View Full Version : Arrogance.

06-06-2005, 01:45 PM
Someone decided earlier they would cause a scene in Snewsbox by firstly saying my name was ‘unacceptable’ and that lesbians (gays too) shouldn’t be allowed in the hotel. He then tried to get me permed and failed, only to involve Helkat in the argument. He then expressed the opinion that Habbo should be a one-religion site. I.E only white people and not allow others on, including gay people, lesbians, ect. Anyway, it’s pure arrogance. Where the hell does this person come off believing that a chat site should be isolated to ONE religion? They went on about how being gay is disgusting and immoral. Helkat decided to jump in with a lot of avoiding the filter, few screenshots below. I don't really know why i'm posting this but I found it all rather amusing. I haven't removed names from the screenshots as I feel they should be left in.

http://img296.echo.cx/img296/2954/helkat284wu.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

http://img296.echo.cx/img296/8020/helkat259xt.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

http://img296.echo.cx/img296/862/helkat240oi.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

http://img296.echo.cx/img296/3467/helkat144qu.png (http://www.imageshack.us)

I don't know who GhostLesbian or LesbianGhostKid are in the screenshots, so no. They are not me.

06-06-2005, 02:24 PM
I have to say i am discusted by the behavior of that habbo, although it comes as no surprise. They say those that act in this way are insecure about their own sexuality..

06-06-2005, 02:45 PM
It is disgusting, but it isnt news should be in 'Anything about habbo'

06-06-2005, 02:47 PM
Oh well, my bad.

06-06-2005, 02:48 PM
there childish whats so bad about been gay? Why are they so bortherd, there
obbsesed (sorry about spelling) about gay people been gay and its disgusted and all that **** well if they hate them why they talking about them, what would they do if there best matte turned gay, just because there gay dosent mean there all girly and stuff, if your best mate turned gay they would be the same person no differnt these people need to grow up and accept there is mroe then just them, not everyone is gonig to be the same, oh and the dude who said about her name well you she peeps with the misson or name i.love.boys or fit.girls is the same realy isnt it ? telling who there atracked
attracted too, if htey dont like gays stop talking about them for a start and leave em alone if you dont like them.


06-06-2005, 02:52 PM
I know ma mates gay and people call him but whats so bad about being gay if they don't like them then they can get lost

06-06-2005, 02:56 PM
i mean there like his gay your minging well why you folowing him and stuff and gonig near him if you hate gays :s

06-06-2005, 03:15 PM
Would they say to a guy called eg. Str8-Guy that their name is unacceptable... No - So what if someone is homosexual - does that make someone any different to anybody else no! They are all probably 10 year old kids...

06-06-2005, 04:49 PM
I just think it's sad. Hopefully Helkat wont get in trouble for all the filter avoiding.

06-06-2005, 04:55 PM
s/he is just a homophobe , and shouldn't be expressing opinions like that.

06-06-2005, 05:01 PM
Would they say to a guy called eg. Str8-Guy that their name is unacceptable... No - So what if someone is homosexual - does that make someone any different to anybody else no! They are all probably 10 year old kids...

The world is full of pathetic double standards. Its the same with racism (use of a certain word from white guy to black guy is wrong, but from black to black its acceptable -the word is filtered- ). Can habbo ban him for what he was saying?

06-06-2005, 05:04 PM
Probably not, that would just cause more problems. He is just expressing his views, I suppose. Even if they are arrogant, racist and homophobic.

06-06-2005, 05:05 PM
40% of the modern would would find it offence? thats a new one.

Meh ignore them, there are bound to be a few idiots where ever you go "/

06-06-2005, 05:10 PM
You still have to remember though that some religions do believe that gay's .etc are bad and stuff - maybe he was just a very religious person? Although I doubt it.

In my opinion - he is arrogant. And if he is following a belief or religion - then I disagree with it, and I think he should keep his views to himself. Blurting out like that is arrogant. Although I agree with you, you need to remember that there are always people like that - just not so often on Habbo.

06-06-2005, 05:38 PM
That Habbo is uncomfortable about his own sexuality

06-06-2005, 05:43 PM
;( Screenies arent showing for mee Plus he was a sad pathetic ***** with nothing else to do other than take the P' out of gay's lesbians n other relegions

06-06-2005, 05:44 PM
What an utter loser...

06-06-2005, 06:30 PM
Before shouting your cries of arrogance, "racism", and prejudice, it is important that you educate yourself first. I don't see how the guy was being racist.


1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

That being said, you should always think before you speak, and I should state for the record that I am not homophobic, nor have I ever spouted any anti-homose''xual sentiment.

This boy, was stating an opinion, and although you and I do not agree with it, it is still his opinion. Not everyone grows up in the same place, and not everyone is brought up in the same way, so maybe this is all he knows, and this is all he has to believe. Instead of forcing your beliefs down other people's throats, why not help people to understand how much homo'se'xuality is becoming common practice, and should not be something frowned upon. If it has nothing to do with his social upbringing, it might have something to do with his religious upbringing. I am not very religious, but I also recognize how much people do need religion in their lives, and sometimes, just sometimes, religions preach certain words of "wisdom" that we definately might not agree with (i.e. Christianity taking issue with gays).

