View Full Version : Selling Layouts

17-02-2008, 12:52 PM
I've got some layouts here, two of them are coded, and two are not. I'll tell you which one's are coded over the images.
I would like to sell these layout, so i could buy a www.YouHab.co.uk (http://www.YouHab.co.uk) domain for my Habbo UK Fansite. I live in Sweden, so the price for the layout, is the www.YouHab.co.uk (http://www.YouHab.co.uk) domain buying :D

I hope you understand me?
Here's the layouts:
..This one is NOT coded.
.. This one is coded:
..This one is also coded:
..This one is not coded, but if you want it coded, it can be coded :D


17-02-2008, 12:54 PM
Why offer to code one and not all the others?:S

17-02-2008, 12:58 PM
Lol.. My friend coded two of the layouts.. And then i made other layouts, and i didn't give them to him, so he could code them.. But i could ask him to code the layouts that aren't coded, if people want them coded :D

17-02-2008, 12:59 PM
Why offer to code one and not all the others?:S

17-02-2008, 01:00 PM
LMAO! I'd just sell them all coded :S

17-02-2008, 01:05 PM

17-02-2008, 01:06 PM
Well you ripped clubhabbos banner?

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't accuse others of ripping.

17-02-2008, 01:09 PM
Nope.. I did everything by my self..i just took the colours from clubhabbbo.. And the look of their banner

17-02-2008, 01:09 PM

Someones in trouble

17-02-2008, 01:10 PM
Nope.. I did everything by my self..i just took the colours from clubhabbbo.. And the look of their banner

My god, you are contradicting yourself so badly.

17-02-2008, 01:12 PM
what? I made the whole layout myself... I made the white line below the banner.. The banner text was also made by me, i like volter goldfish and volter-bold. I copied nothing!

17-02-2008, 01:13 PM
Nope.. I did everything by my self..i just took the colours from clubhabbbo.. And the look of their banner
yeh, if ur selling layout. i don't recommend saying that

17-02-2008, 01:14 PM
i didn't copy anything from clubhabbo, just the colors


Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

17-02-2008, 01:18 PM
Lmao dude, give up. You just admitted to ripping their banner and the color. Your just contradicting yourself each post.

17-02-2008, 01:19 PM
I was just watching Scrubs, and a little saying on there, is somthing called:


17-02-2008, 01:23 PM
See this is why when someone posts a design saying I used paint I switch to thinking they have ripped bits from sites. But not in all cases it's true. Paint is too easy to rip, you copy and paste, then cut out what you want, copy it and insert it into your design. Too easy so I have all respect for people who design using Fireworks, GIMP, Photoshop programs like that.

NOTE: Not dissing paint designers, alot are good and not rippers :)

17-02-2008, 01:26 PM
As I've said, all good Habbo designers use paint for around 98% of their design.

17-02-2008, 01:27 PM
As I've said, all good Habbo designers use paint for around 98% of their design.
Agreed. But alot of new Habbo designers use paint for ripping. BigMuscle just prooved it. Like you, your a good designer and clearlly you don't rip, and you design in paint for Habbo layouts. So I'm not saying ALL rip. Just a few :)

17-02-2008, 04:43 PM
lol. i did never use paint for my layout.. I just took the colors from clubhabbos site? It's not like they own the colors?

17-02-2008, 05:12 PM
you should give them out for free. people would appreciate it!

17-02-2008, 05:13 PM
They are all crap.

One is recoloured.

17-02-2008, 07:04 PM
you should give them out for free. people would appreciate it!
Lol.. I really need the domain.. So, i'm sorry, i can't.. but i could make some layouts for free later ;) -When i've got the domain..

17-02-2008, 07:05 PM
Lol.. I really need the domain.. So, i'm sorry, i can't.. but i could make some layouts for free later ;) -When i've got the domain..

You could copy & paste lots of layouts later.

17-02-2008, 07:06 PM
They are all crap.

One is recoloured.
Well, Thank you very much :BangHead: If you're not going to say anything nice, please stay out of my threads.. When people do things, they would like to get good comments, so they feel better for what they've done!

