View Full Version : Man kills daughter over Xbox

30-01-2008, 01:32 PM
A man who played video games for hours each day has been convicted of killing his 17-month-old daughter when she pulled out his Xbox console.

Jurors rejected arguments that Tyrone Spellman had confessed to protect the child's mother.
After a day of deliberation, they convicted Spellman of third-degree murder and child endangerment, for which he faces up to 47 years in prison.
Prosecutors in Philadelphia believe he pummelled Alayiah Turman, cracking her skull several times, while her pregnant mother slept in another room on September 7, 2006.
They argued that Spellman fled the house afterwards, and that the mother, Mia Turman, had no reason to go in the bedroom where the baby was found.
"He spent six to seven hours a day in there playing Xbox," Assistant District Attorney James Berardinelli said.
Spellman, 27, of Philadelphia, confessed to police the next day, but defence lawyer Bobby Hoof said his statement had been coerced after 24 hours in custody.
"He's not happy with the verdict. He does not agree with the verdict, but he respects the jury verdict," Mr Hoof said of Spellman.
A post-mortem examination showed that Alayiah had suffered a broken arm about two weeks before she died - an injury that city social workers did not see on two visits to the house in late August, when they found the toddler well.
The city took custody of the couple's second daughter, born after Alayiah's death.


30-01-2008, 01:38 PM
The ******* ****** should be executed.

30-01-2008, 01:41 PM
Indeed, it's not like his life is of any importance, sat behind an Xbox killing children who touch it :rolleyes:

30-01-2008, 01:50 PM
what a complete loser, he should have the same done to him and see how he likes it.

30-01-2008, 01:51 PM
I remember something similar on the news once... it's really terrible. :( He needs to sort out what's mor valuable in his life.

30-01-2008, 01:54 PM
If it's in the USA, that means if he commits one more crime he will be executed. So just all hope he tries to escape jail and gets caught, then his life will be over.

30-01-2008, 02:52 PM
Theres a couple of people I know who play their xbox all day every day they don't go to college they don't have a job xbox is their life it looks like this is them 25 years later...

30-01-2008, 03:22 PM
It's very sick and as an Xbox owner who spends about 4-5 hours on it every day, I really don't see what reason at all there would be to even hurt someone. I would get a bit ****** off naturally if someone unplugged it during a good game, but never enough to hurt anyone. It's a game after all.

However I am very impressed with the maximum prison sentence of around 46 years, I think that's a very reasonable sentence if it goes ahead. In the UK he'd probably get 6 years and be released early.

30-01-2008, 05:06 PM
Execution is the easy way out.

He should be left in solitary confinement for the rest of his life, made to suffer

30-01-2008, 05:08 PM
In the UK he'd probably get 6 years and be released early.
Unless he committed a bank robbery an hour before, then he'd be locked up for life. As the UK law thinks money is more important than human life. Why do we have to live in such as crap country :l

30-01-2008, 05:11 PM
Or they should

1. Stretch him
2. Hang him for a bit (not to death)
3. Cut him open and remove some organs while he's still alive
4. Chop his head off with an axe
5. Chop his body into loads of pieces
6. Tie the pieces of his body to a nuke and bomb japan (sorry any japs) first country that came into my head :P

30-01-2008, 05:12 PM
Or they should

1. Stretch him
2. Hang him for a bit (not to death)
3. Cut him open and remove some organs while he's still alive
4. Chop his head off with an axe
5. Chop his body into loads of pieces
6. Tie the pieces of his body to a nuke and bomb japan (sorry any japs) first country that came into my head :P
Make him play a PS3 for a while, as I bet he's an xbox fanboy.

Virgin Mary
30-01-2008, 05:47 PM
People take consoles too seriously these days, they aren't even good anymore.

30-01-2008, 06:15 PM
Or they should

1. Stretch him
2. Hang him for a bit (not to death)
3. Cut him open and remove some organs while he's still alive
4. Chop his head off with an axe
5. Chop his body into loads of pieces
6. Tie the pieces of his body to a nuke and bomb japan (sorry any japs) first country that came into my head :P
Thats just wrong...

Anyways, what a freak why the hell would you kill someone over a console? :rolleyes:

And Awfy, don't see how you can talk about fanboys. ;)

Janet Snakehole
30-01-2008, 06:19 PM
Thats crazy. 0_0

30-01-2008, 07:00 PM
Wasn't this in like 06?


edit; just realised it says in the article posted that it was S:

30-01-2008, 07:08 PM
Or they should

1. Stretch him
2. Hang him for a bit (not to death)
3. Cut him open and remove some organs while he's still alive
4. Chop his head off with an axe
5. Chop his body into loads of pieces
6. Tie the pieces of his body to a nuke and bomb japan (sorry any japs) first country that came into my head :P
They used to pour cold water over them to wake them up and then burn there organs infront of them aswell.
Take it you watched a program about the olden times.

If he was too worried about his console, why did he not put it out of her reach?

30-01-2008, 07:12 PM
Thats just wrong...

Anyways, what a freak why the hell would you kill someone over a console? :rolleyes:

And Awfy, don't see how you can talk about fanboys. ;)
Technically, it's always you who start arguments and start arguments about products is a sign of jealousy. So please just stick to your Xbox 360 and quit bugging me. I have a Playstation as I have the money to afford one, if I didn't then I would have bought a Wii or a 360. Simple as.

30-01-2008, 07:36 PM
Technically, it's always you who start arguments and start arguments about products is a sign of jealousy. So please just stick to your Xbox 360 and quit bugging me. I have a Playstation as I have the money to afford one, if I didn't then I would have bought a Wii or a 360. Simple as.
Fine then one will ignores ones posts however the 360 is more leet oh and I don't know why your saying that everyone who owns a 360 is poor, I never knew Micah Richards was poor. ;)

30-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Wasn't this in like 06?


edit; just realised it says in the article posted that it was S:

http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1303175,00.html got it off that & date is from today

30-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Sick... Smash up his teeth and xbox in front of him

30-01-2008, 11:07 PM
It's really shocking that people could do that sort of thing. :l

le harry
02-02-2008, 03:19 AM
what an idiot

02-02-2008, 08:28 AM
Shocking. At least he won't be anywhere near an xbox now :).

The Undertaker
02-02-2008, 11:11 AM
What an idiot :[

02-02-2008, 07:10 PM
I should go over there and take a leak on his xbox and then see what the ****** does. :rolleyes:

28-02-2008, 09:41 AM
I woulnt like to play him over live.
RIP wee girl

28-02-2008, 10:46 AM
Some people really are just plain wrong in the head!

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