Its unfortunate that you had to hear that, but maybe it was a rude awakening for you too. Not everyone is going to be as open to being gay as you are, and you shouldn't expect that of people. It would be nice if you could, but nothing in this world is that reliable, so you're going to have to forget about all this nonsense, live your life, and stop crying and shouting words you obviously don't understand to control other people's views which you also don't understand.

If you want the world to be more accepting, take a look at the mirror, and ask yourself why you can't accept someone else's lifelong belief system.

Stop being a hypocrite,

Thank you,

Kevin [ Existentialism ]

06-06-2005, 06:33 PM
Before shouting your cries of arrogance, "racism", and prejudice, it is important that you educate yourself first. I don't see how the guy was being racist.

Stop being a hypocrite,

Kevin [ Existentialism ]

He said Habbo should be whites only, that is racist, fool
Also how is she a hypocrite?

06-06-2005, 06:37 PM
He said Habbo should be whites only, that is racist, fool
Also how is she a hypocrite?

ok i skimmed through the pictures, so maybe I made a bad error of judgment. Hypocrisy is the result of expressing one point of view that might be against something, and then acting in the way you've expressed distaste for.

Its pretty clear with that explanation I think.

If you want to be accepted, how bout you do some accepting.

I Kevin, your God, and friendly kid, have spoken.

06-06-2005, 06:48 PM
ok i skimmed through the pictures, so maybe I made a bad error of judgment. Hypocrisy is the result of expressing one point of view that might be against something, and then acting in the way you've expressed distaste for.

Its pretty clear with that explanation I think.

If you want to be accepted, how bout you do some accepting.

I Kevin, your God, and friendly kid, have spoken.

Well make sure you read posts in future :p
And hang on to something, if your head gets any bigger you might start floating

06-06-2005, 06:56 PM
Well make sure you read posts in future :p
And hang on to something, if your head gets any bigger you might start floating

Well its not that I didn't read the posts, I just didnt look at all the pictures. She is a hypocrite, and its pretty obvious, but i'm not bitter, and I just want people to understand that sometimes its better to try and educate and fail.

Posting on forums whereby you don't give the other party the oppurtunity to share his perspective is just inappropriate.


06-06-2005, 06:57 PM
Can I ask how exactly I am a hypocrite?

06-06-2005, 07:03 PM
You cant fully judge someone by a name, so I think that person was a ***** lol!!!!! :D

06-06-2005, 07:06 PM
Can I ask how exactly I am a hypocrite?

Well, I hate to sound repetitive, and god forbid cliche, but here it goes.

You are a hypocrite, in my humble opinion because you're quite like the person who has caused such a great amount of stress to you.

What do I mean by this?

You and this gentleman both hold opinions that are basically polar opposites, but what you have in common is the fact that you both stay true to what you know. He doesn't deny this, you however think the way he is acting is inappropriate, which albeit, it is, but to him, it might be an expression of everything he knows. What does this mean to you? Well everything, because by not allowing him to share his point of view, and express who he is, you are basically telling him to forget who he is, and to share your view of things, because you are right, which neither of you really are.

The hypocrisy stems from the fact that you think the world should accept gays, to form this level of equality because it is becoming a norm within the grand scheme of things, which I will agree with you, it is. Being gay is very common, but that doesn't mean people, like yourself, also have their opinions to share, which have also come from years of tolerance and structure within a close-knit community of people. But what goes wrong in this particular argument or rant of yours is that his say doesn't seem to matter, his opinion means nothing, his belief has no value.

If you want acceptance, you must promote acceptance, not only for gays, but for all people.

Thank you,


06-06-2005, 07:11 PM
Promote acceptance for ppl who will call offensive names at you but dont accept you??? That is strange very strange

06-06-2005, 07:13 PM
Can I ask how exactly I am a hypocrite?
It's stupid that you say people should accept you when you won't accept others.
But personally, I find your point of view right.
It's your argument that is flawed.

06-06-2005, 07:14 PM
Promote acceptance for ppl who will call offensive names at you but dont accept you??? That is strange very strange

Thats subtext, and not my point. I've addressed what he's said is in fact wrong. But that is my opinion, and what you may find offensive isn't universal.

This is something called Moral Relativism, which in and of itself isnt a prominent philosophy, but it works here.

I think its important to understand that there are different beliefs and different ways of life. Until you can understand who this person is, and what his standard of living is, the original poster shouldn't have made any post of any kind. Without both sides of the story, this is all just a bunch of fluff.

06-06-2005, 07:17 PM
I believe if you had being there for the entire conversation you would have a different opinion, but I cannot change that. I'm not saying his opinion is wrong, I just think (as I've said before) it's rather arrogant and racist (then again, that is just my opinion). Why shouldn't gay/coloured people be allowed onto a chat site? From the screenshots I can understand why you would believe this, but that isn't the entire debate. As for the rest of it, I was merely 1 of 7 people involved. So it isn't as if I was the only person with that opinion. Also, could someone find out how exactly a name like ‘LesbianGhost’ is asking for ‘cyber’ In reply to Tokyo's comment, I am not asking for acceptance. Why would I need it on an internet chat site? It is hardly going to affect me for the rest of my life.

