View Full Version : Argh! Help!

07-02-2008, 05:42 PM
Ok well i have been with my girlfriend since beggining of November and all has been good.I am her first boyfriend.(we are 16 if you wondered) and she really likes me. Like REALLY likes me thing is i don't feel that strong for her any more. She has been douing things that irritate me immensley!
These aren't little things i can just over look though.

She has become very clingy! She always was but latley it just irritating me. I can't walk along next to my friend without her having to stand right next to me. I can't walk along wihtout her trying to hold my hand and stuff. Which i have no problem with but it is constant!

Also she talks to me like we are 8 years old!
I will say a joke to my mates and she looks at me and puts this stupid voice on and will say something like 'That was silly wasnt it?'
And im like.. Wth!? It was a joke and learn to talk properly!

Obviosuly it isn't all bad. I still want to be with her becauser i like more things about her than i dislike but i just don't know what to do about the annoying things. I can't just ignore them for much longer but i really don't want to hurt her in any way which i feel i would do if i split up with her.
She is very sensitive, an nly child and her parents work alot. It is usually me, her and 1 of my other mates that hang around together so i am almost the only person who she really cares about and feels really close to her!

Argh! What am i to do!?!?!?!:eusa_wall

07-02-2008, 07:41 PM
If it's really bugging you talk to her about it, just ask her to be less clingy or w/e, if she really likes you then she will take your advice.

07-02-2008, 08:11 PM
You're better talking to her asap before you either explode and hurt her feelings or she finds out herself and hurts her own feelings :p. She probably noticed that you don't feel so close anymore so she's probs trying to get closer to you. No need to dump her or anything but maybe she'll realise your feelings when you speak to her about it :D Let me know how you get on :)

07-02-2008, 11:23 PM
Mna i hate moments liek that though..
I hate confrontation but i s'pose it is the best thing for us both.

Now to try and find the right moment:eusa_wall

She has a friend over from where she used to live so she is on a bit of a high atm and quite alot of things are going on in my life so it will be really awkward but ah well:P

07-02-2008, 11:48 PM
Lol good luck. Text her before you go or phone her or something and say you need to talk about somethin serious so it will prepare her instead of putting her from a complete high to a downer

07-02-2008, 11:53 PM
Lol good luck. Text her before you go or phone her or something and say you need to talk about somethin serious so it will prepare her instead of putting her from a complete high to a downer
Mmm good idea..

Can i just shout it and then run the other way as fast as poss?:D

09-02-2008, 12:34 AM
How do i tell her though?:S

I can't exactly just say...
You are too clingy, back off. Lol

09-02-2008, 02:57 AM
Right I havent read the replys to this thread so I dunno what the repliers have said.

Nobody is perfect, Im sure you know that.
Also you can't change someone.

Personally I can't stand girls that are incredibly clingy, if you find her too clingy you could try talking about it but she will more than likely not change.

You can either get used to it, or break up with her.

Also if my reply sounded a tad harsh I didn't mean it too.

09-02-2008, 12:03 PM
Right I havent read the replys to this thread so I dunno what the repliers have said.

Nobody is perfect, Im sure you know that.
Also you can't change someone.

Personally I can't stand girls that are incredibly clingy, if you find her too clingy you could try talking about it but she will more than likely not change.

You can either get used to it, or break up with her.

Also if my reply sounded a tad harsh I didn't mean it too.

No it wasn't too harsh. I understand what you mean...
I'll have a good think and decide what to do.

24-02-2008, 02:28 AM
Talk to her about it, but be nice.

Just say you still Like her but these things she does winds you up ALOT..


24-02-2008, 02:39 AM
Just let it contuine..

I sure she get over the hype in a month or 2 ;P

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