17-02-2008, 07:13 PM
Well, Thank you very much :BangHead: If you're not going to say anything nice, please stay out of my threads.. When people do things, they would like to get good comments, so they feel better for what they've done!

If all you're looking for is good comments, stop designing — now.

It is crap and cannot be improved at all.

17-02-2008, 07:15 PM
Well, Thank you very much :BangHead: If you're not going to say anything nice, please stay out of my threads.. When people do things, they would like to get good comments, so they feel better for what they've done!

The whole point of the designing and development is to show your designs so members can rate positively and negatively, how else would you learn on what to improve if everything is positive?

17-02-2008, 07:17 PM
The whole point of the designing and development is to show your designs so members can rate positively and negatively, how else would you learn on what to improve if everything is positive?

You could say " i don't like that part of the layout, but the other parts are good" etc..

17-02-2008, 07:18 PM
You could say " i don't like that part of the layout, but the other parts are good" etc..

I could, but that would take forever as you need to change alot, better if you recycle bin it

17-02-2008, 07:50 PM
If he was a "ripper" there would be NOTHING DIFFERENT, but your can clearly see its different.

Anyways, ClubHabbo's layouts old, every one wants up to date layouts such as HabboLakes & TheHabbos.

17-02-2008, 08:00 PM
*Text Removed*

Edited by opensourcehost (Forum Administrator): Please do not be rude.

17-02-2008, 08:04 PM
I'm with .:Jack120:. .. he's right.. If i would have ripped it, it would have looked exactly the same :S

17-02-2008, 08:07 PM
You're one of the most annoying, ill-experienced members on this forum. You act like you know head to toe about web development, yet you fail all the time.
What, and having php.net as your username makes you more experienced?

17-02-2008, 08:12 PM
I'm with .:Jack120:. .. he's right.. If i would have ripped it, it would have looked exactly the same :S

Who said you ripped it?

17-02-2008, 08:14 PM
Read the whole thread.. And you'll see :D

17-02-2008, 08:15 PM
so your selling all 4 layouts for one domain?
What you want reg/d with? / You want paypal?

17-02-2008, 08:30 PM
*Text Removed*

Edited by opensourcehost (Forum Administrator): Please do not be rude.

17-02-2008, 08:34 PM
php, stop being a waste of bandwidth and starting arguments pls.


17-02-2008, 08:58 PM
so your selling all 4 layouts for one domain?
What you want reg/d with? / You want paypal?
what does reg/d mean?
...And yes, i would like to have www.youhab.co.uk (http://www.youhab.co.uk) domain..
I don't have paypal, that why you need to buy the domain :S

17-02-2008, 09:00 PM
You're one of the most annoying, ill-experienced members on this forum. You act like you know head to toe about web development, yet you fail all the time.

I agree here, Jack, you have not shown off one piece of work, which is solely created by you?

17-02-2008, 09:04 PM
Please, don't go agains eachother..

17-02-2008, 09:04 PM
I agree here, Jack, you have not shown off one piece of work, which is solely created by you?

Hold on, habbcrazy don't count as you never made it from your head.

17-02-2008, 09:07 PM
reg/d is short for registered. =]

17-02-2008, 09:08 PM
Oh. Ok-

Edited by LucasAge (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly.

17-02-2008, 09:22 PM
Well I'm not interested in buying the layouts but the first two are kind of boring, and next time, before you try and watermark your images, Google the word 'transparency' and find a tutorial on how to use it. It is very difficult to get a good idea of what the layout would look like when all you can see if the copyright....

17-02-2008, 10:29 PM
I agree here, Jack, you have not shown off one piece of work, which is solely created by you?
Your Kidding me?

I have owned www.crazyhabbo.net, some of you may remember the layout.
Also HabboBank.Com and AirHabbo.Com.

All the layouts were created by me.
I am also currently working on another layout, which I will or will not post soon.

AirHabbo's layout.


17-02-2008, 10:33 PM
Your Kidding me?

