton too. i guess that was because he's black, right?
13-03-2008, 05:08 AM
Obama is only one letter away from Osama...
Lol, hillary clinton FTW!
That shows how ignorant you are.
I voted for Obama in Ohio, Hilary still won...but I believe that Obama will be the next president. McCain isn't going to win due to the fact that he's a republican and they're not so popular right now because of Bush.
It doesn't matter because I would never vote for John Kerry.
26-03-2008, 02:35 PM
That shows how ignorant you are.
I voted for Obama in Ohio, Hilary still won...but I believe that Obama will be the next president. McCain isn't going to win due to the fact that he's a republican and they're not so popular right now because of Bush.
It doesn't matter because I would never vote for John Kerry.
John McCain is trying to distance himself from George W Bush at the moment. Anywho I like the three candidates because of..
John McCain - Republican policies I agree with as I am conservative.
Hilliary Clinton - Personality gives her merits, reminds me of another Margaret Thatcher, also she promises to withdraw from Iraq. :)
Barak Obama - Never supported the Iraq Invasion, also promises to withdraw.
Lol most people in this thread think the election is purely between Hillary and Obama..
They're just fighting for the democrat spot.
The republican, John McCain will probably will, because the majority of Americans will always vote republicans, regardless of who is running for president.
I hope that Obama wins though.
30-03-2008, 05:47 AM
Obama as it would be nice to see a black president.
Clinton is against GTA games so erm.. no thanks.
20-04-2008, 06:19 PM
Its realy interesting . You have obama in one hand, And hilary in the other. Both are new. First black or first women. This has never happend. It shows the world is getting more tolerant. I think some day a computer wil be the next president of the us, Or the united nations by then. Anyway for now obama will probably win. But clinton has alot of power in washington. Also you have that old guy the will have to beat him. and he looks smart. Like a real president. An exiting race i wonder who will win.
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