View Full Version : Did any one else's dog...

07-02-2008, 03:41 PM
Well I was just talking to some one about my dog, and they said there dog didn't do any of these :p

So did any one else's dog:
- Chew up the kitchen floor when they were a puppy
- Bark there head off when you left outside shops
- Bark there head off when you left them at home during the day
- Ignore you if you gave them a bath :p

07-02-2008, 06:07 PM
None of 'em. >.>

07-02-2008, 06:09 PM
Well I was just talking to some one about my dog, and they said there dog didn't do any of these :p

So did any one else's dog:
- Chew up the kitchen floor when they were a puppy
- Bark there head off when you left outside shops
- Bark there head off when you left them at home during the day
- Ignore you if you gave them a bath :p

my dog chewed anything & everything, dont know how many ps2 pads i had to replace -.-

dont take the dog the shops

yeah he barks when we go out

& he usally runs under the bed when hes about to get a bath

07-02-2008, 08:48 PM
None of them :(

07-02-2008, 08:59 PM
My labrador used to chew everything well thats what i was told
RIP Jess 1990-2000

09-02-2008, 03:39 PM
He runs around away from me when i shout him for bath and neighbours have complained 3 times for the noise he makes whilst im out

09-02-2008, 03:52 PM
Well I was just talking to some one about my dog, and they said there dog didn't do any of these :p

So did any one else's dog:
- Chew up the kitchen floor when they were a puppy
- Bark there head off when you left outside shops
- Bark there head off when you left them at home during the day
- Ignore you if you gave them a bath :p

- Bark there head off when you left outside shops

03-03-2008, 12:47 AM
my dog pretty much chewed everything when she was a little pup, had to have two new fences because she chewed them so much in the back garden, she doesn't chew every single item in the house now tho, only a few ahah, shes only still two tho :)!

my dog doesn't bark muchh, unless she sees a cat and my dog is a little angel in the bath but she's a devil when she gets out :\ it's mayhem she runs away from you, hides, rubs herself against everything so it's all wet and hairy, ahah.

03-03-2008, 10:46 AM
Well the first time i had a dog he was mental and yes, chewed everything, lol

Second time she was good as gold:)

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