06-06-2005, 07:28 PM
I believe if you had being there for the entire conversation you would have a different opinion, but I cannot change that. I'm not saying his opinion is wrong, I just think (as I've said before) it's rather arrogant and racist (then again, that is just my opinion). Why shouldn't gay/coloured people be allowed onto a chat site? From the screenshots I can understand why you would believe this, but that isn't the entire debate. As for the rest of it, I was merely 1 of 7 people involved. So it isn't as if I was the only person with that opinion. Also, could someone find out how exactly a name like ‘LesbianGhost’ is asking for ‘cyber’ In reply to Tokyo's comment, I am not asking for acceptance. Why would I need it on an internet chat site? It is hardly going to affect me for the rest of my life.

It certainly affected you enough to write about it here.

06-06-2005, 07:31 PM
It didn't 'affect me enough to post it here.' I wanted to post it, so I did.

06-06-2005, 07:32 PM
Can u plz close this thread

06-06-2005, 07:35 PM
Can u plz close this thread

Why are you asking for my thread to be closed?

06-06-2005, 07:36 PM
Can u plz close this thread

Hi Zak, big fan, actually I don't know you, but anyway

I don't think this should be closed for the following reasons:

1) It promotes understanding and the need for educating people on the complexities of societal understanding.

2) It is a lot more interesting than discussing new rares

Habbo is definately a microcosm of the real world, and its time we start learning.

Because learning is fun, and knowledge is power.

06-06-2005, 07:38 PM
Wow that made me laugh and no, I'm not being sarcastic.

06-06-2005, 07:39 PM
I was watching this show on Channel 4 and they got some people who were
liberal towards homosexuality and some homophobics and got them to watch some um.. videos. Guess who got turned on the most? HINT: not the liberal ones.

06-06-2005, 07:39 PM
Wow that made me laugh and no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Umm, snide remarks aren't welcome. See there's a method to my madness and its addressing hypocrisy when I see it. If you have something important to say, its welcomed, otherwise, please leave your comments for a personal blog or otherwise.

I believe mods will agree with me on this one.

06-06-2005, 07:39 PM
You have made yur point

And i think its a good point so im sorry :D

every one dose make mistakes!

06-06-2005, 07:41 PM
Umm, snide remarks aren't welcome. See there's a method to my madness and its addressing hypocrisy when I see it. If you have something important to say, its welcomed, otherwise, please leave your comments for a personal blog or otherwise.

I believe mods will agree with me on this one.

I wasn't being snide. When someone makes a complement, for example that you made them laugh. Don't automatically think it's bad.

06-06-2005, 07:42 PM
That's stupid and lame.

06-06-2005, 07:43 PM
I'm just glad to see that you stuck up for yourself, and that HelKat also stuck up for you. Not that you should have to anyway, because you're both right - homosexuality, and any belief, life style, orientation or preference for that matter is not wrong in any way, shape or form. Some people just hold old fashioned views, for the pure sake of causing problems.

These people, do not have to express their opinion. It's much easier to ignore someone whether it be using the ignore button, or simply blanking them if their belief offends you rather than wasting time putting up pointless fights, and arguments about it.

I'm just proud to see that you, and HelKat didn't loose your rag with these idiots. I know I would have if it was me being victimised in such a way. Well done, Kodus' to you <3.

06-06-2005, 07:43 PM
Umm, snide remarks aren't welcome. See there's a method to my madness and its addressing hypocrisy when I see it. If you have something important to say, its welcomed, otherwise, please leave your comments for a personal blog or otherwise.

I believe mods will agree with me on this one.
dude um i cant tell from ur name soz if ur a girl anyway i think you are a mod
and can you keep your sentances shorter not because i cant under stand them its just im getting fed up with this SMARTIE-PANTS atitude :@

06-06-2005, 07:45 PM
I wasn't being snide. When someone makes a complement, for example that you made them laugh. Don't automatically think it's bad.

Well I wasn't joking, so you can understand why I wouldn't give myself a pat on the back just yet.

06-06-2005, 07:45 PM
dude um i cant tell from ur name soz if ur a girl anyway i think you are a mod
and can you keep your sentances shorter not because i cant under stand them its just im getting fed up with this SMARTIE-PANTS atitude :@

I'm not a mod dude, but I will keep it short from now on. No worries, I can be shorter xD

06-06-2005, 07:46 PM
Well I wasn't joking, so you can understand why I wouldn't give myself a pat on the back just yet.

Really can't win with you can I? Oh well.

06-06-2005, 07:47 PM
dude um i cant tell from ur name soz if ur a girl anyway i think you are a mod
and can you keep your sentances shorter not because i cant under stand them its just im getting fed up with this SMARTIE-PANTS atitude :@

I can't understand you

06-06-2005, 07:51 PM
You still have to remember though that some religions do believe that gay's .etc are bad and stuff - maybe he was just a very religious person? Although I doubt it.