I have owned www.crazyhabbo.net (http://www.crazyhabbo.net), some of you may remember the layout.
Also HabboBank.Com and AirHabbo.Com.

All the layouts were created by me.
I am also currently working on another layout, which I will or will not post soon.

AirHabbo's layout.

i remeber that layout. it was well gd

17-02-2008, 10:37 PM
With them, you ripped off Simons home systems,
Something of a layout from TheHabbos

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse othes of ripping.

17-02-2008, 10:39 PM
i remeber that layout. it was well gd
Thanks ;)

With them, you ripped off Simons home systems,
Something of a layout from TheHabbos

17-02-2008, 10:56 PM
With them, you ripped off Simons home systems,
Something of a layout from TheHabbos
actually, theres are profiles. not homes.

18-02-2008, 04:04 PM
Lol. You people go to a thread, and talk about other things :P

18-02-2008, 05:03 PM
i remeber that layout. it was well gd

That's honestly a Copy and Paste job.

18-02-2008, 05:05 PM
That's honestly a Copy and Paste job.
.:jack120:.'s layout? Nope.. It's not a C&P job.

18-02-2008, 05:10 PM
.:jack120:.'s layout? Nope.. It's not a C&P job.

You ripped those coded layouts.

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse others of ripping.

18-02-2008, 05:15 PM
That's honestly a Copy and Paste job.
To be able to say that, you must be able to proof it.

Also, I have previous versions of that layout, and any one who's been on this forum long enough, will remember me posting them asking for feedback.
So I think that just prove you wrong.

18-02-2008, 05:15 PM
You ripped those coded layouts.
I ripped them from myself.. >OMG<!! You're unbelieveable... -

As jack120 said: You need to PROOF it.. Otherwise you can't say anything !!
And it's not nice to say that people lie, when they don't :S

18-02-2008, 05:40 PM
Lol. You people go to a thread, and talk about other things :P

Are you trying to like host an argument?

and im with josh and php =D

18-02-2008, 05:42 PM
If you can code layouts why was you asking a fellow member to code one of your layouts? :S

18-02-2008, 06:45 PM
I can't code layouts!! I can only make them..!!
My friend, richbusta15 (on habbo uk) codes my layouts.. But there was one layout i asked Reconix to code.. And the Habbo Imager script is from HabboRing!!


18-02-2008, 07:03 PM
I ripped them from myself.. >OMG<!! You're unbelieveable... -

As jack120 said: You need to PROOF it.. Otherwise you can't say anything !!
And it's not nice to say that people lie, when they don't :S

I did proove it.
You stated you coded these layouts, in another thread, you had asked someone else to?

18-02-2008, 07:10 PM
I did proove it.
You stated you coded these layouts, in another thread, you had asked someone else to?
Lmao.. swedish people for ya' josh xD

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't go off topic.

18-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Lmao.. swedish people for ya' josh xD

Sorry, but what do you have against Swedish people?

18-02-2008, 07:12 PM
Nothing. Just a choice phrase ;)

18-02-2008, 07:21 PM
I did proove it.
You stated you coded these layouts, in another thread, you had asked someone else to?
MY FRIEND, CODED THEM!! www.habbo.co.uk/home/richbusta15 (http://www.habbo.co.uk/home/richbusta15) --He did it!!!!!!!!!!

Do you understand english? or are you just someone who understands nothing, and need to repeat everything someone's saying?!

18-02-2008, 07:22 PM
Nothing. Just a choice phrase ;)
What about the English Diaclect? hehe :P

Edited by LucasAge (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not multiple post within the 15 minutes editing time limit.

18-02-2008, 07:52 PM
What about the English Diaclect? hehe :P

& What about it

I said it, first?

18-02-2008, 08:16 PM
To be able to say that, you must be able to proof it.

Also, I have previous versions of that layout, and any one who's been on this forum long enough, will remember me posting them asking for feedback.
So I think that just prove you wrong.
Yah, i remember that also. It started as a box tbh and everyone gave him feedback, and it looked like that.

