View Full Version : Laughing in class

28-01-2008, 12:42 AM
Hi all

Well I'm in year 9, and there's some people in my class who are like the class clowns. When they make jokes, people laugh. I laugh sometimes but if I get caught I know I will be in trouble and I don't want to be. How do I not laugh? I tried of thinking of something sad at the time and it doesn't work I just laugh cause I think its funny even though it might be immature. This has happened for ages and I need a solution because I cant keep going on like it :P

+Rep for good techniques,


28-01-2008, 12:44 AM
Bite your tounge

28-01-2008, 12:49 AM
Bite your tounge

Lol I try, biting tongue, biting cheek, nothing seems to work :S :P

28-01-2008, 12:52 AM
Scream instead

28-01-2008, 12:56 AM
pretend ur gay an all the boys in ur class are an they are hittin on u

(or straight if ur gay) an if ur gay imagine all the girls doin the same lolz. this will make u scared x

28-01-2008, 01:05 AM
there are people in my class that smoke weed at lunch, it's really funny to watch them!

28-01-2008, 01:16 AM
its well annoying if you have something at lunch and people keep talking to you about it in class though, i was pleasantly monged in an english class and this ****CK kid (srsly he dribbles and stuff) was like "ARE YOU STONED? ARE YOU SPINNING OUT? IS IT REALLY SPINNY?" im like go wayyyyyyy

28-01-2008, 10:13 AM
just laugh, no harm in laughing.
if you really don't want too, theres not really a solution to not laughing, just try to blank it out, i dunno.

28-01-2008, 10:21 AM
pretend ur gay an all the boys in ur class are an they are hittin on u

(or straight if ur gay) an if ur gay imagine all the girls doin the same lolz. this will make u scared x


I seriously can't control my laughter in class & I have a really weird laugh

le harry
28-01-2008, 11:23 AM
hi there,

i'm not sure of a solution to your problem, but i hope everything works out in your favour.

kindest regards,

28-01-2008, 11:38 AM
Lmao, I actually find it funny how people get into trouble for laughing at someone else because they did or said something that was funny. Laughing is good for you, the teacher must be miserable. :P

If everyone laughs, then you're not the only one in the wrong. If you don't want to laugh, put your hands over your mouth...Although, that doesn't always work either. :confused_

Scream instead


28-01-2008, 11:47 AM
I dont rly kno where ur coming from cuz i used to be one of the 'clowns' but itsseriously not tha hard to not laugh, ad if a teachr tries punishing you for laughing just say, is it my fault i found it funny?

28-01-2008, 11:52 AM
ad if a teachr tries punishing you for laughing just say, is it my fault i found it funny?

I agree here. The teacher shouldn't be having a go at you for laughing, if anything, he/she should be targetting the catalyst of the laughter which is preferably the person who is causing you or anyone else to laugh. ;)

28-01-2008, 12:12 PM
I agree here. The teacher shouldn't be having a go at you for laughing, if anything, he/she should be targetting the catalyst of the laughter which is preferably the person who is causing you or anyone else to laugh. ;)

Yeah. When i was at school i often noticed that instead of going for te culprits theyd pick out the peopl sn1gering and lauging (

28-01-2008, 12:18 PM
Yeah. When i was at school i often noticed that instead of going for te culprits theyd pick out the peopl sn1gering and lauging (

Hmm. I think it's because they can find an easy target in attempt to dealing with the situation, but it never works out. It's like they're afraid there could be an argument between the culprit and the teacher and it might turn really bad.

28-01-2008, 01:05 PM
Haha, I used to have the same problem. I used to scrunch the end of the sleeve on my jumper up and bite that.

28-01-2008, 06:03 PM
Laughing shouldn't be punishable :o

28-01-2008, 08:53 PM
cough instead of laugh or think your own thoughts instead of listening to the joke, then you won't know what to laugh about.

28-01-2008, 08:54 PM
I always laugh in class.

I get in trouble but i deal with it.

28-01-2008, 08:58 PM
Try not to look at them, if you dont look at them you dont know what they are doing :) so theres no reason to laugh and reduice eye contact as much as possible

28-01-2008, 08:59 PM
Lmao, I actually find it funny how people get into trouble for laughing at someone else because they did or said something that was funny. Laughing is good for you, the teacher must be miserable. :P

If everyone laughs, then you're not the only one in the wrong. If you don't want to laugh, put your hands over your mouth...Although, that doesn't always work either. :confused_

BRILLIANT! :lol:Yeah I agree it's just if it's something really immature or silly your laughing at, it's encouraging bad behaviour, thus making you bad as well. I have issues with crying with laughter far to easy, if I find something very funny I can just laugh for about 10 minutes crying with laughter LOL, and I usually get sent out for that but I just don't want to stop laughing, and I find it difficult anyway.

We had a nutty supply teacher who was shouting at us so much you couldn't laugh (She was telling us off for laughing at immature people) and then she says, LETS ALL HAVE A LAUGH, WILLYS AND FARTS! It was sarcasm and very strict, but I just have a very good sense of humour and I just started laughing at that and I have a grin on my face when writing this post, but laughing is one of the most positive reactions your body can feel, so I wouldn't try to stop :P

28-01-2008, 09:09 PM
think of like paper!

works for me

28-01-2008, 09:15 PM
I got a mate like you, if someone makes him laugh he goes metal, like banging desk and going red and crying he laughs that much.

29-01-2008, 04:13 PM
just laugh if its funny ?

30-01-2008, 06:51 AM
I really hope you get this sorted because it seems a very troublesome problem for you and it could result in something very dangerous or tragically life changing happening to you, seen as you had to make a thread on how to not laugh when you find something funny at school.

30-01-2008, 04:51 PM
Its not as serious as banging on desks and going mental just laughing a lot, not loudly, just normally.

30-01-2008, 04:52 PM

I seriously can't control my laughter in class & I have a really weird laugh

LOL same..

i find it so hard not to laugh in class x[
i always get into trouble for it

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