In my opinion - he is arrogant. And if he is following a belief or religion - then I disagree with it, and I think he should keep his views to himself. Blurting out like that is arrogant. Although I agree with you, you need to remember that there are always people like that - just not so often on Habbo.

Apologies for the possible double posting. I'm a good boy really! :eusa_ange

But, just feeding off this quote. Even if many religions do find different minority groups wrong, and against certain Gods or their belief many religions also teach that you should treat people how you'd like to be treated yourself, or at least with some respect and dignity.
I think, if someone was highly religious, they'd most likely embrace someones beliefs, and spirituality, rather than condem them for it :).

And, I read on a previous post that LesbianGhost was worried HelKat would get in trouble for avoiding the filter:- I'd like to strongly doubt she would. I do believe if avoiding the filter in cases like this is understandable. I mean, how else was she meant to ask "So, if my name was straightghost would that promote cy..ber?" I can't imagine it any other way, nor will she be punished for avoiding the filter of words such as Homosexuality, and Homophobe, because really these words are only filtered because they contain other words that are :P.

<3 Loves ya.

06-06-2005, 08:10 PM
I believe if you had being there for the entire conversation you would have a different opinion, but I cannot change that. I'm not saying his opinion is wrong, I just think (as I've said before) it's rather arrogant and racist (then again, that is just my opinion). Why shouldn't gay/coloured people be allowed onto a chat site? From the screenshots I can understand why you would believe this, but that isn't the entire debate. As for the rest of it, I was merely 1 of 7 people involved. So it isn't as if I was the only person with that opinion. Also, could someone find out how exactly a name like ‘LesbianGhost’ is asking for ‘cyber’ In reply to Tokyo's comment, I am not asking for acceptance. Why would I need it on an internet chat site? It is hardly going to affect me for the rest of my life.

What the hell ARE you asking for if not acceptance? It's obvious that you are. And why are you posting it on here if not for showing how people can't accept your homosexuality? Come on. I'm on your side, y'know. :l

06-06-2005, 08:14 PM
I'm not asking for acceptance, I know that will probably never become a reality. I was just posting it to prove how homophobic/racist some people can still be, even in 2005.

06-06-2005, 08:18 PM
Mm yeah. This is pretty horrible. But remember, Just a simple noob. I also love the word Moronicness, Whoever said that. Sorry, I havent read through the entire thread because Immin a hurry (Hurry hurry, Super scurry, 99 red balloons.. Sorry, Ive got the song stuck in my head) But did he get banend in the end, And HellKat seemed pretty useless, "If you dont like homosexuals, then put them on ignore" Wth, Thats idiotic. I thought hedve been more helpful. Oo and plus, Ayla <3

06-06-2005, 08:24 PM
I'm not asking for acceptance, I know that will probably never become a reality. I was just posting it to prove how homophobic/racist some people can still be, even in 2005.
no offence but thats life =/

06-06-2005, 08:26 PM
no offence but thats life =/

None taken. I just find it sad that some people still can't accept what's in the here and now.

06-06-2005, 08:33 PM
I dont see any problems wrong with it, people even use terms in their names!

Most homophobes, remember are insecure of their sexuality so really, there is no need to be upset, they're the ones with problems.

06-06-2005, 09:14 PM
I dont understand why people have such a problem with people being either Gay or a Lesbian one of my reali good mates is a lesbian and it doesnt make me look at her any differently. I think that sometimes if people dont accept this it is due to their own problems and reali they are isolating themselves by being so down rite bloody stubborn. and whats all this about wanting one religion i mean w.t.h. he probably wouldnt know what a Paschal candle is or the stations of the cross or absolution was ( if refurring to christianity). Needs a good slap if ya ask me.

07-06-2005, 01:21 AM
Being gay is wrong. Plain and simple. This is coming from a liberal.

07-06-2005, 07:36 AM
Explain how it is Sean , really only people find it weird because there are more straight people. I am straight and don't have a problem with gay's , It's their choice really.

07-06-2005, 08:35 AM
Explain how it is Sean , really only people find it weird because there are more straight people. I am straight and don't have a problem with gay's , It's their choice really.

I agree with matt on this one. I am straight, and have nothing wrong with gays at all so if you want to ignore them then just do it! :)

07-06-2005, 10:37 AM
Religion ? Do you mean , gender , or sexual reference ?
yeh , its quite sick. I do believe everyone has equal rights.
And theres nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Just one question , LG are you lesbian? =D

07-06-2005, 02:27 PM
sorry nvm

07-06-2005, 03:48 PM
Being gay is wrong. Plain and simple. This is coming from a liberal.

Sean u state your opinion yet you dont give us reasons why!!

07-06-2005, 04:05 PM
Shame on whoever that was :@

07-06-2005, 08:18 PM
God created Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Even. In the Bible, it says male and female shall reproduce. Not Male and male or female and female. Being gay is wrong, plain and simple.

07-06-2005, 08:19 PM
It may be in your religion, but not everyone follows the bible. Me for example.

07-06-2005, 08:21 PM
It's also a law in most places.

07-06-2005, 09:16 PM
Well it aint over here bud so if ya wanna post in our country learn the rules we are mixed race, sexuality and background over here if ya dont like it stick to your own home turf.

