View Full Version : Bouncers - For The HabboLive Party Room

17-02-2008, 03:08 PM
Hi Again,

Sorry its me again :eusa_whis

Well I am currently employing bouncers to manage the party's and do general help. I was Trustworthy and Loyal Habbos to help so known of the silly people

For more information contact me using Habbo UK or send me a private message on here.

My Habbo Name UK or Canada is - Jbz-Hotboy

Thank You :eusa_clap

11-03-2008, 06:55 PM
What are they going to do? " *kicks* *punches* get out of the party *kicks agen!!1* "

14-03-2008, 04:42 PM
What are they going to do? " *kicks* *punches* get out of the party *kicks agen!!1* "

itll prob be like da mafia rooms
open lodge door
nerd stands in front,
hotboy stands der shoutin his orders..
"ok bouncer move to da side and let dis cool dude in den move bk asap"
just sum nerd stood der with rites massive kik wars against people who aint supposed to be der

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