18-02-2008, 09:01 PM
To be able to say that, you must be able to proof it.

Also, I have previous versions of that layout, and any one who's been on this forum long enough, will remember me posting them asking for feedback.
So I think that just prove you wrong.

No, to say that I can remind myself that I have the right to voice my opinion.

That's clearly a copy and paste job. The header is probably taken frm ClubHabbo and trimmed down, with the content boxes pasted on from other layouts.

18-02-2008, 09:10 PM
No, to say that I can remind myself that I have the right to voice my opinion.

That's clearly a copy and paste job. The header is probably taken frm ClubHabbo and trimmed down, with the content boxes pasted on from other layouts.
Yes, I did copy and paste a few things, which is off my old layout (HabboBank) released BEFORE ClubHabbo's layout.
So don't start accusing me of "ripping" ClubHabbos now.

18-02-2008, 09:15 PM
*Text Removed*

Edited by opensourcehost (Forum Administrator): Please do not be rude.

18-02-2008, 09:28 PM
I don't recall directly targeting you, claiming you have ripped ClubHabbo.

HabboBank was a fail, just like the rest of your stupid fansites that only attract idiots and your life. Don't bother trying to tell me what to do either, Jack. I've saw a picture of you before and you don't look like Mr Tough Guy. Get outside, stop getting so wound up over the interwebs and try producing a successful website.
So you tell me not to tell you what to do yet you think you have the right to tell me what to do?
I have reasons I don't go out much.. manily because I won't want to travel to the other side of town.. and alot of my friends drink and I don't touch alcholol.
And where abouts in this thread did I say I was "Mr Tough Guy"?
So, you have seen me? But I haven't seen you.. yes, your mr Tought Guy ;)

18-02-2008, 10:08 PM
Ewww... They're horrible.

Gl selling tho... dunno who'll buy?

19-02-2008, 03:01 PM
Nothing. Just a choice phrase ;)

Well you better - I'm swedish.

19-02-2008, 03:09 PM
Well you better - I'm swedish.
Are you Swedish? :D :D :D :P :P :P ;) ;) ;) ;)

Edited by LucasAge (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post off topic comments.

19-02-2008, 03:10 PM
Going off topic in your own thread ...

Also innocent until proven guilty.

19-02-2008, 03:45 PM
Are you Swedish? :D :D :D :P :P :P ;) ;) ;) ;)

Yes. I moved to the UK when I was 6.

19-02-2008, 04:05 PM
Well you better - I'm swedish.
Did not mean to offend - Sorry.

23-02-2008, 11:26 AM
Lol.. keep rating people :D No one's rated.. Only talked about other thigns :S

28-02-2008, 06:56 PM

28-02-2008, 07:21 PM

Edited by lAscend (Forum Moderator): Please don't avoid the filter.

28-02-2008, 08:13 PM
What does that mean? :S

28-02-2008, 10:21 PM
What does that mean? :S

I was bored.

It means, do not care etc.

29-02-2008, 11:05 AM
I was bored.

It means, do not care etc.
Lol :D You just wanted your post rank higher :P

29-02-2008, 01:49 PM
Nice layout. I'll maybe buy it from you, when i got money on my PayPal. A question; Is it coded?
If it's not coded, i could just buy the .psd file of it, and i'll code it myself.

29-02-2008, 01:58 PM
Ok. contact me when you have the money ;)

29-02-2008, 02:57 PM
Ok. contact me when you have the money ;)

I thought you couldn't accept British paypal? :P

29-02-2008, 03:50 PM
I thought you couldn't accept British paypal? :P
LOOL.. I don't have paypal at all. I said contact me when you got the cash, because he could pay by buying me a domain. I told him that on msn ;)

01-03-2008, 06:20 PM
*Sorry for double post, but i couldn't edit*
Ok people. I wonder if someone could help me now..?
I just registred on payPal, how do i use it? How can i pay things, how can i recieve things, do i have an account number or what?

Anything that helps, will be appreciated, and you'll get +rep :o

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