07-06-2005, 09:22 PM
Homeasex'uality is what that person wants. Not toher people I know a few gay people I dont care its what they want. There life not other poeples

And Extil whatever your name is quit with all the poshy and snoby words cut to the chase.

Nicely said meme! +Rep for the following people for being so nice and not being all snoby: wootzy2 LesbianGhost Specie meme

07-06-2005, 10:07 PM
Homeasex'uality is what that person wants. Not toher people I know a few gay people I dont care its what they want. There life not other poeples

And Extil whatever your name is quit with all the poshy and snoby words cut to the chase.

Nicely said meme! +Rep for the following people for being so nice and not being all snoby: wootzy2 LesbianGhost Specie meme

Just because I know bigger words, doesn't mean i'm acting poshy or snobby. I think you should think before you make accusations like that.



07-06-2005, 10:26 PM
whats wrong with being gay? gay people are the same just fancy same ***?

07-06-2005, 10:54 PM
Well it aint over here bud so if ya wanna post in our country learn the rules we are mixed race, sexuality and background over here if ya dont like it stick to your own home turf.
I'm not posting in your country, I'm posting in the UK Habbo board... Anyway, your country is one of the worst contries, just thought you should know. Japan and US are tied for first (with facts, I should say), but if you look deep enough, Japan is the best. Also, Habbox is .com, which is not the UK domain, you arrogant *****.

08-06-2005, 10:50 AM
I'm not posting in your country, I'm posting in the UK Habbo board... Anyway, your country is one of the worst contries, just thought you should know. Japan and US are tied for first (with facts, I should say), but if you look deep enough, Japan is the best. Also, Habbox is .com, which is not the UK domain, you arrogant *****.

I know Britain is the crappiest country in the world you dont have to tell me that i mean look who we have got for priminster and this is totally off the subject at least i managed to Say my view and stay on topic. To be honest i dont care where you come from and yes this is the UK Post but that doesnt mean you can come in here giving the crappiest reasons in the world for why you dont like Homosexuals.Of and by the way i wasnt being arogant i was mearly showing support where as you on the other hand were as Arrogance is showing unwarrented importance, in case you didnt no.

08-06-2005, 11:59 AM
I know Britain is the crappiest country in the world you dont have to tell me that i mean look who we have got for priminster.

You're calling your own country ****? Very loyal of you...

You will always get homophobic people in this world. I know loads of them! I personally think it's to do with the way you are bought up. I was bought up in a very homophobic family where being gay is 'wrong and disgusting'. I'm not afraid to say this now, as my views have since changed. I'm not homophobic - i couldn't care less if people are gay, but it's when people start to get overly camp and OTT about being gay.. that really annoys me.

I have seen cases of heterophobism (gay people hate straight people), yet this isn't seen as bad or wrong. Which is complete rubbish. I have also seen gay people call being straight 'normal' and 'common'. This also really annoys me...

We were all created from heterosexual parents, no question aobut it! Therefore being straight is natural, it isn't common. If anything, being gay is un-natural but if people decide they like it then great!

08-06-2005, 12:06 PM
We all know homophobics are increasing in population over the last few years. Since then, the US has made many laws to protect them from racism. But after these laws, it feels like the non-homophobics are in trouble. We can't fire them, cause we could get sued!

08-06-2005, 12:18 PM
Hm, well personally i don't have a problem with gays. My cousin is bi and I'm the only one really in the family who knows as he full well knows that his parents and most of the family would disown him. He's nearly 20 now. He isn't particularly camp he just likes men. Everyone should have the right to be there own person without others critising and judging. I think others should spend time seeing whats wrong in there life rather then others.

08-06-2005, 12:29 PM
I totaly agree people like that should be killed, gay all the way!!!
im homophobiphobic!!!
i my self am bi sexual and alot of my mates are gay there aint nutting wring with it.

homophobes should be sent back in time and made to sleep with HITLER!

09-06-2005, 03:08 PM
I know Britain is the crappiest country in the world you dont have to tell me that i mean look who we have got for priminster and this is totally off the subject at least i managed to Say my view and stay on topic. To be honest i dont care where you come from and yes this is the UK Post but that doesnt mean you can come in here giving the crappiest reasons in the world for why you dont like Homosexuals.Of and by the way i wasnt being arogant i was mearly showing support where as you on the other hand were as Arrogance is showing unwarrented importance, in case you didnt no.

dont insult this country its were i grew up f*****g n0b get a life insted of bad mouthing this country :@

09-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Its where i grew up n all but t.b.h i dont think its anything to be proud of i mean yes past we were a good country but present its awful. And i shall speak my own opinion if ya dont like it then say so, but in a non aggressive way i mean i kno tht for a lot of people they onli know how to swear :eusa_droo

09-06-2005, 03:40 PM
There's nothing wrong with being gay.If your happoy like that then they should stay like that :@ stupid ten years olds.

09-06-2005, 03:48 PM
being gay is normal now, lots of people are, and scared to say it, because of incidents like this, it is wrong

tottaly wrong, my cousin is gay, and sometimes he gets called names, and other peple dnt hjave a problem, some people need to just gro up

09-06-2005, 03:49 PM
Some people are only homophobic because they are unsure about their own sexuality. If they shout abuse at a homosexual, they're simply saying 'Stay away because I am scared of you as I have not yet picked my sexuality.'

Others are just plain twazzocks

09-06-2005, 03:52 PM
Lmao i love that word Twazzocks - u twazzock

09-06-2005, 04:01 PM
Being gay is wrong, plain and simple.
I would like to know why it's so wrong. If you have a good reason say it, don't just say something without having the means to back it up. If you don't come up with a good reason I will laugh.

09-06-2005, 04:44 PM
I know Britain is the crappiest country in the world.

Anyway, your country is one of the worst contries

How dare you say that, knowing many people will take offence? Like me for instance! Sure it might not be perfect, but I like it, I've lived in Britain for all my life and I doubt that'll ever change.

Anyway back to the topic. I can't believe those people think like that! I doubt habbo would be as popular, if there were no gay people and only one type of religion permitted to play. They're so... as you put it, arrogant. Personally I'd like to think of myself as fairly... well fair, considering I have nothing against gay people and I'm not racist (although no ones perfect). Hmmph, I think they should learn to accept people for who they are and not be so prejudice towards other peoples decisions!

09-06-2005, 04:49 PM
dont insult this country its were i grew up f*****g n0b get a life insted of bad mouthing this country :@
But England is a hell hole. I even live here, patriotism doesn't have an effect on me, we're probably the most hated European Country, we have an idiot as a prime minister, we go to war with America to fight Iraq when we're not even involved. We're snobbish and selfish because we brag about our "Health Service" that basically makes you more un healthy than you first went in and we don't let in immigrants who have every other right than we have going on holiday to theirs, as long as it isn't permanent for them coming to this hell hole.

09-06-2005, 05:43 PM
Exactly i totally agree, i live in Britain also but what have we got to be proud of?!?
-We go to war with a country which was probably better off with Saddam than it is now after we hav gone in and f :rude: d it up.
-Allowing all these illegal immigrants to come into this country claiming our benefits which we all pay in taxes while we all work our asss off to make money.
-Tony Blair do i need to say more.
-Are Health Service well thats a laugh and a half i mean all that money we pay towards health services and the fact that all these charities are having to get funds from fundraisers instead of the goverment. There should be no need for charities they should all get the money they need.!!

Have i made my point yet!

09-06-2005, 07:06 PM
But England is a hell hole. I even live here, patriotism doesn't have an effect on me, we're probably the most hated European Country, we have an idiot as a prime minister, we go to war with America to fight Iraq when we're not even involved. We're snobbish and selfish because we brag about our "Health Service" that basically makes you more un healthy than you first went in and we don't let in immigrants who have every other right than we have going on holiday to theirs, as long as it isn't permanent for them coming to this hell hole.

Fair enough gomme, i agree our polictics and government, etc is absolutely... rubbish, but not everyone brags about the health service and not everyone is snobbish or selfish. and just because someone well known, like our PM, does something snobby, the whole country doesn't deserve to get labelled like that. :( britains full of other things that matter and are good, not just politics (not like thats any good, but you know)...

09-06-2005, 07:09 PM
I am labelling the people who are snobbish, which the UK is named for. Not all are snobbish but there is quite alot. Important people brag about the cheap health services, mainly 2 faced MP's that just sit there agreeing rather than fighting against like all the other MP's are doing (being loyal is terrible).

09-06-2005, 07:13 PM
oh, sorry i thought you were labelling the UK as a whole.

(being loyal is terrible).
tis true, tis true... anyway we should probably get back to the whole arrogance thread... >.<

09-06-2005, 07:31 PM

Homophobes are idiots

09-06-2005, 07:53 PM
But England is a hell hole. I even live here, patriotism doesn't have an effect on me, we're probably the most hated European Country, we have an idiot as a prime minister, we go to war with America to fight Iraq when we're not even involved. We're snobbish and selfish because we brag about our "Health Service" that basically makes you more un healthy than you first went in and we don't let in immigrants who have every other right than we have going on holiday to theirs, as long as it isn't permanent for them coming to this hell hole.

Britain is one of the most successful and financially stable countries in the world today. If the labour government is so bad why has it been voted into power again? Everyone has their opinions about the war, but fo0r me i think we did the right thing. We backed up our Allies, the yanks, and we won - this has only greatened our relationship with the US. The world is safer now Saddam Hussain has no power. You're a fool if you think that he had no bad intentions... The UK is very popular to immigrants, it is important that the reltaionship with the immigrants is maintianed as they help build up the economy and stability of the country.

You obviously haven't a clue when it comes to the health service. The NHS has actually drastically improved since tony blair and the labour governemnt put forward plans to improve it a few years back. No more long waiting lists, more doctors, quicker appointments. What the hell are you on about? ''basically makes you more un healthy than you first went in'' ??!! Maybe you eat too much in the hospital canteen.....

You should be proud of the country you live in. Be proud of your nationality. You clearly aren't. If you don't like it here... f**k off to some other country!

09-06-2005, 07:58 PM
Britain is one of the most successful and financially stable countries in the world today. If the labour government is so bad why has it been voted into power again? Everyone has their opinions about the war, but fo0r me i think we did the right thing. We backed up our Allies, the yanks, and we won - this has only greatened our relationship with the US. The world is safer now Saddam Hussain has no power. You're a fool if you think that he had no bad intentions... The UK is very popular to immigrants, it is important that the reltaionship with the immigrants is maintianed as they help build up the economy and stability of the country.

You obviously haven't a clue when it comes to the health service. The NHS has actually drastically improved since tony blair and the labour governemnt put forward plans to improve it a few years back. No more long waiting lists, more doctors, quicker appointments. What the hell are you on about? ''basically makes you more un healthy than you first went in'' ??!! Maybe you eat too much in the hospital canteen.....

You should be proud of the country you live in. Be proud of your nationality. You clearly aren't. If you don't like it here... f**k off to some other country!

They not brilliant, look at obeseity for instance. What you think of that?
It would be embaressing for me to go round England as a fat f**k. Yet there still feed kids this sh'it.
[Dont complain about my spelling]

09-06-2005, 08:03 PM
MRSA. A bug that killed a woman with a young child, she got it when she gave birth. The NHS has so little funding they are having problems cleaning the Hospitals. Government is to blame due to it's poor sanitation. I believe the little girl is on her own now. I believe it has gotten worse.

When I was 6 I had a Spleenectomy, it was successfully removed and no illnesses were bad back then and operations were done with the extreme of care. But due to the poor sanitations, nowadays the NHS is poorly cleaned. I prefer it back when I was 6 when I spend most of my school days in hospitals. Although the food was wrank it was healthier.

I feel sorry for this little girl though, she may have it to but I didn't read the article enough. My Grandad, he had a stroke, went to hostpital, caught MRSA on his arm, it's gone now but Christ, the NHS is crud.

09-06-2005, 08:30 PM
Well! Im welsh and im very patriotic... Of wales not of england... WALES ROCKS! Anyway we r verrrry off subject now... Back to Homos*xuals! Homos*xuals rullleee. All those Hobaphobes need to get the heads out there own bums, Gay people dont hurt anyone, if u dont like someone then dont waste your time talking to or about them, im sure your life isnt that rubbish that you need to spend the whole time ruining others lives... (Not aimed at anyone in paticularly!)

09-06-2005, 08:39 PM
Who was that friend request from?

Anyhoo, I don't class that as arrogance, more:
Embarrasing that we breathe the same air and enhabit the same earth as that homophobic, moronic ejit.

In todays society, homosexuals are very much acceptable. Rightably so, what's wrong with them?
They don't choose to be gay, it's just the way their brain is 'programmed'.
Telling them to be straight would be living a lie and make every day feel tarnished..

People like that moron should get struck by lighting a few thousand times...

10-06-2005, 03:30 AM
I find it funny that everyone is supporting gays. Being gay is wrong; how do gays reproduce? Gays ONLY think about themself. They want to take it up the ***, not caring about the fact that you were made to reproduce and help humanity. What are they gays doing to help it? NOTHING.

England is one of the worst countries to date. America is worse right now, but they are pretty close. I believe England will be a lot better without Tony Blair, and America would be better off without Bush. Stop being so loyal to England when you know Tony Blair is an *** ****.

10-06-2005, 05:18 AM
Gay is against the bible law or whatever.

10-06-2005, 06:26 AM
I find it funny that everyone is supporting gays.
Why is it funny?

Being gay is wrong.
Why is it wrong?

You are so so so so wrong. So what the hell if they can't reproduce ?! Many women can't if they have something wrong inside them !

Oh and tell me why it's funny, becuase if you don't you can shut up and leave this thread :@

10-06-2005, 06:39 AM
Being gay goes against everything right. We were put on this Earth to reproduce. It is against the law, in most places, to condone in somdomistic activities. As far as I am concered, if you support people being gay, go knock yourself out.

EDIT: I could care less if you bad rep me, because it's all over the internet.

10-06-2005, 01:53 PM
Right, we were not put on this Earth to only reproduce. We were put on this Earth to live our lives as we want to. Also I do not "support" people who are gay, but I'm just saying not to go round and say that it is wrong. And I didn't bad rep you, but I would very much like to.

10-06-2005, 01:58 PM
Being gay goes against everything right. We were put on this Earth to reproduce. It is against the law, in most places, to condone in somdomistic activities. As far as I am concered, if you support people being gay, go knock yourself out.

EDIT: I could care less if you bad rep me, because it's all over the internet.

If 'God' put us on earth to reproduce, why did 'he' make gay people? Don't say 'he' didn't, if God exists and created everything, he also created gay people. So the bible must be wrong.

10-06-2005, 02:00 PM
Being gay goes against everything right. We were put on this Earth to reproduce. It is against the law, in most places, to condone in somdomistic activities. As far as I am concered, if you support people being gay, go knock yourself out.

EDIT: I could care less if you bad rep me, because it's all over the internet.

you are a ****.

Your views are pathetic and display the kind of people we do not want in this world, go jump off a bridge.

10-06-2005, 02:02 PM
If 'God' put us on earth to reproduce, why did 'he' make gay people? Don't say 'he' didn't, if God exists and created everything, he also created gay people. So the bible must be wrong.
I totally agree...

10-06-2005, 02:02 PM
I forgot to mention, when you would like to bad rep me in the future Sean, please be brave enough to put your name. It's pretty easy to tell who it was from "Being gay is wrong."

10-06-2005, 02:22 PM
Well, I hate to sound repetitive, and god forbid cliche, but here it goes.

You are a hypocrite, in my humble opinion because you're quite like the person who has caused such a great amount of stress to you.

What do I mean by this?

You and this gentleman both hold opinions that are basically polar opposites, but what you have in common is the fact that you both stay true to what you know. He doesn't deny this, you however think the way he is acting is inappropriate, which albeit, it is, but to him, it might be an expression of everything he knows. What does this mean to you? Well everything, because by not allowing him to share his point of view, and express who he is, you are basically telling him to forget who he is, and to share your view of things, because you are right, which neither of you really are.

The hypocrisy stems from the fact that you think the world should accept gays, to form this level of equality because it is becoming a norm within the grand scheme of things, which I will agree with you, it is. Being gay is very common, but that doesn't mean people, like yourself, also have their opinions to share, which have also come from years of tolerance and structure within a close-knit community of people. But what goes wrong in this particular argument or rant of yours is that his say doesn't seem to matter, his opinion means nothing, his belief has no value.

If you want acceptance, you must promote acceptance, not only for gays, but for all people.

Thank you,


I have just read through this whole thread, and wow its long! when i came across this i was quite suprised. First of all i have to say you are very articulate Existentialism lol however i disagree with you strongly here. Although you agrument that he has the right to express his views is valid at no point did she insult his way of life. (sexuality) my personal point of view is that he is wrong.

Gays are accepted in modern society by all civilised people. LesbianGhost you are accepted, its just a shame there is a minority who still feel the need to discriminate against others that are not like themselves.

10-06-2005, 02:28 PM
=[ that was horrible
but hehe hobba breaking the filter

10-06-2005, 03:17 PM
:o Oh wow a gay, who cares if someones gay they are still people the point of habbo is to make friends not isolate people from a group because of race religion or sexualtiy etc, That guy sickens me, many of my best friends are gay, Do I care no because I no they are my greatest friends so who cares :s

I feel so strongly about this stuff and it makes me sick to the bone to realised there are still some scum out there who do not appreciate people unlike themselves :@

I can't even express my anger towards this in just words!

10-06-2005, 04:07 PM
I liked the guy on the screenshots who used the non-word 'moronicness'. I love to see people making utter fools of themselves without realising it.

10-06-2005, 04:11 PM
I think it's sad that in todays society with such a mix of cultures, that some people feel the need to be different and discriminate against other people. People need to wake up and realise that they would not like it if the roles were reversed and they were being discriminated.

10-06-2005, 04:14 PM
MRSA. A bug that killed a woman with a young child, she got it when she gave birth. The NHS has so little funding they are having problems cleaning the Hospitals. Government is to blame due to it's poor sanitation. I believe the little girl is on her own now. I believe it has gotten worse.

When I was 6 I had a Spleenectomy, it was successfully removed and no illnesses were bad back then and operations were done with the extreme of care. But due to the poor sanitations, nowadays the NHS is poorly cleaned. I prefer it back when I was 6 when I spend most of my school days in hospitals. Although the food was wrank it was healthier.

I feel sorry for this little girl though, she may have it to but I didn't read the article enough. My Grandad, he had a stroke, went to hostpital, caught MRSA on his arm, it's gone now but Christ, the NHS is crud.

This is all in the past now. Things have drastically been improved and MRSA cases have dropped, significantly.

Being gay goes against everything right. We were put on this Earth to reproduce. It is against the law, in most places, to condone in somdomistic activities. As far as I am concered, if you support people being gay, go knock yourself out.

EDIT: I could care less if you bad rep me, because it's all over the internet.

Countries may only have laws against homosexuals as it is against the countries prime religion.

10-06-2005, 04:20 PM
No actually, if you have seen the papers. MRSA has gotten worse. It is because of stupid Detox (they use it to cleanse Hospitals) MRSA mutated from Detox and couldn't be cleaned with it, so you are wrong for saying MRSA isn't as bad as it used to, I didn't know what MRSA was until I was about 10 and when I was in hospital when I was 6, it wasn't there :/

10-06-2005, 04:50 PM
MRSA Broke out because when the Conservative was in power they sacked all hospital cleaners and got forien people but lots were asian and dont understand us and (i know this cos my mam is a nurse) they keep puting the WRONG chemicals int he cleaning buckets and its not killing the germs.

10-06-2005, 08:59 PM
I forgot to mention, when you would like to bad rep me in the future Sean, please be brave enough to put your name. It's pretty easy to tell who it was from "Being gay is wrong."
If you read your other threads, I admitted it was me. :)

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